. "The promoter region of the ovine P45011 beta gene has been cloned and sequenced. This clone contained 2068 bp of the regulatory region and 232 bp of the exon 1. Comparison of this sequence to other P45011 beta promoter sequences revealed six elements that may confer cAMP responsiveness and cell-specific expression to the ovine P45011 beta gene. We obtained consensus sequences for a number of cis-acting elements needed to mediate cAMP responsiveness to the gene. We also report the presence of two new elements, CRE2 and a TRE, located far upstream from the translational site that may participate in the regulation of the ovine P45011 beta gene." . . . "Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int." . "Coghlan J.P." . "Jeyaseelan K." . "Anwar A." . "1994"^^ . "1169-1178" . "Molecular cloning and characterization of the ovine CYP11B1 promoter." . "33" .