Statements in which the resource exists as a subject.
2008 publication year MI:0886, 8 last-imex-assigned, Apoptosis - Interactions involving proteins with a function related to apoptosis dataset MI:0875, Cancer - Interactions investigated in the context of cancer dataset MI:0875, Cancer Cell (1535-6108) journal MI:0885, Cells were stimulated with CD95L-T4. exp-modification MI:0627, Kleber S., Sancho-Martinez I., Wiestler B., Beisel A., Gieffers C., Hill O., Thiemann M., Mueller W., Sykora J., Kuhn A., Schreglmann N., Letellier E., Zuliani C., Klussmann S., Teodorczyk M., Grone HJ., Ganten TM., Sultmann H., Tuttenberg J., von Deimling A., Regnier-Vigouroux A., Herold-Mende C., Martin-Villalba A. author-list MI:0636, Only protein-protein interactions full coverage MI:0957, The coimmunoprecipitations involving p85 could not be curated as the antibody was not specific for the alpha or the beta form. data-processing MI:0633, Yes and PI3K Bind CD95 to Signal Invasion of Glioblastoma., contact-email MI:0634, imex curation MI:0959, imex curation curation depth MI:0955