

MSH: A short-acting opioid anesthetic and analgesic derivative of FENTANYL. It produces an early peak analgesic effect and fast recovery of consciousness. Alfentanil is effective as an anesthetic during surgery, for supplementation of analgesia during surgical procedures, and as an analgesic for critically ill patients.,NCI: A synthetic short-acting opioid with analgesic and local anesthesia enhancing activity. Alfentanil primarily binds to mu-opioid receptor, a G-protein-coupled receptor, thereby mimicking the actions of morphine, the prototypical mu receptor agonist. This agent induces anti-nociception responses mediated through inhibiting the release of various neurotransmitters such as substance P, GABA, dopamine, acetylcholine and noradrenaline; in addition, the release of vasopressin, somatostatin, insulin and glucagon are also inhibited.

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