. "\"OBSOLETE. The conversion of proteins that induce or sustain apoptosis to an active form.\" [GOC:mah, GOC:mtg_apoptosis]" . . "activation of pro-apoptotic gene products" . "Reactome:REACT_104895 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1320 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_29115 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_78179 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_84905 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_88929 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_94301 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_94673 \"Caspase-8 activates BID by cleavage, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_100125 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_101486 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_107597 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_112277 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1610 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_86117 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_99921 \"Granzyme-B activates BID by cleavage, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_100369 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Danio rerio\"" . "Reactome:REACT_101132 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_101251 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Danio rerio\"" . "Reactome:REACT_101322 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_101888 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_102426 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_102689 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_103613 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_103971 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_105161 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_105349 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_105646 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_106071 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_106739 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_107241 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_108564 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_108722 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_108875 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_110022 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_110545 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_110702 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_110737 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_112012 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_112394 \"Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_112824 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Caenorhabditis elegans\"" . "Reactome:REACT_112867 \"Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_113401 \"Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_115069 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_115317 \"Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1194 \"Activation of NOXA and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_121 \"Activation of PUMA and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1424 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1503 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_1650 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_2100 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_28422 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_30650 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_31592 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_32445 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_33117 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_33493 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Danio rerio\"" . "Reactome:REACT_34491 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_549 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_584 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_697 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_701 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_707 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_77164 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_77838 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_79385 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_79715 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_79801 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_80000 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_81120 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_81817 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_82840 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85149 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85403 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85478 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85639 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85678 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_85851 \"Activation and oligomerization of BAK protein, Sus scrofa\"" . "Reactome:REACT_86237 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_87139 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_87505 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_89382 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_89481 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_90515 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_91640 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_91879 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_92391 \"Caspase-8 is formed from procaspase-8, Danio rerio\"" . "Reactome:REACT_92522 \"Activation of BMF and translocation to mitochondria, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_93668 \"Activation of BIM and translocation to mitochondria, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_93967 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_95412 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_95730 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_97025 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Xenopus tropicalis\"" . "Reactome:REACT_97320 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_97426 \"Activation of BH3-only proteins, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_98282 \"Activation, translocation and oligomerization of BAX, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . "Reactome:REACT_98335 \"Activation, myristolyation of BID and translocation to mitochondria, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_99698 \"tBID activates BAK protein, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_99912 \"Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria, Canis familiaris\"" . "This term was made obsolete because more specific terms were created. Additionally, the meaning of the term is ambiguous (some gene products may be involved in apoptosis, or not, depending on cell type, tissue, condition)." . "obsolete" . "induction of pro-apoptotic gene products" .