"MAWD binding protein" . "aminopeptidase O" . "aquaporin 0" . "nucleolar preribosomal-associated protein 1" . "retinal peripherin" . "transcription factor E family, member A" . "zinc knuckle motif containing" . "'iGb3 synthase', 'isoglobotriaosylceramide synthase'" . "'Gb3 synthase', 'CD77 synthase', 'globotriaosylceramide synthase'" . "'aladin'" . "'acyl-CoA synthetase family member 1'" . "'kynurenine aminotransferase II', 'L kynurenine/alpha aminoadipate aminotransferase'" . "'alanine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'alanine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'acyl-CoA synthetase family member 4'" . "'lemur tyrosine kinase 1'" . "'Tangier disease'" . "'Stargardt disease'" . "'ichthyosis congenita II, lamellar ichthyosis B'" . "'P-glycoprotein ABCB5', 'ATP-binding cassette protein'" . "'ATP-binding cassette half-transporter'" . "'mitochondrial ABC protein'" . "'ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 10, mitochondrial', 'ATP-binding cassette transporter 10', 'ABC transporter 10 protein', 'mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette 2'" . "'ABC member 16, MDR/TAP subfamily'" . "'canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter (ABC superfamily)', 'bA464I2.1 (ATP-binding cassette, sub-family C (CFTR/MRP), member 4)', 'multidrug resistance-associated protein 4', 'multispecific organic anion transporter B'" . "'sulfonylurea receptor (hyperinsulinemia)'" . "'ATP-binding cassette transporter 8'" . "'putative ABC transporter', 'ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G, member 4'" . "'sterolin 1'" . "'gallbladder disease 4', 'sterolin 2'" . "'peroxisomal 3-oxoacyl-Coenzyme A thiolase'" . "'mitochondrial 3-oxoacyl-Coenzyme A thiolase'" . "'aggrecan proteoglycan'" . "'acetoacetyl Coenzyme A thiolase'" . "'acetoacetyl Coenzyme A thiolase'" . "'degenerin'" . "'testis sodium channel 1'" . "'TIN2 interacting protein 1', 'POT1 and TIN2 organizing protein'" . "'alkaline phytoceramidase'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 152'" . "'mitochondrial acyl-CoA thioesterase 1'" . "'brain acyl CoA hydrolase'" . "'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 14'" . "'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 15'" . "'preproacrosin'" . "'proacrosin binding protein sp32', 'cancer/testis antigen 23'" . "'sperm protein 10'" . "'bubblegum', 'very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase', 'lipidosin'" . "'bubblegum related protein'" . "'lignoceroyl-CoA synthase', 'long-chain fatty-acid-coenzyme A ligase 1'" . "'lignoceroyl-CoA synthase', ' long-chain fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase 4'" . "'FACL5 for fatty acid coenzyme A ligase 5', 'long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase 5', 'long-chain fatty acid coenzyme A ligase 5', 'fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase, long-chain 5'" . "'xenobiotic/medium chain fatty acid:CoA ligase'" . "'similar to olfactory specific medium-chain acyl CoA synthetase'" . "'BAF complex 53 kDa subunit', 'BRG1-associated factor', 'actin-related protein 4', 'INO80 complex subunit K'" . "'INO80 complex subunit M'" . "'INO80 complex subunit N'" . "'fertilin alpha'" . "'cyritestin 2'" . "'metalloproteinase-like, disintegrin-like, cysteine-rich protein'" . "'meltrin alpha'" . "'metargidin'" . "'metalloproteinase-like, disintegrin-like, and cysteine-rich protein 2'" . "'procollagen I N-proteinase', 'procollagen N-endopeptidase'" . "'aggrecanase-2'" . "'a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 6'" . "'COMPase', 'a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs-7 preproprotein'" . "'punctin'" . "tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)" . "'tRNA-specific adenosine deaminase 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'ornithine decarboxylase like'" . "'soluble adenylyl cyclase', 'Hypercalciuria, absorptive, 2'" . "'membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase cytoplasmic tail binding protein-1'" . "'small adipocyte factor 1'" . "'adipose most abundant gene transcript 1'" . "'adenosine 5'-phosphotransferase'" . "'ADNP homeobox 1'" . "'cysteamine dioxygenase'" . "'alpha-2AAR subtype C10', ' alpha-2A-adrenergic receptor'" . "'aortic carboxypeptidase-like protein', 'adipocyte enhancer binding protein 1'" . "'ALL1 fused gene from 5q31'" . "'glycosylasparaginase'" . "'glycogen debranching enzyme', 'glycogen storage disease type III'" . "'LPAAT-beta'" . "'lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, theta'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 17'" . "'breast cancer membrane protein 11', 'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 18'" . "'agrin proteoglycan'" . "'alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin'" . "'oxalosis I', 'primary hyperoxaluria type 1', 'L-alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase 1', 'serine:pyruvate aminotransferase', 'glycolicaciduria'" . "'beta-alanine-pyruvate aminotransferase', 'beta-ALAAT II'" . "'ELYS transcription factor like protein TMBS62'" . "'inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-binding protein'" . "'desmoyokin'" . "'axin interaction partner and dorsalization antagonist'" . "'suppression of tumorigenicity 4', 'beta-gamma crystallin domain containing 1'" . "'beta-gamma crystallin domain containing 2'" . "'autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis ectodermal dystrophy'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 88', 'IGF2R antisense RNA'" . "'transmembrane protein SHREW1'" . "'protein kinase A1'" . "'protein kinase A2'" . "'Fibrous Sheath Protein of 95 kDa', 'cancer/testis antigen 82'" . "'A-kinase anchor protein 82 kDa', 'testis-specific gene HI', 'protein kinase A anchoring protein 4', 'cancer/testis antigen 99'" . "'protein kinase A anchoring protein 6'" . "'A-kinase anchor protein, 95kDa'" . "'neighbor of A kinase anchoring protein 95'" . "'A-kinase anchoring protein 450', 'AKAP9-BRAF fusion protein', 'AKAP120-like protein', 'centrosome- and golgi-localized protein', 'kinase N-associated protein', 'protein kinase A anchoring protein 9', 'A-kinase anchor protein, 350kDa'" . "'dual-specificity A-kinase anchoring protein 2', 'protein kinase A anchoring protein 10', 'mitochondrial A kinase PPKA anchor protein 10'" . "'AKAP 220', 'A-kinase anchoring protein, 220kDa', 'protein kinase A anchoring protein 11'" . "'gravin'" . "'dihydrodiol dehydrogenase 3'" . "'aldose reductase-like 1', 'aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B11 (aldose reductase-like)', 'aldose reductase-like peptide', 'aldose reductase-related protein', 'small intestine reductase'" . "'dihydrodiol dehydrogenase X'" . "'proline-rich Akt substrate, 40 kDa'" . "'porphobilinogen synthase'" . "'sideroblastic/hypochromic anemia'" . "'retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 1'" . "'retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2'" . "'retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 3'" . "'aldehyde dehydrogenase 7', 'aldehyde dehydrogenase 3B1'" . "'aldehyde dehydrogenase 8', 'acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 8'" . "'succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase'" . "'antiquitin 1', '26g turgor protein homolog', 'alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde dehydrogenase', 'alpha-AASA dehydrogenase', 'delta1-piperideine-6-carboxylate dehydrogenease', 'P6c dehydrogenase'" . "'carbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome type IV'" . "'derepression of ITR1 expression 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'five-lipoxygenase activating protein', 'MK-886-binding protein'" . "'lymphocyte alpha-kinase'" . "'heart alpha-kinase'" . "'myocyte induction differentiation originator', 'muscle alpha-kinase'" . "'alsin'" . "'calcium-response factor'" . "'growth-inhibiting protein 19', 'uristatin', 'complex-forming glycoprotein heterogeneous in charge', 'bikunin', 'inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor light chain', 'protein HC', 'uronic-acid-rich protein', 'trypstatin'" . "'WD repeat domain 94'" . "'M\uFFFDllerian inhibiting substance type II receptor'" . "'amphoterin-induced gene and open reading frame'" . "'amphoterin-induced gene and open reading frame 2'" . "'amphoterin-induced gene and open reading frame 3'" . "'junction-enriched and associated protein'" . "'Leman coiled-coil protein', 'angiomotin-like protein 2'" . "'glycine cleavage system protein T'" . "'archaemetzincin-1'" . "'archaemetzincin-2'" . "'angioarrestin'" . "'angiopoietin 5'" . "'fasting-induced adipose factor', 'hepatic angiopoietin-related protein', 'PPARG angiopoietin related protein', 'hepatic fibrinogen/angiopoietin-related protein', 'peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma induced angiopoietin-related protein', 'angiopoietin-related protein 4'" . "'angiopoietin-related protein 5'" . "'ankyrin-3, node of Ranvier', 'ankyrin-G'" . "'LEM domain containing 6'" . "'LEM domain containing 7'" . "'testis-specific ankyrin motif containing protein'" . "'diabetes related ankyrin repeat protein'" . "'breast cancer antigen NY-BR-1'" . "'melanoma-associated antigen', 'CLL-associated antigen KW-1'" . "'transmembrane protein 16B (eight membrane-spanning domains)'" . "'transmembrane protein 16C (eight membrane-spanning domains)'" . "'acidic protein rich in leucines'" . "'pp32 related 2'" . "'aminopeptidase N', 'aminopeptidase M', 'microsomal aminopeptidase'" . "'anthrax toxin receptor', 'tumor endothelial marker 8 precursor'" . "'capillary morphogenesis