Inhibition of host TRAFs by virus

Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting TRAF proteins. After viral infection, the cellular signaling pathway leading to production of interferons is activated and several TRAF family members including TRAF2, TRAF3, and TRAF5 participate in this cascade. Many viruses encode protein able to interact with TRAF members to inhibit their antiviral activity.


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Viral protein involved in the evasion of host innate defense by inhibiting TRAF proteins. After viral infection, the cellular signaling pathway leading to production of interferons is activated and several TRAF family members including TRAF2, TRAF3, and TRAF5 participate in this cascade. Many viruses encode protein able to interact with TRAF members to inhibit their antiviral activity.
Inhibition of host TRAFs by virus