J. Biol. Chem.

Enterococcus hirae possesses two P-type ATPases, CopA and CopB, that are involved in copper homeostasis. These enzymes are induced by extracellular copper concentrations that are either too low or too high for optimal growth. To identify the regulatory proteins involved in induction, the DNA upstream of copA was cloned and sequenced. Following a putative promoter region, it contains two genes, copY and copZ, that encode proteins of 145 and 69 amino acids, respectively. Both proteins contain metal binding motifs and exhibit significant sequence similarity to known regulatory proteins. Gene disruption of copY by reverse genetics caused constitutive overexpression of CopA and CopB, generating a copper-dependent phenotype. In contrast, disruption of copZ suppressed the expression of the two copper-ATPases, rendering the cells copper-sensitive. Both null mutations could be complemented in trans with plasmids bearing copY or copZ. Thus, copY and copZ encode trans-acting metalloregulatory proteins that are required for induction of the cop operon by copper. In this mechanism, CopY apparently acts as a metal-fist type repressor and CopZ as an activator.


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