protein 2'" . "'zinc finger, AN1-type domain 4'" . "'lysine (K)-specific demethylase 1'" . "'gamma-synergin', 'adaptor-related protein complex 1 gamma subunit-binding protein 1'" . "'clathrin-associated/assembly/adaptor protein, small 1 (19kD)', 'clathrin coat assembly protein AP19', 'sigma1A subunit of AP-1 clathrin adaptor complex', 'AP-1 complex subunit sigma-1A', 'sigma1A-adaptin', 'golgi adaptor HA1/AP1 adaptin sigma-1A subunit', 'clathrin assembly protein complex 1 sigma-1A small chain', 'HA1 19 kDa subunit'" . "'alpha-adaptin C; Huntingtin interacting protein J', 'adaptin, alpha B', 'clathrin-associated/assembly/adaptor protein, large, alpha 2'" . "'clathrin-associated/assembly/adaptor protein, medium 1', 'plasma membrane adaptor AP-2 50kDA protein', 'clathrin coat adaptor protein AP50', 'clathrin adaptor complex AP2, mu subunit', 'HA2 50 kDA subunit', 'clathrin assembly protein complex 2 medium chain', 'AP-2 mu 2 chain'" . "'beta 4 subunit of AP-4'" . "'mu-adaptin-related protein-2', 'mu subunit of AP-4', 'AP-4 adapter complex mu subunit', 'adaptor-related protein complex AP-4 mu4 subunit'" . "'X11-like 2'" . "'Fe65-like'" . "'adenomatous polyposis coli like'" . "'pentaxin-related', '9.5S alpha-1-glycoprotein'" . "'API5-like 1', 'fibroblast growth factor 2-interacting factor 2', 'migration-inducing protein MIG8'" . "'centromere protein S'" . "'APJ (apelin) receptor'" . "'amyloid-like protein 1', 'amyloid precursor-like protein 1'" . "'apoA-I binding protein'" . "'phorbolin I'" . "'phorbolin 3'" . "'beta-2-glycoprotein I'" . "'apolipoprotein L-II'" . "'peptidase nexin-II'" . "'protein interacting with APP tail 1'" . "'Gill blood group'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 164'" . "'testicular feminization', 'Kennedy disease'" . "'small GTP binding protein'" . "'arfaptin 1'" . "'arfaptin 2'" . "'Rho-GAP hematopoietic protein C1'" . "'GAP (1-12)'" . "'GAP (1-8)'" . "'GTPase regulator associated with the focal adhesion kinase pp125'" . "'RhoGDI gamma'" . "'exchange factor found in platelets and leukemic and neuronal tissues, XPLN', 'RhoGEF protein'" . "'APC-stimulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor'" . "'transforming immortalized mammary oncogene', 'guanine nucleotide regulatory protein TIM'" . "'Rac/Cdc42 guanine exchange factor (GEF) 6', 'PAK-interacting exchange factor, alpha', 'rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 6'" . "'SH3 domain-containing proline-rich protein', 'PAK-interacting exchange factor beta', 'rho', 'guanine nucleotide exchange factor 7'" . "'collybistin'" . "'GrinchGEF'" . "'Rho guanine exchange factor (GEF) 15'" . "'putative neuroblastoma protein'" . "'Rho-specific guanine-nucleotide exchange factor 164 kDa', 'tumor endothelial marker 4'" . "'Rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor p114'" . "'ariadne, Drosophila, homolog of'" . "'all-trans retinoic acid inducible RING finger'" . "'binder of Arl2'" . "'similar to ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 4'" . "'SRp25 nuclear protein'" . "'PRA1 domain family 3'" . "'specific Splicing Variant involved in Hepatocarcinogenesis'" . "'actin binding protein (Schizosaccharomyces pombe sop2-like)', 'SOP2-like protein'" . "'ARP2/3 protein complex subunit p41', 'actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1A (41 kD)'" . "'Arp2/3 protein complex subunit p20', 'actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 4 (20 kD)'" . "'Arp2/3 protein complex subunit p16'" . "'arrestin 4'" . "'arrestin 2'" . "'arrestin 3'" . "'metachromatic leucodystrophy'" . "'neublastin', 'neurotrophic factor'" . "'centaurin, beta 4'" . "'centaurin, beta 3'" . "'centaurin, beta 6'" . "'ASC 1 complex subunit P100'" . "'RNA helicase family'" . "'aminoacylase 2'" . "'junctin', 'humbug', 'junctate'" . "'asporin proteoglycan'" . "'Skin ASpartic Protease'" . "'UBX domain protein 9'" . "'asparaginase-like 1 protein'" . "'Cayman ataxia', 'caytaxin'" . "'ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 16kDa, V0 subunit c (ATP6VOC) pseudogene'" . "'activating transcription factor 6 alpha'" . "'APG12 autophagy 12-like'" . "'atlastin'" . "'TEL1, telomere maintenance 1, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'ATM/ATR-Substrate Chk2-Interacting Zn++-finger protein', 'ATM INteracting protein'" . "'basic helix loop helix transcription factor 6'" . "'plasma membrane Ca2+ pump 2'" . "'F1Fo-ATPase synthase f subunit', 'ATP synthase f chain, mitochondrial', 'F1Fo-ATP synthase complex Fo membrane domain f subunit'" . "'oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein'" . "'Renal tubular acidosis with deafness'" . "'vacuolar ATP synthase subunit H'" . "'infantile malignant osteopetrosis'" . "'Wilson disease'" . "'aminophospholipid translocase ATP8B3', 'potential phospholipid-transporting ATPase IK'" . "'potential phospholipid-transporting ATPase IH', 'phospholipid-translocating ATPase'" . "'ATPase, Na+K+ transporting, alpha-1 polypeptide-like', 'potassium-transporting ATPase alpha chain 2', 'proton pump', 'non-gastric H(+)/K(+) ATPase alpha subunit', 'sodium/potassium ATPase, alpha polypeptide-like'" . "'cation transporting ATPase'" . "'ATPase family homolog up regulated in senescence cells'" . "'ATPase inhibitor protein', 'ATP synthase inhibitor protein'" . "'MEC1, mitosis entry checkpoint 1, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'mahogany protein'" . "'trinucleotide repeat containing 13'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 3'" . "'aurora-B', 'aurora-1'" . "'cell death regulator aven', 'programmed cell death 12'" . "'antidiuretic hormone', 'neurophysin II', 'diabetes insipidus', 'neurohypophyseal'" . "'nephrogenic diabetes insipidus'" . "'multifunctional O-acyltransferase'" . "'conductin', 'axil'" . "'cysteine-serine-rich nuclear protein 1'" . "'ornithine decarboxylase 1-like'" . "'cationic antimicrobial protein 37', 'heparin-binding protein', 'neutrophil azurocidin'" . "'globoside synthase', 'P antigen synthase'" . "'homolog of C. elegans Bt toxin resistance gene bre-5', 'GlcNAc-beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 5'" . "'beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase-6'" . "'putative type II membrane protein', 'beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase bGnT-3', 'transmembrane protein 3'" . "'GD2 synthase, GM2 synthase'" . "'beta4-GalT IV'" . "'UDP-Gal:glucosylceramide beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase'" . "'endothelial precursor protein B9'" . "'silencer of death domains'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 2, member 1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 2, member 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 2, member 3'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 2, member 4'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 2, member 5'" . "'BEN domain containing 1'" . "'DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39B'" . "'G patch domain containing 10', 'ankyrin repeat domain 59', 'G patch domain and ankyrin repeats 1'" . "'activating transcription factor B', 'SF-HT-activated gene 2'" . "'Jun dimerization protein 1'" . "'Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 9', 'Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 10', 'transcription factor WSTF'" . "'TTF-I interacting peptide 5'" . "'parathyroid hormone responsive B1 gene'" . "'x 001 protein'" . "'chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 7', 'brevican proteoglycan'" . "'Crk-associated substrate', 'Cas scaffolding protein family member 1'" . "'maple syrup urine disease'" . "'maple syrup urine disease'" . "'B-cell lymphoma 3-encoded protein', 'B-cell leukemia/lymphoma 3', 'chronic lymphatic leukemia protein'" . "'CARD-like apoptotic protein', 'CARD-containing apoptotic signaling protein', 'CARD containing molecule enhancing NF-kB', 'caspase-recruiting domain-containing protein', 'CARD-containing proapoptotic protein'" . "'beta-carotene 9',10' oxygenase'" . "'GRACILE syndrome', 'Bjornstad syndrome'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 4'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 15C, member 1'" . "'neurotrophin'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 49'" . "'ATG6 autophagy related 6 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'Best disease'" . "'Golgi vesicular membrane trafficking protein p18', 'Bet1p homolog'" . "'golgi integral membrane protein 3'" . "'osteocalcin'" . "'biglycan proteoglycan'" . "'differentially expressed in chondrocytes 1', ' differentiated embryo chondrocyte expressed gene 1'" . "'betaine homocysteine methyltransferase'" . "'amphiphysin II'" . "'NFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein', 'apoptosis inhibitor 1'" . "'apoptosis inhibitor 2', 'TNFR2-TRAF signaling complex protein', 'mammalian IAP homolog C', 'inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1'" . "'survivin variant 3 alpha', 'survivin'" . "'apollon'" . "'melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis protein', 'kidney inhibitor of apoptosis protein', 'livin inhibitor-of-apoptosis', 'livin'" . "'IAP-like protein 2', 'inhibitor of apoptosis-like protein 2'" . "'breast cancer cell 2'" . "'B-cell adapter containing a SH2 domain protein'" . "'GCN5 (general control of amino-acid synthesis, yeast, homolog)-like 1', 'BLOC-1 Subunit 1', 'Biogenesis of Lysosome-related Organelles complex-1 Subunit 1'" . "'centrosome protein oncogene', 'Biogenesis of Lysosome-related Organelles complex-1 Subunit 2'" . "'BLOC-1 subunit 3', 'Biogenesis of Lysosome-related