. "\"Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a peptide bond not more than three residues from the C-terminus of a polypeptide chain by a catalytic mechanism that involves a catalytic triad consisting of a serine nucleophile that is activated by a proton relay involving an acidic residue (e.g. aspartate or glutamate) and a basic residue (usually histidine).\" [http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/about/glossary.htm#CARBOXYPEPTIDASE, http://merops.sanger.ac.uk/about/glossary.htm#CATTYPE, ISBN:0716720094]" . . "serine-type carboxypeptidase activity" . "serine carboxypeptidase activity" . "EC:3.4.16" . "Reactome:REACT_109426 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Bos taurus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_6 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Homo sapiens\"" . "Reactome:REACT_79406 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Mus musculus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_83670 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Rattus norvegicus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_92499 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Gallus gallus\"" . "Reactome:REACT_95826 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Canis familiaris\"" . "Reactome:REACT_98506 \"prekallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer -> kallikrein:kininogen:C1q binding protein tetramer, Taeniopygia guttata\"" . . .