This was a retrospective review of the experience of face and brow presentation deliveries in South Glamorgan between 1990 and 1996. The incidence of face and brow presentation was 1 in 994 and 1 in 755 deliveries respectively (no cases of cranial vault anomalies in this series). There was a higher incidence of prematurity and very low birthweight among infants delivered by face presentation and higher incidence of postmaturity among those delivered by brow when compared with the vertex population in the same period. Over half of malpresentations were diagnosed in the second stage. Most fetuses presenting by the brow were delivered by caesarean section and 56% of fetuses presenting by face presentation achieved a vaginal delivery. The reported incidence of these forms of deflexed cephalic attitudes has gradually changed over the last century especially over the past decade when the incidence of face is no longer more common than brow presentation.