Organelles complex-1 Subunit 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 43U, member 1'" . "'procollagen C-endopeptidase'" . "'osteogenin'" . "'osteogenic protein 1'" . "'osteogenic protein 2'" . "'crossveinless-2'" . "'brother of CDO'" . "'biorientation defective 1'" . "'breast epithelial mucin-associated antigen'" . "'BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 1'" . "'like-BRCA1'" . "'BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 2'" . "'BR140-like'" . "'RING3-like'" . "'chromosome-associated protein'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 9'" . "'BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 4'" . "'peregrin', 'bromodomain-containing protein, 140kD'" . "'serine/threonine kinase 29'" . "'zinc finger protein 231', 'neuronal double zinc finger protein'" . "'epididymal sperm binding protein 2', 'bovine seminal plasma protein homolog 1'" . "'lambda h27A', 'BTF3 homologue'" . "'lambda h23'" . "'lambda h33'" . "'lambda h16'" . "'B-cell translocation gene 2', 'pheochromacytoma cell-3', 'NGF-inducible anti-proliferative protein PC3', 'nerve growth factor-inducible anti-proliferative'" . "'butyrophilin-like receptor'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 71'" . "'G10 maternal transcript homolog (Xenopus laevis)', 'functional spliceosome-associated protein 17'" . "'popeye domain containing 1'" . "'ribosomal processing factor 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'BRIX'" . "'RNA processing factor 1', 'ribosome production factor 1'" . "'similar to RIKEN cDNA 2510027D20'" . "'small unique nuclear receptor co-repressor'" . "'core 1 beta3-Gal-T'" . "'proliferation-inducing protein 13'" . "'transcriptional activator of the c fos promoter'" . "'oxidored nitro domain containing protein'" . "'receptor interacting factor 1'" . "'specifically androgen-regulated gene'" . "'TXNL1 C-terminal like'" . "'C1q globular domain-binding protein', 'hyaluronan-binding protein 1', 'splicing factor SF2-associated protein'" . "'G protein coupled receptor interacting protein'" . "'MGI:1932136'" . "'complement-c1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 4'" . "'complement-c1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 5', 'complement C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 5 precursor variant 3'" . "'TMEM24-like'" . "'GC bindng factor'" . "'protease-associated domain-containing glycoprotein 21 kDa'" . "'esophageal cancer related gene 4 protein'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ38973'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC339778'" . "'hypothetical LOC129881'" . "'MYCBP-binding protein'" . "'AP20 region protein'" . "'TPA induced trans-membrane protein'" . "'AER61 glycosyltransferase'" . "'family with sequence similarity 188, member B2'" . "'complement component 4 binding protein, beta chain', 'C4b binding protein, beta chain'" . "'HCV F-transactivated protein 1'" . "'ovary-specific acidic protein'" . "'dendritic cell nuclear protein 1'" . "'coordinated expression to IRX2', 'IRX2 neighbor'" . "'truncated calcium binding protein'" . "'IgA-inducing protein (Bos taurus)'" . "'ES cell associated transcript 1'" . "'Russel-Silver syndrome candidate', 'dermal papilla derived protein 13'" . "tricothiodystrophy, non-photosensitive 1" . "'CGI-20 protein', 'conserved edge protein'" . "'CGI-43 protein'" . "'similar to CGI-43 protein'" . "'nasopharyngeal carcinoma associated gene protein-8'" . "'formation of mitochondrial complexes 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ31818'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ21062', 'flagellar protein 69 homolog (Chlamydomonas)'" . "'family with sequence similarity 188, member B'" . "'hypoxia inducible gene 2'" . "'human thyroid cancer 1'" . "'brain protein 16'" . "'vestibule 1'" . "'similar to phosphoserine aminotransferase isoform 1'" . "'RPE spondin'" . "'Alanine and arginine-rich domain-containing protein'" . "'Acr formation associated factor', 'Acrosome formation associated factor'" . "'uncharacterized hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells protein MDS030'" . "'myosin tail domain containing protein'" . "'nasopharyngeal carcinoma related protein'" . "'similar to DNA segment, Chr 4, Brigham & Womens Genetics 0951 expressed'" . "'Nef (lentivirus myristoylated factor) associated protein 1'" . "'Similar to RIKEN cDNA 2310002J15 gene'" . "'twinkle', 'ataxin 8'" . "'caspase recruitment domain containing pro-apoptotic protein', 'CARD-containing protein', 'family with sequence similarity 188, member A'" . "'adipose specific 2'" . "'minichromosome maintenance complex-binding protein'" . "'selenoprotein H'" . "'small acidic protein'" . "'hypothetical protein BC007540'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC283129'" . "'hypothetical gene supported by BC039505'" . "'TP53-induced glycolysis and apoptosis regulator'" . "'melanocyte related gene'" . "'family with sequence similarity 178, member B'" . "'6.8 kDa mitochondrial proteolipid'" . "'enhanced at puberty 1'" . "'kintoun'" . "'myelin proteolipid protein-like protein'" . "'RLL motif containing 1'" . "'normal mucosa of esophagus specific 1'" . "'nuclear protein in testis'" . "'glutamate-rich coactivator interacting with SRC1/NCOA1'" . "'HVSL motif containing 1'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 23'" . "'family with sequence similarity 178, member A'" . "'downregulated in multiple cancer 1'" . "'cooperator of PRMT5'" . "'dermal papilla derived protein 6', 'S-phase 2 protein'" . "'ELG protein'" . "'prostate, rectum and colon 2'" . "'transcript expressed during hematopoiesis 2', 'gene trap locus F3b'" . "'clone 22'" . "'colon cancer associated protein Mic1'" . "'unconventional prefoldin RPB5 interactor'" . "'membralin', 'aspecific BCL2 ARE-binding protein 1'" . "'NY REN 24 antigen', 'functional spliceosome-associated protein c', 'cactin homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'pituitary gland specific factor 1a', 'pituitary gland specific factor 1b'" . "'Fanconi anemia-associated protein, 24 kDa'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 18'" . "'multidrug resistance-related protein'" . "'mast cell-expressed membrane protein 1'" . "'hematopoietic signal peptide-containing secreted 1', 'hematopoietic signal peptide-containing membrane domain-containing 1'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC26074'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC54976'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC113278'" . "'sterol carrier protein 2-like protein'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC116151'" . "'peroxide-inducible transcript 1'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC140688'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC140711'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC140699'" . "'fat inducing transcript 2'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC128864'" . "'hypothetical protein LOC140893'" . "'nuclear encoded mitochondrial protein'" . "'putative gene with similarities to yeast gene YDL038c'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 105'" . "'B lymphocyte activation-related protein BC-1514'" . "'narcolepsy candidate-region 1 gene B'" . "'testis highly expressed protein 2'" . "'similar to carbonic anhydrase VB, mitochondrial precursor', 'carbonic dehydratase'" . "'carbonic dehydratase', 'RCC-associated protein G250'" . "'CA-RP XI', 'carbonic anhydrase-related protein XI', 'carbonic anhydrase-related protein 2'" . "'coenzyme Q8 homolog (yeast)'" . "'calbrain', 'caldendrin'" . "'fibrousheathin 2'" . "'gene 26'" . "'nectin-like 2'" . "'nectin-like 3'" . "'nectin-like 1'" . "'nectin-like 4'" . "'calretinin'" . "'calcitonin'" . "'coiled-coil leucine zipper coactivator 1', 'inorganic pyrophosphatase activator'" . "'calcium-binding protein CABP8'" . "'Sicca syndrome antigen A (autoantigen Ro; calreticulin)', 'autoantigen Ro'" . "'CaM-kinase II alpha chain', 'calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha-B subunit', 'CaM kinase II alpha subunit', 'CaMK-II alpha subunit', 'calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II alpha chain'" . "'CaM-kinase II beta chain', 'calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II beta chain', 'CaM kinase II beta subunit', 'proline rich calmodulin-dependent protein kinase'" . "'brain Ca++-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV', 'calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type IV catalytic chain', 'CAM kinase IV', 'CAM kinase- GR'" . "'calcium-modulating cyclophilin ligand', 'calcium-signal modulating cyclophilin ligand', 'cyclophilin B-binding protein'" . "'TBP interacting protein'" . "'TBP interacting protein'" . "'Soluble Ca-Activated Nucleotidase, isozyme 1'" . "'major histocompatibility complex class I antigen-binding protein p88'" . "'macrophage capping protein'" . "'calpain like protease', 'homolog of Aspergillus Nidulans PALB'" . "'novel calpain large subunit-4'" . "'cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein-1'" . "'calcyphosine 1', 'thyroid protein p24'" . "'F-actin capping protein alpha-2 subunit'" . "'card-maguk protein 1', 'bcl10-interacting maguk protein 3'" . "'Inhibitory CARD'" . "'cysteine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'cysteine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript'" . "'chromosome 7 open reading frame 12'" . "'FLICE-associated huge protein'" . "'apoptosis-related cysteine protease'" . "'calsequestrin 1, fast-twitch, skeletal muscle', 'calmitine'" . "'severe