Child health care


MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Your child's health includes physical, mental and social well-being. Most parents know the basics of keeping children healthy, like offering them healthy foods, making sure they get enough sleep and exercise and insuring their <a href=''>safety</a>. </p><p>It is also important for children to get regular checkups with their health care provider. These visits are a chance to check your child's <a href=''>development</a>. They are also a good time to catch or prevent problems.</p> <p>Other than checkups, school-age children should be seen for</p><ul> <li>Significant weight gain or loss</li> <li>Sleep problems or change in behavior</li> <li>Fever higher than 102</li> <li>Rashes or skin infections</li> <li>Frequent sore throats</li> <li>Breathing problems</li></ul>

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