CD4 Antigens


MSH: 55-kDa antigens found on HELPER-INDUCER T-LYMPHOCYTES and on a variety of other immune cell types. CD4 antigens are members of the immunoglobulin supergene family and are implicated as associative recognition elements in MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX class II-restricted immune responses. On T-lymphocytes they define the helper/inducer subset. CD4 antigens also serve as INTERLEUKIN-15 receptors and bind to the HIV receptors, binding directly to the HIV ENVELOPE PROTEIN GP120.,CSP: helper T-lymphocyte marker that functions as a receptor for MHC class II antigen; also acts as the receptor for HIV.,NCI: CD4 Antigen, encoded by the CD4 gene, is a T-cell surface glycoprotein. CD4 has a role in cell-cell interactions and may act in signal transduction. CD4 is a accessory protein for MHC class-II antigen/T-cell receptor interaction and functions to initiate or augment the early phase of T-cell activation. CD4 enhances T-cell sensitivity to antigen and binds to LCK, which phosphorylates CD3-zeta. CD4 Antigen a

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