neonatal hyperparathyroidism'" . "'HEF-like protein', 'HEF1-Efs-p130Cas-like'" . "'zinc finger protein 693', 'survival related gene'" . "'M-caveolin'" . "'oncogene CBL2'" . "'Casitas B-lineage lymphoma-like'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 21C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 21C, member 2'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 45C, member 1'" . "'dopamine responsive protein'" . "'NS5ATP1-binding protein 16'" . "'polycomb 3'" . "'mental retardation, nonsyndromic, autosomal recessive, 3'" . "'Meckel syndrome, type 6'" . "'glutamine transaminase K', 'kyneurenine aminotransferase'" . "'DNA segment, single copy, probe pH4 (transforming sequence, thyroid-1'" . "'cutaneous T-cell lymphoma associated antigen'" . "'G patch domain containing 11'" . "'steroid sensitive gene 1'" . "'hepatitis delta antigen interacting protein A'" . "'Galpha-interacting vesicle-associated protein', 'Akt-phosphorylation enhancer', 'girdin'" . "'brain leucine zipper protein'" . "'Dvl-associating protein with a high frequency of leucine residues'" . "'GGA binding partner'" . "'limkain beta 2'" . "'inflammatory cytokine I-309', 'T lymphocyte-secreted protein I-309'" . "'monocyte chemotactic protein 1, homologous to mouse Sig-je', 'monocyte chemoattractant protein-1', 'monocyte chemotactic and activating factor', 'monocyte secretory protein JE', 'small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 2'" . "'T-cell specific protein p288', 'T-cell specific RANTES protein', 'SIS-delta', 'regulated upon activation, normally T-expressed, and presumably secreted', 'beta-chemokine RANTES', 'small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 5'" . "'monocyte chemoattractant protein 3', 'monocyte chemotactic protein 3'" . "'leukotactin 1', 'CC chemokine 3', 'macrophage inflammatory protein 5', 'chemokine CC-2', 'MIP-1 delta'" . "'CC chemokine ligand 19', 'macrophage inflammatory protein 3-beta', 'beta chemokine exodus-3', 'CK beta-11', 'EBI1-ligand chemokine'" . "'beta chemokine exodus-2', 'secondary lymphoid tissue chemokine', 'Efficient Chemoattractant for Lymphocytes'" . "'CK-beta-6', 'myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor 2', 'eotaxin-2'" . "'Ck beta-15', 'thymus expressed chemokine', 'TECKvar'" . "'macrophage inflammatory protein 4-alpha', 'small inducible cytokine A26', 'CC chemokine IMAC', 'chemokine N1', 'thymic stroma chemokine-1', 'eotaxin-3'" . "'CC chemokine ILC', 'IL-11 Ralpha-locus chemokine', 'cutaneous T-cell attracting chemokine'" . "'CC chemokine CCL28', 'mucosae-associated epithelial chemokine', 'small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 28', 'small inducible cytokine A28'" . "'malcavernin'" . "'G2/mitotic-specific cyclin B1'" . "'human enhancer of invasion 10'" . "'parathyroid adenomatosis 1', 'B-cell CLL/lymphoma 1', 'G1/S-specific cyclin D1'" . "'G1/S-specific cyclin D2'" . "'D-type cyclin-interacting protein 1', 'MAID protein', 'HHM Protein', 'grap2 cyclin interacting protein'" . "'cyclin Es', 'cyclin Et'" . "'CDK-activating kinase', 'cyclin-dependent kinase-activating kinase', 'MO15-associated protein'" . "'CD3 epsilon associated protein', 'antisense to ERCC 1'" . "'p41 protein', 'T-cell antigen CD7', 'T-cell leukemia antigen'" . "'motility related protein-1'" . "'T-cell-specific surface glycoprotein'" . "'CD40 antigen ligand', 'tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily member 5', 'T-B cell-activating molecule', 'TNF-related activation protein', 'hyper-IgM syndrome'" . "'hematopoietic cell E- and L-selectin ligand', 'chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 8'" . "'antigen identified by monoclonal antibody 1D8', 'antigenic surface determinant protein OA3', 'integrin associated protein', 'Rh-related antigen', 'leukocyte surface antigen CD47', 'CD47 glycoprotein'" . "'scavenger receptor class D, member 1', 'CD68 antigen', 'macrophage antigen CD68'" . "'HLA-DR-gamma', 'Ia-associated invariant chain', 'gamma chain of class II antigens', 'MHC HLA-DR gamma chain'" . "'suppression of tumorigenicity 6', 'R2 leukocyte antigen'" . "'leukocyte antigen CD97', 'seven-span transmembrane protein', 'seven-transmembrane, heterodimeric receptor associated with inflammation', 'seven transmembrane helix receptor'" . "'polycythemia rubra vera 1'" . "'CD200 receptor 2'" . "'endosialin', 'tumor endothelial marker 1'" . "'triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 5'" . "'C-type lectin domain family 13, member A'" . "'8D6 antigen'" . "'CDB II'" . "'CDC2-related protein kinase 5'" . "'similar to bA291L22.2 (similar to CDC10 (cell division cycle 10, S. cerevisiae, homolog))'" . "'anaphase-promoting complex, subunit 6'" . "'CDC26 subunit of anaphase promoting complex'" . "'CDC37 cell division cycle 37 homolog', 'Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37', 'CDC37 (cell division cycle 37, S. cerevisiae, homolog)'" . "'55 kDa bone marrow stromal/endothelial cell protein', 'serum constituent protein'" . "'CRIB-containing BOGR1 protein'" . "'Cdc42 effector protein 4', 'binder of Rho GTPases 4'" . "'human CDC45'" . "'trigger of mitotic entry 1'" . "'hematopoietic progenitor protein'" . "'borealin'" . "'N-cadherin'" . "'VE-cadherin'" . "'T-cadherin'" . "'tumor suppressor deleted in oral cancer related 1'" . "'neuronal CDK5 activator isoform'" . "'ischemic heart CDK5 activator-binding protein C53', 'LXXLL/leucine-zipper-containing ARFbinding protein'" . "'serine-threonine protein kinase NKIAMRE'" . "'collaborates/cooperates with ARF (alternate reading frame) protein'" . "'antisense RNA in the INK4 locus', 'non-protein coding RNA 89'" . "'cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor', 'CDK2-associated dual specificity phosphatase'" . "'Cerebellar degeneration-related protein-1 (34kD)'" . "'Yo paraneoplastic antigen'" . "'paraneoplastic antigen'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 25'" . "'CDY-like, autosomal', 'testis-specific chromodomain Y-like protein'" . "'carcinoembryonic antigen gene family member 2'" . "'liver-enriched transcriptional activator protein', 'nuclear factor of interleukin 6', 'interleukin 6-dependent DNA-binding protein'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 17'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 16'" . "'cementum protein-23'" . "'NNF1, MIND kinetochore complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'centriolin'" . "'KARP 1 binding protein', 'XRCC5 binding protein'" . "'Joubert syndrome 5', 'nephrocystin-6'" . "'centrosome associated protein 350'" . "'glycosyltransferase 25 domain containing 3'" . "'esterase 31', 'brain carboxylesterase BR3'" . "'CDC31 yeast homolog', 'EF-hand superfamily member'" . "'beta-1H', 'H factor 2 (complement)', 'age-related maculopathy susceptibility 1'" . "'complement factor H related 3'" . "'complement factor H related 4'" . "'factor H related protein 5'" . "'Konglutinogen-activating factor', 'C3b-inactivator'" . "'ATP-binding cassette sub-family C, member 7'" . "'follicle-stimulating hormone alpha subunit', 'chorionic gonadotropin, alpha polypeptide'" . "'p20-CGG binding protein'" . "'chondroadherin proteoglycan'" . "'chromatin assembly factor I (150 kDa)'" . "'M-phase phosphoprotein 7', 'Chromatin assembly factor I, p60 subunit', 'human chromatin assembly factor-I p60 subunit'" . "'vasostatin', 'pancreastatin', 'parastatin'" . "'secretogranin B'" . "'neural cell adhesion molecule', 'cell adhesion molecule L1-like'" . "'putative breast adenocarcinoma marker (32kD)'" . "'Snf7 homologue associated with Alix 3'" . "'Chimerin 1 (GTPase-activating protein, rho, 2)'" . "'beta chimerin'" . "'chondroitin sulfate synthase 2'" . "'phosphatidylcholine synthesizing enzyme'" . "'histone-fold protein CHRAC15'" . "'NLR family, acid domain containing', 'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and acid domain containing'" . "'Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein', 'glycine-rich RNA binding protein'" . "'mitoNEET related 1'" . "'mitoNEET related 2'" . "'transcriptional co-activator 4'" . "'multiple asters 1'" . "'eosinophil lysophospholipase', 'lysolecithin acylhydrolase', 'galectin 10'" . "'Mid1-related chloride channel (yeast)'" . "'B-cell stimulating factor 3', 'cold-induced sweating syndrome 2'" . "'Thomsen disease, autosomal dominant'" . "'Dent disease'" . "'senescence-associated epithelial membrane protein 1'" . "'Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor 2', 'ventral prostate.1-like protein', 'claudin-3', 'CPE-receptor 2'" . "'Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin receptor 1', 'Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosomal region 8 protein'" . "'paracellin-1', 'hypomagnesemia 3, with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis'" . "'C-type lectin related f', 'lectin-like transcript 1'" . "'macrophage lectin 2 (calcium dependent)'" . "'mannose receptor-like'" . "'dendritic cell associated lectin 1'" . "'restin'" . "'CLIP-170-related', 'restin-like 1'" . "'juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis'" . "'mast cell immunoreceptor signal transducer'" . "'ATP/GTPbinding protein'" . "'suppressor of potassium transport defect 3'" . "'ATP-dependent protease ClpAP (E. coli), proteolytic subunit, human'" . "'cisplatin resistance related protein'" . "'complement lysis inhibitor', 'sulfated glycoprotein 2', 'testosterone-repressed prostate message 2', 'apolipoprotein J'" . "'CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase'" . "'UMP-CMP kinase', 'Cytidine monophosphate kinase'" . "'cytidylate