Diabetes Insipidus


MSH: A disease that is characterized by frequent urination, excretion of large amounts of dilute URINE, and excessive THIRST. Etiologies of diabetes insipidus include deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (also known as ADH or VASOPRESSIN) secreted by the NEUROHYPOPHYSIS, impaired KIDNEY response to ADH, and impaired hypothalamic regulation of thirst.,CSP: metabolic disorder due to injury of the neurohypophyseal system; results in deficient quanity of antidiuretic hormone being released or produced, failure of tubular reabsorption of water in the kidney.,NCI: A disorder characterized by excretion of large amounts of urine, accompanied by excessive thirst. Causes include deficiency of antidiuretic hormone or failure of the kidneys to respond to antidiuretic hormone. It may also be drug-related.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Diabetes insipidus (DI) causes frequent urination. You become extremely thirsty, so you drink. Then you urinate. This cycle can keep you from sleeping or even make you wet the bed. Your body produces big vo

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