. "FUNCTION: Kininogens are plasma glycoproteins with a number of functions: (1) as precursor of the active peptide bradykinin they effect smooth muscle contraction, induction of hypotension and increase of vascular permeability. (2) They play a role in blood coagulation by helping to position optimally prekallikrein and factor XI next to factor XII. (3) They are inhibitor of thiol proteases. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Secreted, extracellular space. TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Plasma. INDUCTION: In response to an inflammatory stimulant. T-kininogen II synthesis is induced and the plasma concentration of T- kininogen I is raised. PTM: As T-kinin is preceded by a Met instead of an Arg or Lys, it is not released from its precursor by either tissue or plasma kallikrein. MISCELLANEOUS: Rats express four types of kininogens: the classical HMW and LMW kininogens produced by alternative splicing of the same gene, and two additional LMW-like kininogens: T-I and T-II. SIMILARITY: Contains 3 cystatin domains. GENE SYNONYMS:Map1. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium (http://www.uniprot.org/). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License."^^ . "SEQUENCE 430 AA; 47775 MW; FEBBF28FA44793C3 CRC64;"^^ . . . . "KNT1_RAT"^^ . "Map1"^^ . "T-kinin"^^ . "T-kininogen I light chain"^^ . "T-kininogen I heavy chain"^^ . "T-kininogen I"^^ . "T-kininogen 1 heavy chain"^^ . "Thiostatin"^^ . "Alpha-1-MAP"^^ . "Major acute phase protein"^^ . "T-kininogen 1 light chain"^^ . . . "MKLITILLLCSRLLPSLAQEEGAQELNCNDETVFQAVDTALKKYNAELESGNQFVLYRVTEGTKKDGAETLYSFKYQIKEGNCSVQSGLTWQDCDFKDAEEAATGECTTTLGKKENKFSVATQICNITPGKGPKKTEEDLCVGCFQPIPMDSSDLKPVLKHAVEHFNNNTKHTHLFALREVKSAHSQVVAGMNYKIIYSIVQTNCSKEDFPSLREDCVPLPYGDHGECTGHTHVDIHNTIAGFSQSCDLYPGDDLFELLPKNCRGCPREIPVDSPELKEALGHSIAQLNAQHNHIFYFKIDTVKKATSQVVAGVIYVIEFIARETNCSKQSKTELTADCETKHLGQSLNCNANVYMRPWENKVVPTVRCQALDMMISRPPGFSPFRLVRVQETKEGTTRLLNSCEYKGRLSKARAGPAPDHQAEASTVTP"^^ . "T-kininogen 1"^^ .