kinase 2'" . "'genethonin-3', 'tripartite motif-containing 76'" . "'carnosinase 1', 'glutamate carboxypeptidase-like protein 2'" . "'cytosolic nonspecific dipeptidase (EC'" . "'NOT3 (negative regulator of transcription 3, yeast) homolog'" . "'BTG1 binding factor 1'" . "'PGK promoter directed over production'" . "'protein associated with TLR4'" . "'glycoprotein gP135'" . "'neural adhesion molecule'" . "'neurexin 4'" . "'cell recognition molecule CASPR3 (FLJ14195, KIAA1714)'" . "'centrobin'" . "'alpha 2(I)-collagen', 'alpha-2 collagen type I', 'type I procollagen', 'collagen I, alpha-2 polypeptide', 'collagen of skin, tendon and bone, alpha-2 chain'" . "'canstatin', 'collagen type IV alpha 2'" . "'tumstatin'" . "'ceramide transporter', 'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 11'" . "'collagen of basement membrane, alpha-4 chain'" . "'alpha 1 type V collagen'" . "'AB collagen'" . "'collagen VII, alpha-1 polypeptide', 'LC collagen'" . "'collagen type IX proteoglycan'" . "'Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia'" . "'collagen XI, alpha-1 polypeptide'" . "'collagen type XII proteoglycan'" . "'collagen type XV proteoglycan'" . "'endostatin'" . "'von Willebrand factor A domain containing 4'" . "'single strand of homotrimeric collagen-like tail subunit of asymmetric acetylcholinesterase', 'collagenic tail of endplate acetylcholinesterase', 'AChE Q subunit', 'acetylcholinesterase-associated collagen'" . "'copper metabolism gene MURR1'" . "'thrombospondin-5'" . "'coat protein gamma-cop', 'coatomer protein complex, subunit gamma 1'" . "'coat protein, nonclathrin, gamma-2-cop'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 170'" . "'COP9 subunit 6 (MOV34 homolog, 34 kD)'" . "'nonclathrin coat protein zeta-COP', 'zeta2-COP', 'zeta-2 coat protein'" . "'Clabp TACO'" . "'coronin 2A', 'coronin-like protein B', 'WD protein IR10', 'WD-repeat protein 2'" . "'clipin C', 'coronin, actin-binding, 2B'" . "'cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV-like 2'" . "'family with sequence similarity 158, member B'" . "'cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb, testes specific'" . "'cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIII isoform 3'" . "'cytochrome c oxidase subunit 11', 'cytochrome c oxidase assembly protein COX11'" . "'carboxypeptidase A3'" . "'thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor', 'carboxypeptidase U'" . "'copine 8'" . "'coproporphyria'" . "'complete S transactivated protein 1'" . "'integrator complex subunit 11'" . "'RIP-associated ICH1/CED3-homologous protein with death domain'" . "'calcitonin gene-related peptide-receptor component protein'" . "'BBF-2 homolog (drosophila)'" . "'cAMP response element binding protein CRE-Bpa'" . "'Zhangfei'" . "'corticotropin-releasing factor'" . "'corticotropin-releasing factor receptor'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 36'" . "'CDC2 related protein kinase 7'" . "'cold-induced sweating syndrome'" . "'GCD10 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'rootletin, ciliary rootlet protein'" . "'class I MHC restricted T cell associated molecule'" . "'leprecan-like 3'" . "'orthodenticle homeobox 3'" . "'eye lens structural protein'" . "'gamma crystallin 5'" . "'crystallin, gamma 8'" . "'crystallin, lamda 1', 'L-gulonate 3-dehydrogenase', 'lambda-crystallin homolog'" . "'quinone reductase-like 1'" . "'P-selectin cytoplasmic tail-associated protein'" . "'cold-shock domain containing A1'" . "'upstream of NRAS'" . "'sargramostim', 'molgramostin', 'granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor'" . "'granulocyte colony stimulating factor', 'pluripoietin', 'filgrastim', 'lenograstim'" . "'chondroitin beta1,4 N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase'" . "'chondroitin beta1,4 N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 2'" . "'chorionic somatomammotropin A', 'placental lactogen', 'choriomammotropin'" . "'placental lactogen', 'chorionic somatomammotropin B'" . "'chorionic somatomammotropin CS-5'" . "'melanoma-associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan'" . "'melanoma associated chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan like'" . "'TGF beta induced apotosis protein 2'" . "'cysteine rich protein 2 binding protein'" . "'cystatin 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-3'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-4'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-5'" . "'cancer/testis antigen CT45-6'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 1'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 2'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 3'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 4'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 5'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 6'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 7'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 8'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 9'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 10'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 11'" . "'cancer/testis CT47 family, member 13'" . "'CTL-recognized antigen on melanoma', 'LAGE-1a protein'" . "'cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 1', 'cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 2'" . "'cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 3'" . "'cutaneous T-cell lymphoma-associated antigen 4'" . "'meningioma expressed antigen 6 (coiled-coil proline-rich) pseudogene'" . "'brefeldin A-ribosylated substrate'" . "'11 zinc finger transcriptional repressor'" . "'nuclear LIM interactor-interacting factor', 'small CTD phosphatase 1'" . "'conserved gene amplified in osteosarcoma', 'nuclear LIM interactor-interacting factor 2', 'NLI-interacting factor 2', 'small CTD phosphatase 2'" . "'small CTD phosphatase 3', 'HYA22 protein'" . "'neuropoietin'" . "'cadherin-associated protein, related'" . "'alpha-catulin', 'alpha2-catulin'" . "'beta-catenin-interacting protein ICAT', 'inhibitor of beta-catenin and Tcf-4'" . "'nuclear associated protein'" . "'elastase 4'" . "'CUG RNA-binding protein', 'nuclear polyadenylated RNA-binding protein, 50-kD', 'bruno-like 2'" . "'parkin-like cytoplasmic p53 binding protein'" . "'golgi integral membrane protein 6'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein b'" . "'B-cell chemoattractant'" . "'CXC chemokine ligand 16'" . "'lipopolysaccharide specific response-5 protein', 'gamma-taxilin', 'factor inhibiting activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4)-mediated transcription'" . "'endothelial-overexpressed lipopolysaccharide-associated factor 1'" . "'Kita-kyushu lung cancer antigen 1'" . "'CpG binding protein', 'DNA-binding protein with PHD finger and CXXC domain'" . "'Dvl-binding protein IDAX (inhibition of the Dvl and Axin complex)'" . "'ferric-chelate reductase 2'" . "'putative tumor suppressor 101F6'" . "'flavocytochrome b-558 alpha polypeptide'" . "'ferric-chelate reductase 3'" . "'selective hybridizing clone', 'cytoplasmic FMRP interacting protein 1'" . "'p53 inducible protein'" . "'stellate cell activation-associated protein', 'histoglobin'" . "'cylicin 1'" . "'ubiquitin specific peptidase like 2'" . "'cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis'" . "'VDDR I', '1alpha(OH)ase', '25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 1alpha-hydroxylase'" . "'cytohesin binding protein HE'" . "'cytokinesis and spindle organization A'" . "'sperm antigen HCMOGT 1', 'cytokinesis and spindle organization B'" . "'nGAP-like protein', 'DOC-2/DAB2 interactive protein', 'ASK-interacting protein', 'ASK1-interacting protein 1'" . "'alpha-dystroglycan', 'dystrophin-associated glycoprotein-1', 'beta-dystroglycan'" . "'neural stem cell-derived dendrite regulator'" . "'mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S29'" . "'aspartate tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'aspartate tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'deleted in azoospermia associated protein 1'" . "'activator of S phase kinase', 'chiffon homolog (Drosophila)', 'zinc finger, DBF-type containing 1'" . "'chiffon homolog B (Drosophila)', 'zinc finger, DBF-type containing 1B'" . "'immunoglobulin superfamily, DCC subclass, member 1'" . "'proteolysis inducing factor', 'preproteolysin', 'diffusible survival/evasion peptide', 'survival promoting peptide'" . "'decorin proteoglycan'" . "'nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 20'" . "'XTP3-transactivated protein A'" . "'doublecortex'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 20C, member 1'" . "'xeroderma pigmentosum group E protein', 'UV-damaged DNA-binding protein 2', 'DDB p48 subunit'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 50'" . "'C/EBP zeta'" . "'HIF-1 responsive RTP801'" . "'regulated in development and DNA damage response 2', ' similar to Smhs1 protein'" . "'D-dopachrome decarboxylase-like protein'" . "'cancer associated gene'" . "'RNA helicase RIG-I', 'retinoic acid inducible gene I'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 18C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 17C, member 1'" . "'defensin, beta 16'" . "'defensin, beta 17'" . "'defensin, beta 21'" . "'beta defensin 23'" . "'defensin, beta 24'" . "'beta defensin 25'" . "'defensin, beta 28'" . "'retrocyclin'" . "'breast cancer cell 3'" . "'intermediate filament protein'" . "'intermediate filament protein'" . "'DNA fragmentation factor, 45 kD, alpha subunit'" . "'whirlin'" . "'integral membrane protein DGCR2'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 37'" . "'diglyceride kinase'" . "'migration-inducing gene 13'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 19C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 25C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 25C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C, member 1'" . "'retinal short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 4', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 34C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 32C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 32C, member 2'" . "'NADP-dependent retinol dehydrogenase/reductase', '3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase', 'retinol dehydrogenase homolog', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 4'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 24C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 40C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 7C, member 5'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 46C, member 1'" . "'NDH II'" . "'RNA helicase LGP2'" . "'dicer 1, double-stranded RNA-specific endoribonuclease'" . "'thyroxine deiodinase, type II'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 41'" . "'renal cell carcinoma 4', 'disrupted in renal cancer protein 2'" . "'exosome component 11'" . "'DISC1 opposite strand', 'non-protein coding RNA 15'" . "'E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex'" . "'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 12'" . "'E3 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, 2-oxo-glutarate complex, branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase complex'" . "'B-cell neoplasia-associated gene with multiple splicing', 'non-protein coding RNA 21'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 22'" . "'discs large homolog 1', 'presynaptic protein SAP97', 'synapse-associated protein 97'" . "'neuroendocrine-dlg'" . "'muscular dystrophy, Duchenne and Becker types'" . "'dystrophia myotonica 1', 'DM protein kinase', 'myotonin protein kinase A', 'myotonic dystrophy associated protein kinase', 'thymopoietin homolog'" . "'DM domain expressed in testis 1'" . "'terra-like protein'" . "'testis-specific protein'" . "'cyclin D-binding Myb-like protein'" . "'rabconnectin 3'" . "'dynein heavy chain 5'" . "'dynein, ciliary, heavy chain 11', 'dynein, heavy chain beta-like'" . "'dynein intermediate chain 2'" . "'auxilin'" . "'J domain protein 1'" . "'JJJ1 DnaJ domain protein homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'wurst homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'Orf28'" . "'inner dynein arm, homolog of clamydomonas', 'dJ423B22.5 (axonemal dynein light chain (hp28))'" . "'DNase X'" . "'DNase gamma'" . "'translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 15 homolog (yeast)'" . "'dynamin II', 'cytoskeletal protein'" . "'Dyna III'" . "'scaffold protein TUBA'" . "'cytosine-5-methyltransferase 3-like protein', 'human cytosine-5-methyltransferase 3-like protein'" . "'Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase'" . "'novel protein similar to synaptotagmin 1 (SYT1, P65) (isoform 1)', 'TdT binding protein'" . "'acidic 82 kDa protein mRNA'" . "'zizimin1'" . "'zizimin3'" . "'zizimin2'" . "'dolichol kinase 1'" . "'linked to Surfeit genes in Fugu rubripes 2'" . "'histone methyltransferase DOT1L'" . "'DPH3A, KTI11 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'dipeptidyl peptidase VIII', 'dipeptidyl peptidase IV-related protein-1', 'prolyl dipeptidase DPP8'" . "'negative cofactor 2 alpha', 'DR1-associated corepressor'" . "'paired-like homeodomain trancription factor DRG11'" . "'defective in sister chromatid cohesion homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 38'" . "'RA regulated nuclear matrix associated protein'" . "'dystrophin-related protein 3'" . "'rhysin 2'" . "'dTMP kinase', 'thymidylate (dTMP) kinase'" . "'NADPH thyroid oxidase 1', 'flavoprotein NADPH oxidase', 'nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase'" . "'dual oxidase-like domains 2', 'nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase', 'flavoprotein NADPH oxidase', 'NADPH thyroid oxidase 2', 'NADH/NADPH thyroid oxidase p138-tox', 'NADPH oxidase/peroxidase DUOX2'" . "'protein similar to E.coli yhdg and R. capsulatus nifR3'" . "'VH1 homologous phosphatase 2', 'MAP kinase phosphatase 2'" . "'serine/threonine specific protein phosphatase', 'H1 phosphatase, vaccinia virus homolog'" . "'map kinase phosphatase 4'" . "'serine/threonine specific protein phosphatase', 'YVH1 protein-tyrosine phosphatase (S. cerevisiae) ortholog'" . "'MKP-1 like protein tyrosine phosphatase'" . "'MAPK phosphatase-7'" . "'roadblock domain containing 1'" . "'roadblock domain containing 2'" . "'minibrain-related kinase'" . "'regulatory erythroid kinase', 'dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 5', 'protein kinase Dyrk3'" . "'human RNA-binding ubiquitin ligase of 138 kDa'" . "'glutamate tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'3-beta-hydroxysteroid-delta-8,delta-7-isomerase', 'Chondrodysplasia punctata-2, X-linked dominant (Happle syndrome)', 'sterol 8-isomerase'" . "'damage induced neuronal endopeptidase'" . "'matrix glycoprotein SC1/ECM2'" . "'endothelial cell-specific molecule 2'" . "'signaling intermediate in Toll pathway evolutionarily conserved ortholog (mouse)'" . "'WD protein associating with integrin cytoplasmic tails 1'" . "'EEF1A1 (Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1) pseudogene'" . "'eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (EEF1A1) pseudogene'" . "'eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (EEF1A1) pseudogene'" . "'polypeptidyl-tRNA translocase'" . "'elongation factor for selenoprotein translation'" . "'fibulin 3'" . "'fibulin 4'" . "'HTK ligand', 'ligand of eph-related kinase 5', 'eph-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 5'" . "'Cas scaffolding protein family member 3'" . "'ribosome assembly 1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'U5 snRNP specific protein, 116 kD'" . "'pikachurin'" . "'HIF prolyl hydroxylase 2'" . "'HIF prolyl hydroxylase 1'" . "'HIF prolyl hydroxylase 3'" . "'nerve growth factor-induced protein A', 'transcription factor ETR103', 'zinc finger protein 225', 'early growth response protein 1'" . "'zinc finger protein pilot'" . "'testilin'" . "'epithelium-specific ets factor 3', 'ESE3 transcription factor'" . "'heme regulated initiation factor 2 alpha kinase'" . "'argonaute 1'" . "'argonaute 2'" . "'argonaute 3'" . "'argonaute 4'" . "'eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 beta-like pseudogene'" . "'eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2G'" . "'eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A2'" . "'phosphorylated heat- and acid-stable protein regulated by insulin 1'" . "'translation initiation factor IF2'" . "'neutrophil elastase', 'leukocyte elastase', 'medullasin'" . "'protease E'" . "'proteinase E', 'elastase 1', 'cholesterol-binding pancreatic protease', 'pancreatic endopeptidase E'" . "'tRNA Z (short form)'" . "'tRNA Z (long form)'" . "'embryonic lethal, abnormal vision, drosophila, homolog-like 1', 'Hu antigen R'" . "'Hu antigen C', 'paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis antigen 21', 'paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration-associated antigen', 'ELAV-like protein 3'" . "'tropoelastin', 'supravalvular aortic stenosis', 'Williams-Beuren syndrome'" . "'LEM domain containing 5'" . "'emilin and multimerin-domain containing protein 1', 'putative emu1'" . "'Emu2 gene'" . "'chromosome 20 open reading frame 130'" . "'echinoderm MT-associated protein (EMAP)-like protein 70', 'microtubule-associated protein like echinoderm EMAP'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 45'" . "'kelch-like 37 (Drosophila)'" . "'Mannosyl-glycoprotein endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase', 'Di-N-acetylchitobiosyl beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase'" . "'adropin'" . "'Enolase-phosphatase E1', 'acireductone synthase'" . "'autotaxin'" . "'CD39-like-1', 'ecto-ATPase'" . "'GLSR2492'" . "'histone acetyltransferase p300'" . "'HIF-1 alpha-like factor'" . "'Erythrocyte surface protein band 4.2'" . "'Eps15 binding protein'" . "'epidermal autoantigen 450K'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 7'" . "'glutamate tRNA ligase', 'proline tRNA ligase'" . "'epiphycan proteoglycan'" . "'alpha hemoglobin stabilising protein'" . "'aminopeptidase regulator of TNFR1 shedding', 'adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase', 'puromycin-insensitive leucyl-specific aminopeptidase'" . "'leukocyte-derived arginine aminopeptidase'" . "'densin-180-like protein', 'ERBB2-interacting protein'" . "'excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 2 protein'" . "'xeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group F'" . "'Cockayne syndrome'" . "'Ets2 repressor factor'" . "'v-ets avian erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene related', 'transcriptional regulator ERG (transforming protein ERG)', 'v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26 oncogene like', 'TMPRSS2-ERG prostate cancer specific'" . "'exoribonuclease 1', 'enhanced RNAi three prime mRNA exonuclease homolog 1 (C.elegans)'" . "'enhanced RNAi three prime mRNA exonuclease homolog 2 (C.elegans)'" . "'enhanced RNAi three prime mRNA exonuclease homolog 3 (C.elegans)'" . "'Band_7 23-211 Keo4 (Interim) similar to C.elegans protein C42C1.9'" . "'juxtanodin', 