The extraction of the spectrum corresponding to a single extreme-ultraviolet ultrashort pulse embedded in an extended spectrum may alter the duration of the pulse itself. This is due to the spectral filtering of optics and the differences in the optical path of the rays caused by ordinary diffraction when a grating is used. The basic mechanism that leads to the latter effect is the difference of one wavelength of the path length of two rays diffracted at the first order by nearby grating grooves. A study of these effects and some possible solutions obtained from using a pair of diffraction gratings is presented. The aim of this study is the selection without dispersion of one or more high-order laser harmonics produced by a pulse lasting a few femtoseconds and interacting with a gas jet.
Laboratorio di Elettronica Quantistica, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Università degli Studi di Padova, via Gradenigo 6a, 35131 Padova, Italia.