. "FUNCTION: Leu-enkephalins compete with and mimic the effects of opiate drugs. They play a role in a number of physiologic functions, including pain perception and responses to stress (By similarity). FUNCTION: Dynorphin peptides differentially regulate the kappa opioid receptor. Dynorphin A(1-13) has a typical opiod activity, it is 700 times more potent than Leu-enkephalin (By similarity). FUNCTION: Leumorphin has a typical opiod activity and may have anti-apoptotic effect (By similarity). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Secreted. PTM: The N-terminal domain contains 6 conserved cysteines thought to be involved in disulfide bonding and/or processing. SIMILARITY: Belongs to the opioid neuropeptide precursor family. GENE SYNONYMS:Pdyn. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium (http://www.uniprot.org/). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License."^^ . "SEQUENCE 248 AA; 28055 MW; EDD49766CCD5DA6E CRC64;"^^ . . . "PDYN_MOUSE"^^ . "Leu-enkephalin"^^ . "Big dynorphin"^^ . "Rimorphin"^^ . "Preprodynorphin"^^ . "Leumorphin"^^ . "Beta-neoendorphin"^^ . "Dynorphin A(1-13)"^^ . "Dynorphin B-29"^^ . "Dyn-B"^^ . "Dyn-A17"^^ . "Alpha-neoendorphin"^^ . "Dynorphin A"^^ . "Dynorphin B"^^ . "Dynorphin A(1-17)"^^ . "Beta-neoendorphin-dynorphin"^^ . "Dynorphin B(1-13)"^^ . "Dynorphin A(1-8)"^^ . "Big Dyn"^^ . "Pdyn"^^ . . "MAWSRLMLAACLLVMPSNVMADCLSLCSLCAVRIQDGPRPINPLICSLECQDLVPPSEEWETCRGFSSFLTLTVSGLRGKDDLEDEVALEEGISAHAKLLEPVLKELEKSRLLTSVPEEKFRGLSSSFGNGKESELAGADRMNDEAAQGRTVHFNEEDLRKQAKRYGGFLRKYPKRSSEMARDEDGGQDGDQVGHEDLYKRYGGFLRRIRPKLKWDNQKRYGGFLRRQFKVVTRSQENPNTYSEDLDV"^^ . "Proenkephalin-B"^^ .