'ermin'" . "'Felix-ina'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 8'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 9'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 10'" . "'Endogenous retroviral pol gene-like sequence 1 (oncogene HLM2)'" . "'HERV-K (HML-2.HOM)', 'HERV-K108 envelope protein', 'HERV-K(C7) envelope protein', 'HERV-K_7p22.1 provirus ancestral Env polyprotein'" . "'envelope protein', 'HERV-W Env glycoprotein', 'enverin', 'syncytin-1', 'HERV-tryptophan envelope protein', 'HERV-W{7q21.1} provirus ancestral Env polyprotein', 'HERV-7q envelope protein', 'envelope glycoprotein', 'syncytin'" . "'separin', 'separase'" . "'sup45 (yeast omnipotent suppressor 45) homolog-like 1', 'polypeptide chain release factor 1'" . "'glutaric aciduria II'" . "'Avian erythroblastosis virus E26 (v-ets) oncogene homolog-1', 'ets protein'" . "'E1A enhancer binding protein'" . "'ets-related molecule'" . "'TEL oncogene'" . "'TEL2 oncogene'" . "'rad2 nuclease family member, homolog of S. cerevisiae exonuclease 1'" . "'CSL4 exosomal core protein homolog (yeast)'" . "'homolog of yeast RRP4 (ribosomal RNA processing 4), 3' 5' exoribonuclease (RRP4)'" . "'exosome component Rrp40', 'CGI-102 protein'" . "'exosome component Rrp41'" . "'exosome component Rrp46'" . "'Mtr3 (mRNA transport regulator 3)-homolog (yeast)'" . "'CBP-interacting protein 3', 'Opa interacting protein 2'" . "'polymyositis/scleroderma autoantigen 1 (75kD)'" . "'polymyositis/scleroderma autoantigen 2 (100kD)'" . "'synaptotagmin-like homologue lacking C2 domains b'" . "'Glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase', 'N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-beta-glucuronosyltransferase'" . "'Glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase', 'N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-beta-glucuronosyltransferase'" . "'glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl-proteoglycan 4-alpha-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase', 'alpha-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II', 'glucuronyl-N-acetylglucosaminylproteoglycan alpha-1,4-N- acetylglucosaminyltransferase', 'exostosin-L'" . "'alpha-1,4-N-acteylhexosaminyltransferase'" . "'REG receptor'" . "'cytovillin 2'" . "'proteinase-activated receptor-2'" . "'proteinase-activated receptor-3'" . "'proteinase-activated receptor-4'" . "'eptacog alfa', 'FVII coagulation protein', 'factor VII'" . "'Factor VIIIF8B', 'hemophilia A'" . "'Factor IX', 'plasma thromboplastic component', 'Christmas disease', 'hemophilia B'" . "'plasma thromboplastin antecedent'" . "'fatty acid hydroxylase'" . "'illeal lipid-binding protein', 'ileal bile acid binding protein', 'gastrotropin'" . "'brain lipid binding protein'" . "'Fas-associating protein with death domain', 'Fas-associating death domain-containing protein', 'mediator of receptor-induced toxicity', 'growth-inhibiting gene 3 protein'" . "'delta-5 desaturase'" . "'delta-6-desaturase'" . "'delta-9-desaturase'" . "'TNFRSF6-associated factor 1', 'UBX domain protein 3A'" . "'expressed in T cells and eosinophils in atopic dermatitis', 'UBX domain protein 3B'" . "'transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 2'" . "'predicted osteoblast protein', 'interleukin-like EMT inducer'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 39'" . "'dentin matrix protein 4'" . "'similar to hypothetical protein FLJ13119'" . "'similar to hypothetical protein FLJ35782'" . "'similar to genethonin 1'" . "'p38 interacting protein', 'transcription factor (p38 interacting protein)'" . "'similar to transcription factor (p38 interacting protein)'" . "'DNA segment on chromosome X (unique) 9928 expressed sequence'" . "'neurological/sensory 1'" . "'breast cancer membrane-associated protein 101', 'neurological/sensory 2'" . "'C/EBP induced protein'" . "'Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 557b'" . "'Wilms Tumor on the X'" . "'down regulated by Ctnnb1, a'" . "'cell growth inhibiting protein 39'" . "B cell novel protein 1" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ14668'" . "'nuclear localized factor 1'" . "'nuclear localized factor 2'" . "'nuclear localized factor 3'" . "'NY REN 7 antigen'" . "'tongue cancer chemotherapy resistance-associated protein 1'" . "'similar to CG10038-PB, isoform B'" . "'Abraxas protein'" . "'Abraxas brother'" . "'hypothetical gene supported by BC065704'" . "'DNA repair protein XRCC9', 'X-ray repair, complementing defective, in Chinese hamster, 9', 'X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 9'" . "'seprase'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 10E, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 10E, member 2'" . "'phenylalanine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'phenylalanine tRNA ligase 1, alpha, cytoplasmic'" . "'phenylalanine tRNA ligase 1, beta, cytoplasmic'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 27X, member 1'" . "'ribosomal protein S30', 'Monoclonal nonspecific suppressor factor beta'" . "'filamin binding LIM protein 1'" . "'Marfan syndrome'" . "'fibrillin 5'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 1B'" . "'F-box protein FBL11', 'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 1A'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 1C'" . "'F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 3B'" . "'ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 6'" . "'F-box only protein 26'" . "'FIST domain containing 1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 53', 'FISTC1 opposite strand (non-protein coding)'" . "'archipelago homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'F-box and WD-40 domain protein 1B pseudogene', 'beta-transducin repeat containing 2, pseudogene'" . "'IgG Fc binding protein', 'Human Fc gamma BP'" . "'Immunoglobulin G Fc receptor II'" . "'hucolin', 'collagen/fibrinogen domain-containing protein 2', 'ficolin B', 'serum lectin p35', 'L-ficolin'" . "'squalene synthase'" . "'farnesyl diphosphate synthase (farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase, dimethylallyltranstransferase, geranyltranstransferase) (FDPS) pseudogene'" . "'adrenodoxin'" . "'hypothetical protein BC006136'" . "'maturation factor-1', 'DNase IV'" . "'phosphoprotein NCP94'" . "'kindlin-1', 'kinderlin'" . "'kindlin-2'" . "'kindlin-3'" . "'Oncogene FES, feline sarcoma virus', 'c-fes/fps protein'" . "'heparin-binding growth factor 1', 'endothelial cell growth factor, alpha', 'endothelial cell growth factor, beta'" . "'INT-2 proto-oncogene protein', 'oncogene INT2', 'V-INT2 murine mammary tumor virus integration site oncogene homolog', 'murine mammary tumor virus integration site 2, mouse'" . "'human stomach cancer, transforming factor from FGF-related oncogene', 'kaposi sarcoma oncogene', 'transforming protein KS3'" . "'fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 3'" . "'fibroblast growth factor 12B', 'fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 1', 'myocyte-activating factor', 'fibroblast growth factor FGF-12b'" . "'fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 2'" . "'killer-specific secretory protein of 37 kDa'" . "'Pfeiffer syndrome'" . "'Crouzon syndrome', 'Pfeiffer syndrome'" . "'Four-and-a-half LIM domains 1', 'bA535K18.1 (LIM protein SLIMMER)'" . "'huntingtin interacting protein 13', 'fic S-phase protein cell division homolog (E. coli)'" . "'factor in the germline alpha'" . "'downregulated in ovarian cancer 1'" . "'CGI-135 protein'" . "'putative secreted ligand homologous to fjx1'" . "'FK506 binding protein 2 (13kD)', 'peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase', 'rapamycin-binding protein', 'proline isomerase'" . "'FK506 binding protein 6 (36kD)', 'peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerase', 'rotamase', 'immunophilin FKBP36'" . "'FK506-binding protein 8 (38kD)'" . "'Flotillin 2 (epidermal surface antigen 1)', 'membrane component, chromosome 17, surface marker 1 (35kD protein identified by monoclonal antibody ECS-1)'" . "'limb deformity protein'" . "'fibromodulin proteoglycan'" . "'migration-stimulating factor', 'cold-insoluble globulin'" . "'protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 2'" . "'oncogene FOS-B', 'activator protein 1'" . "'M-phase phosphoprotein 2'" . "'fork head-related protein like B', 'glutamine-rich factor 1', 'PAX5/FOXP1 fusion protein'" . "'trinucleotide repeat containing 10', 'forkhead/winged-helix transcription factor', 'speech and language disorder 1', 'CAG repeat protein 44'" . "'FK506 binding protein 12-rapamycin associated protein 2', 'rapamycin target protein', 'FKBP12-rapamycin complex-associated protein 1', 'FKBP-rapamycin associated protein', 'rapamycin associated protein FRAP2', 'dJ576K7.1 (FK506 binding protein 12-rapamycin associated protein 1)', 'rapamycin and FKBP12 target 1'" . "'GSK-3 binding protein FRAT2'" . "'Singed, drosophila, homolog-like', 'actin bundling protein'" . "'follitropin, beta chain', 'follicle-stimulating hormone beta subunit'" . "'follistatin-related protein'" . "'apoferritin', 'placenta immunoregulatory factor', 'proliferation-inducing protein 15'" . "'ferritin, heavy polypeptide-like 17 (FTHL17) pseudogene'" . "'ferritin light polypeptide-like 3', 'L apoferritin', 'ferritin L subunit', 'ferritin light chain', 'ferritin L-chain'" . "'cell division protein FtsJ', 'rRNA (uridine-2'-O-)-methyltransferase'" . "'adrift homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'L-fucose kinase'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein P2', 'translocated in