Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
1994 publication year MI:0886, A murine macrophage cDNA library was used. library-used MI:0672, Cancer - Interactions investigated in the context of cancer dataset MI:0875, Cell (0092-8674) journal MI:0885, Chromatin - Epigenetic interactions resulting in chromatin modulation dataset MI:0875, Control experiments were used to verify that the RB-mBRG1 interaction was specific and also independent of DNA-binding domain used and promoter driving transcription of the indicator gene (GAL1 promoter and CYC1 promoter used). Gal-Rb and LexD-Rb were used to check the binding domain. It was found Gal-Rb gave a slightly weaker signal than LexD-Rb. exp-modification MI:0627, Dunaief JL., Strober BE., Guha S., Khavari PA., Alin K., Luban J., Begemann M., Crabtree GR., Goff SP. author-list MI:0636, The range of BRG1 was deduced by mapping what is visible in Figure 1 in the pdf e.g., the last amino acids of the sequence are QNAQTF which correspond to the six aa ending at position 1509. data-processing MI:0633, The ranges of BRG1 were deduced by mapping what is visible in Figure 1 in the pdf e.g., the last amino acids of the sequence are QNAQTF which correspond to the six aa ending at position 1509. Note the C36 antibody is not specific for pRb and thus coimmunoprecipitations using this could not be curated. data-processing MI:0633, The retinoblastoma protein and BRG1 form a complex and cooperate to induce cell cycle arrest.