Cesarean section


MSH: Extraction of the FETUS by means of abdominal HYSTEROTOMY.,CSP: extraction of the fetus by means of abdominal hysterotomy.,NCI: The delivery of an infant through a surgical abdominal incision. Surgery is performed when there may be complications associated with a vaginal birth and increased risk to the mother or fetus.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>A Cesarean section (C-section) is surgery to deliver a baby. The baby is taken out through the mother's abdomen. In the United States, about one in four women have their babies this way. Most C-sections are done when <a href='http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/childbirthproblems.html'>unexpected problems</a> happen during delivery. These include</p><ul><li>Health problems in the mother</li><li>The position of the baby </li><li>Not enough room for the baby to go through the vagina</li><li>Signs of distress in the baby</li></ul><p>C-sections are also more common among women carrying more than one baby.</p><p>The surgery is relatively safe for mother and baby. Still, it is maj

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