MSH: A group of acidic proteins that are major components of SECRETORY GRANULES in the endocrine and neuroendocrine cells. They play important roles in the aggregation, packaging, sorting, and processing of secretory protein prior to secretion. They are cleaved to release biologically active peptides. There are various types of granins, usually classified by their sources.,CSP: any of a group of acidic polypeptides that are the soluble protein constituents of the secretory granules of the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla; they are also widely distributed in endocrine tissues and tumor cells.,NCI: Chromogranins are acidic secretory glycoproteins with a widespread but specific distribution in neuroendocrine tissues. The chromogranin family is heterogenous, consisting of propeptides such as chromogranin-A, chromogranin-B and secretogranin II, which can either elicit an effect themselves, or serve as precursors to a large number of peptides, which are biologically more active.