

MSH: Semidomesticated variety of European polecat much used for hunting RODENTS and/or RABBITS and as a laboratory animal. It is in the subfamily Mustelinae, family MUSTELIDAE.,CSP: animal of the weasel family (Mustela or Putorius furo), about fourteen inches in length.,NCI: A small domestic mammal of the type Mustela putorious, with an elongated body and brown, black, white, or mixed fur. The ferret is carnivorous and crepuscular, spending 14-18 hours a day sleeping. This animal is prone to adrenal cancers, insulinoma, and lymphoma. In pre-clinical research, the ferret is used most commonly in toxicological screening and studies involving human influenza virus, as well as studies in reproductive physiology, anatomy, endocrinology and neuroscience.,NCI: The common domestic mammal, Mustela putorious.

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