umls-concept:C0006611 | skos:definition | NCI: A substance found on certain epithelial cells (cells that cover organs, glands, and other body surfaces) and on breast cells involved in making milk. It is also found on tumors of the breast, ovary, lung, and prostate. MUC-1 is a type of tumor marker.,MSH: Carbohydrate antigen elevated in patients with tumors of the breast, ovary, lung, and prostate as well as other disorders. The mucin is expressed normally by most glandular epithelia but shows particularly increased expression in the breast at lactation and in malignancy. It is thus an established serum marker for breast cancer.,PDQ: MUC-1 antigen is a mammary-type apomucin, a high molecular weight transmembrane glycoprotein, of which the extracellular domain is formed by a repeating 20 amino acid sequence (in tandem) with a high content of serine and threonine on which are O-linked carbohydrate chains. MUC-1 synthesis and secretion are features of glandular epithelial tissues, and is overexpressed in lactating breast and in breast, ovary, lung, and pr | lld:umls |