. "BACKGROUND: Cellulases, which catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in cellulose, can be classified into several different protein families. Endoglucanase CelA is a member of glycosyl hydrolase family 8, a family for which no structural information was previously available. RESULTS: The crystal structure of CelA was determined by multiple isomorphous replacement and refined to 1.65 A resolution. The protein folds into a regular (alpha/alpha)6 barrel formed by six inner and six outer alpha helices. Cello-oligosaccharides bind to an acidic cleft containing at least five D-glucosyl-binding subsites (A-E) such that the scissile glycosidic linkage lies between subsites C and D. The strictly conserved residue Glu95, which occupies the center of the substrate-binding cleft and is hydrogen bonded to the glycosidic oxygen, has been assigned the catalytic role of proton donor. CONCLUSIONS: The present analysis provides a basis for modeling homologous family 8 cellulases. The architecture of the active-site cleft, presenting at least five glucosyl-binding subsites, explains why family 8 cellulases cleave cello-oligosaccharide polymers that are at least five D-glycosyl subunits long. Furthermore, the structure of CelA allows comparison with (alpha/alpha)6 barrel glycosidases that are not related in sequence, suggesting a possible, albeit distant, evolutionary relationship between different families of glycosyl hydrolases." . . . "Structure" . "Alzari P.M." . "Souchon H." . "Dominguez R." . "1996"^^ . "265-275" . "The crystal structure of endoglucanase CelA, a family 8 glycosyl hydrolase from Clostridium thermocellum." . "4" . "doi:10.1016/S0969-2126(96)00031-7" .