

MSH: Techniques used to separate mixtures of substances based on differences in the relative affinities of the substances for mobile and stationary phases. A mobile phase (fluid or gas) passes through a column containing a stationary phase of porous solid or liquid coated on a solid support. Usage is both analytical for small amounts and preparative for bulk amounts.,CSP: diverse group of techniques used to separate mixtures of substances based on differences in relative affinities for two different media, one a mobile phase and the other a stationary or sorbent phase.,NCI: A technique for the separation of complex mixtures that relies on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass.,NCI: A laboratory technique used to separate different substances in a mixture. A gas or a liquid is used to pass the mixture through a column, paper, or special plate that contains absorbing materials. The substances in the mixture are s

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