Massive fetomaternal transplacental hemorrhage is not simply a problem of possible alloimunization in Rh incompatibility but also endangers the fetus (newborn) by massive anemization. Bleeding from placental vessels can occur after small trauma to the gravid uterus with mild or no clinical signs (bleeding or spotting, pain, hypertonus). The rupture of anchoring villi related to early uterine contractions is also possible. In the case of slow blood loss, the fetus reacts by adequate or inadequate compensatory reactions (hydrops fetus). Rapid and massive blood loss is followed by perinatal hypoxic damage and finally death. Our goal was to map out the diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities in regard to specific neonatal care.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, General Faculty Hospital, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Apolinarska 18, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic.