pubmed-article:52577 | pubmed:abstractText | The present studies are concerned with properties of amidinated erythrocytes. The reactions of dimethyladipimidate with proteins in solution and red blood cells, respectively, result in an intermolecular cross-linking. Following an amidination of human serum albumin or human gamma-globulin cross-linked products of increased molecular weight have been demonstrated by polyacrylamide gel and immune electrophoresis. Human erythrocytes previously amidinated intensely, exhibit a restricted motility of membrane particles and cross-linked hemoglobin. Intensely amidinated erythrocytes are resistant against distilled water, and they do no longer agglutinate. The findings presumably indicate an increased permeability of the amidinated red cell membrane. The glycolytic activity was found to be normal in moderately amidinated erythrocytes. In comparison with normal red blood cells, previously moderately amidinated erythrocytes of the rat become sequestered more quickly after re-injection into the vascular system. | lld:pubmed |