C-type lectins (C-TLs) are carbohydrate-binding proteins central to diverse physiological processes including immunity, venom-induced haemostasis and wound repair. Here we describe the cloning of Na-ctl-2, a cDNA encoding a secreted C-TL from the human hookworm Necator americanus. The transcript was detected in mRNA from adult worms but not infective larvae. The cDNA encoded an N-terminal secretory signal peptide followed by a long-form C-TL domain with sequence similarity to C-TL-like proteins from Caenorhabditis elegans and mammalian antigen presenting cell receptors, suggesting that hookworms might utilise this class of lectin to interrupt anti-parasite immune responses or interfere with host clotting mechanisms. This is the first report of a full-length cDNA encoding a lectin from hookworms. The unusually skewed representation of this protein family within different nematode genera and its subsequent impact on the evolution of nematode parasitism is discussed.