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"Chaperonin containing T-complex polypeptide 1 subunit 6A"^^ . "nmde2_mouse"^^ . "dlg1_mouse"^^ . "actb_human"^^ . "psa3_yeast"^^ . "tom1_human"^^ . "pop2_yeast"^^ . "cdc3_yeast"^^ . "lamb1_human"^^ . "goga2_human"^^ . "1433g_human"^^ . "ubiq_mouse"^^ . "smad7_mouse"^^ . "psmd2_human"^^ . "top1_human"^^ . "rl17_human"^^ . "sf3a1_human"^^ . "arhg7_rat"^^ . "cdc42_yeast"^^ . "smd1_mouse"^^ . "ruvv_vaccc"^^ . "ef1a_yeast"^^ . "dxs_helpy"^^ . "yk12_yeast"^^ . "lys1_yeast"^^ . "drs1_yeast"^^ . "rrp15_yeast"^^ . "q96c32_human"^^ . "lcp2_drome"^^ . "q9w5x1_drome"^^ . "q95tl8_drome"^^ . "xpo1_drome"^^ . "gst7_caeel"^^ . "yhha_ecoli"^^ . "rs6_mouse"^^ . "o83411_trepa"^^ . "rimb1_human"^^ . "cki1_schpo"^^ . "taf9_mouse"^^ . "cenpq_mouse"^^ . "CAF1"^^ . "PAK-interacting exchange factor beta"^^ . "Beta-Pix"^^ . "Arhgef7"^^ . "Lcp2"^^ . "PD-1"^^ . "Transcription initiation factor TFIID 31 kDa subunit"^^ . "Laminin B1 chain"^^ . "Laminin-8 subunit beta"^^ . "Laminin-1 subunit beta"^^ . "Laminin-6 subunit beta"^^ . "Laminin-12 subunit beta"^^ . "LAMB1"^^ . "Laminin-10 subunit beta"^^ . "Laminin-2 subunit beta"^^ . "TOM1"^^ . "Phosphoprotein NP33"^^ . "CDC3"^^ . "60S ribosomal protein L23"^^ . "Ubb"^^ . "YWHAG"^^ . "CCT6"^^ . "TOP1"^^ . "POP2"^^ . "Smad7"^^ . "SMAD family member 7"^^ . "26S proteasome subunit p97"^^ . "Beta-actin"^^ . "CDC42"^^ . "Synapse-associated protein 97"^^ . "Dlg1"^^ . "RBP1"^^ . "ACTB"^^ . "Rps6"^^ . "Grin2b"^^ . "SF3a120"^^ . "DNA topoisomerase I"^^ . "RPL17"^^ . "CCR4-associated factor 1"^^ . "N-methyl D-aspartate receptor subtype 2B"^^ . "PRC1"^^ . "Rps27a"^^ . "TEF1"^^ . "Spliceosome-associated protein 114"^^ . "SF3A1"^^ . "TEF2"^^ . "cki1"^^ . "Transcription initiation factor TFIID 32 kDa subunit"^^ . "Taf9"^^ . "RNA polymerase II TBP-associated factor subunit G"^^ . "Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 8"^^ . "TRAP2"^^ . "PSMD2"^^ . "snRNP core protein D1"^^ . "Sm-D autoantigen"^^ . "MoDP 2"^^ . "TTCP20"^^ . "T complex protein, zeta 1 subunit"^^ . "Amino acid transport defect complementing"^^ . "T complex homolog TCP20"^^ . "TCPZ"^^ . "HTR3"^^ . "Histidine transport regulator 3"^^ . "MGC126214"^^ . "Acute morphine dependence related protein 2"^^ . "Chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6A isoform a"^^ . "CCT zeta"^^ . "MGC126215"^^ . "Chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 6A isoform b"^^ . "Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 6A zeta 1"^^ . "Cctz"^^ . "Chaperonin containing T-complex subunit 6"^^ . "Tcp20"^^ . "TCP 1 zeta"^^ . "CCT zeta 1"^^ . "RIMS-binding protein 1"^^ . "Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor-interacting protein"^^ . "BZRAP1"^^ . "GST class-sigma"^^ . "Ubc"^^ . "SAP114"^^ . "Snrpd1"^^ . "KIAA0612"^^ . "Protein 55.11"^^ . "GM130 autoantigen"^^ . "130 kDa cis-Golgi matrix protein"^^ . "Golgin-95"^^ . "GOLGA2"^^ . "Suppressor of RHO3 protein 2"^^ . "Cenpq"^^ . "Proteinase YSCE subunit 1"^^ . "Multicatalytic endopeptidase complex subunit C1"^^ . "PRE10"^^ . "Macropain subunit C1"^^ . "Uba52"^^ . "Madh7"^^ . "Dlgh1"^^ . "PRS1"^^ . "O6650"^^ . "YOR362C"^^ . "N3470"^^ . "YNR052C"^^ . "YLR314C"^^ . "L8543.7"^^ . "Pak3bp"^^ . "Ubcep1"^^ . "Ubcep2"^^ . "Uba80"^^ . "Madh8"^^ . "Pixb"^^ . "Protein kinase C inhibitor pro"^^ . "YLR229C"^^ . "SRO2"^^ . "L8083.13"^^ . "A22R"^^ . "Embryo-dlg/synapse-associated"^^ . "YPR080W"^^ . "YBR118W"^^ . "YBR0913"^^ . "P9513.7"^^ . "Eukaryotic elongation factor 1A"^^ . "Translation elongation factor 1A"^^ . "1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate synthase"^^ . "HP_0354"^^ . "dxs"^^ . "YKR032W"^^ . "Lysine--2-oxoglutarate reductase"^^ . "LYS1"^^ . "YIR034C"^^ . "DRS1"^^ . "YLL008W"^^ . "L1345"^^ . "Deficiency of ribosomal subunits protein 1"^^ . "YPR143W"^^ . "RRP15"^^ . "26S proteasome regulatory subu"^^ . "Larval cuticle protein II"^^ . "CG8697"^^ . "Dmel_CG9572"^^ . "CG9572"^^ . "CG9572-RA"^^ . "CG9911"^^ . "Dmel_CG9911"^^ . "CG13387"^^ . "Crm1"^^ . "emb"^^ . "Protein embargoed"^^ . "Chromosome region maintenance 1 protein"^^ . "gst-7"^^ . "F11G11.2"^^ . "Tumor necrosis factor type 1 r"^^ . "yhhA"^^ . "b3448"^^ . "TP_0396"^^ . "RIMBP1"^^ . "SPBC1347.06c"^^ . "Taf2g"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase"^^ . "Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7"^^ . "Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 9"^^ . "Laminin subunit beta-1"^^ . "40S ribosomal protein S6"^^ . "Ubiquitin"^^ . "14-3-3 protein gamma"^^ . "60S ribosomal protein L17"^^ . "Actin, cytoplasmic 1"^^ . "Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 7"^^ . "26S proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 2"^^ . "Disks large homolog 1"^^ . "Cell division control protein 42"^^ . "Exportin-1"^^ . "DNA topoisomerase 1"^^ . "Glutamate [NMDA] receptor subunit epsilon-2"^^ . "Splicing factor 3A subunit 1"^^ . "Casein kinase I homolog 1"^^ . "Centromere protein Q"^^ . "Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D1"^^ . "Peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor-associated protein 1"^^ . "Target of Myb protein 1"^^ . "Golgin subfamily A member 2"^^ . "Proteasome component C1"^^ . "Poly(A) ribonuclease POP2"^^ . "Cell division control protein 3"^^ . "Elongation factor 1-alpha"^^ . "Holliday junction resolvase"^^ . "Putative uncharacterized protein YKR032W"^^ . "Saccharopine dehydrogenase [NAD+, L-lysine-forming]"^^ . "ATP-dependent RNA helicase DRS1"^^ . "Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 15"^^ . "Larval cuticle protein 2"^^ . "Probable glutathione S-transferase 7"^^ . "Hypothetical protein yhhA precursor"^^ .