

MSH: An antiandrogen with about the same potency as cyproterone in rodent and canine species.,NCI: An anticancer drug that is a type of antiandrogen.,PDQ: A toluidine derivative and nonsteroidal antiandrogen that is structurally related to bicalutamide and nilutamide. Flutamide and its more potent active metabolite 2-hydroxyflutamide competitively block dihydrotestosterone binding at androgen receptors, forming inactive complexes which cannot translocate into the cell nucleus. Formation of inactive receptors inhibits androgen-dependent DNA and protein synthesis, resulting in tumor cell growth arrest or transient tumor regression. Check for "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39811&idtype=1" active clinical trials or "http://www.cancer.gov/Search/ClinicalTrialsLink.aspx?id=39811&idtype=1&closed=1" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("http://nciterms.nci.nih.gov:80/NCIBrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&code=C509" NCI Thesaurus),NCI: A toluidine derivative and a nonster

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