liposarcoma'" . "'splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 13'" . "'alpha (1,2) fucosyltransferase', 'galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase 2', 'GDP-L-fucose:beta-D-galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase 2', 'alpha(1,2)FT2', 'secretor factor', 'secretor blood group alpha-2-fucosyltransferase'" . "'ELAM ligand fucosyltransferase', 'galactoside 3-L-fucosyltransferase'" . "'alpha-(1,3)-fucosyltransferase', 'galactoside 3-L-fucosyltransferase'" . "'dysadherin'" . "'phosphohippolin'" . "'Wnt receptor', 'frizzled, Drosophila, homolog of, 1'" . "'PHD finger protein 7B'" . "'Ras-GTPase-activating protein SH3-domain-binding protein'" . "'Ras-GTPase activating protein SH3 domain-binding protein 2'" . "'glycogen storage disease type I, von Gierke disease'" . "'islet specific glucose 6 phosphatase catalytic subunit related protein'" . "'Pompe disease', 'glycogen storage disease type II'" . "'Grb2-associated binder 2'" . "'DOS/Gab family member 3', 'Gab3 scaffolding protein'" . "'GABA-B receptor'" . "'human nuclear respiratory factor-2 subunit alpha', 'nuclear respiratory factor 2 alpha subunit'" . "'myeloid differentiation primary response', 'growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible beta'" . "'gadd-related protein, 17 kD', 'growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible gamma'" . "'papillomavirus L2 interacting nuclear protein 1', 'CKII beta binding protein 2', 'CR6 interacting factor 1', 'p53-responsive gene 6'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 3'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 4'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 5'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 6'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 7'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 4, member 8'" . "'galanin-message-associated peptide'" . "'cerebroside (3' phosphoadenylylsulfate:galactosylceramide 3') sulfotransferase'" . "'Krabbe disease'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 1E, member 1'" . "'aldose 1 epimerase'" . "'Morquio syndrome', 'mucopolysaccharidosis type IVA'" . "'protein-UDP acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1'" . "'UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 13'" . "'neuron growth-associated protein 43', 'neuromodulin', 'nerve growth-related peptide GAP43', 'axonal membrane protein GAP-43', 'protein F1', 'calmodulin-binding protein P-57', 'neural phosphoprotein B-50'" . "'tuberin-like protein 1'" . "'GTPase activating RANGAP domain-like 2'" . "'glycine tRNA ligase'" . "'Growth arrest-specific gene-1'" . "'small nucleolar RNA host gene (non-protein coding) 2', 'non-protein coding RNA 30'" . "'AXL stimulatory factor'" . "'ocular development associated gene'" . "'p66 alpha'" . "'transcription repressor p66 beta component of the MeCP1 complex'" . "'bile acid beta-glucosidase', 'non-lysosomal glucosylceramidase'" . "'klotho-related protein'" . "'glycogen branching enzyme', 'Andersen disease', 'glycogen storage disease type IV'" . "'Forssman glycolipid synthetase (FS)', 'Forssman synthetase'" . "'glicentin-related polypeptide', 'glucagon-like peptide 1', 'glucagon-like peptide 2'" . "'dopa-responsive dystonia'" . "'gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase'" . "'Ii blood group', 'unassigned linkage group 3'" . "'lipoic acid-containing protein'" . "'membrane interacting protein of RGS16'" . "'cartilage-derived morphogenetic protein-1'" . "'prostate differentiation factor'" . "'mental retardation, X-linked 41', 'mental retardation, X-linked 48', 'rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor, alpha'" . "'rab GDP-dissociation'" . "'rab GDP-dissociation'" . "'astrocyte-derived trophic factor', 'glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor', 'glial derived neurotrophic factor'" . "'osteoblast differentiation promoting factor'" . "'kinase-inducible Ras-like protein'" . "'HCC-associated protein 1', 'component of gems 4'" . "'ERV1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase 2'" . "'persephin receptor'" . "'vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase'" . "'pituitary growth hormone'" . "'placental-specific growth hormone', 'placenta-specific growth hormone'" . "'transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 5'" . "'sermorelin', 'somatocrinin', 'somatoliberin'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 68'" . "'GYF domain containing 1'" . "'GYF domain containing 2'" . "'gypsy integrase 1', 'Ty3/Gypsy integrase 1'" . "'glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide'" . "'semaphorin cytoplasmic domain associated protein 2'" . "'oculodentodigital dysplasia (syndactyly type III)', 'connexin 43'" . "'connexin 46'" . "'connexin 37'" . "'connexin 40'" . "'connexin 50'" . "'connexin 59'" . "'connexin 62'" . "'Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, X-linked', 'connexin 32'" . "'connexin 26'" . "'connexin 31'" . "'connexin 30.3'" . "'connexin 31.1'" . "'connexin 30'" . "'connexin 25'" . "'connexin 45'" . "'connexin 47'" . "'connexin 30.2'" . "'connexin 36'" . "'connexin 31.9'" . "'connexin 40.1'" . "'cGMP-dependent protein kinase anchoring protein 42kDa'" . "'down regulated in gastric cancer GDDR'" . "'heparan sulfate epimerase'" . "'glycine cleavage system protein P', 'glycine decarboxylase'" . "'tax-responsive element-2 holding protein', 'tax helper protein 1', 'tax helper protein 2'" . "'zinc finger protein GLI3', 'oncogene GLI3', 'DNA-binding protein'" . "'nephrocystin-7'" . "'glyoxalase domain containing 1'" . "'startle disease/hyperekplexia', 'stiff person syndrome'" . "'bA101E13.1 (GRX2 glutaredoxin (thioltransferase) 2)'" . "'glutaredoxin 4'" . "'cerebroside sulfate activator protein', 'sphingolipid activator protein 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 3E, member 1'" . "'Gi1 protein alpha subunit'" . "'GTP-binding regulatory protein Gi alpha-2 chain'" . "'secretogranin VI'" . "'GNAS antisense', 'non-protein coding RNA 75'" . "'G protein, beta-2 subunit', 'guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(T) beta subunit 2', 'signal-transducing guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein beta subunit', 'transducin beta chain 2'" . "'guanine nucleotide-binding protein gamma-3 subunit', 'NBP gamma-3'" . "'G protein gamma-11 subunit', 'guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(I)/G(S)/G(O) gamma-11 subunit'" . "'G gamma subunit, clone:h2-35'" . "'T-lymphocyte activation gene 519'" . "'glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase'" . "'glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase', 'oscillin'" . "'GlcNAc-phosphotransferase gamma-subunit'" . "'Sanfilippo disease IIID'" . "'Golgi matrix protein GM130', 'SY11 protein'" . "'SY2/SY10 protein', 'Golgi complex-associated protein of 170 kD'" . "'golgin 245'" . "'golgi integral membrane protein 5'" . "'FLJ35785'" . "'macrogolgin', 'golgi integral membrane protein 1'" . "'golgi peripheral membrane protein 1, 34 kDa', 'golgi protein', 'coat-protein', 'golgi-associated protein'" . "'gerodermia osteodysplastica'" . "'golgi integral membrane protein 2'" . "'kynurenine aminotransferase IV'" . "'glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial (aspartate aminotransferase 2) (GOT2) pseudogene'" . "'glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial (aspartate aminotransferase 2)(GOT2) pseudogene'" . "'GPI transamidase subunit'" . "'GPI transamidase subunit'" . "'GPI transamidase subunit'" . "'GPI transamidase subunit'" . "'GPI transamidase subunit'" . "'evolutionarily conserved G patch domain containing'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 1'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 2, cerebroglycan proteoglycan'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 3'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 4'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 5'" . "'glypican proteoglycan 6'" . "'glycoprotein alpha 2', 'cysteine knot protein'" . "'G patch domain containing 5'" . "'transmembrane glycoprotein', 'glycoprotein NMB', 'glycoprotein nmb-like protein', 'osteoactivin'" . "'chemoattractant receptor homologous molecule expressed on T helper type 2 cells'" . "'lactate receptor 1'" . "'tumor endothelial marker 5'" . "'G2 accumulation'" . "'ocular albinism 1 (Nettleship-Falls)'" . "'galanin receptor 4'" . "'wntless homolog'" . "'intimal thickness related receptor'" . "'trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase'" . "'HCV NS3 transactivated protein 2'" . "'death-inducing-protein'" . "'protein related to DAN and cerberus'" . "'primary hyperoxaluria type 2'" . "'transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 3'" . "'progranulin'" . "'bombesin', 'neuromedin C'" . "regulator of ribosome biogenesis 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)" . "'putative lymphocyte G0/G1 switch gene'" . "'maleylacetoacetate isomerase'" . "'TFIIA alpha/beta like factor'" . "'DNA repair syndrome trichothiodystrophy group A'" . "'binding factor for early enhancer'" . "'transcription factor GTF2IRD2'" . "'transcription factor IIIC, 63 kD'" . "'G protein-binding protein CRFG', ' GTP-binding protein'" . "'pseudoautosomal GTP binding protein-like'" . "'guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 3'" . "'guanylate cyclase 2D-like, membrane (retina-specific)'" . "'very large inducible GTPase 1'" . "'CTL tryptase', 'Granzyme A (Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase-3; Hanukah factor serine protease)'" . "'fragmentin 2', 'cytotoxic serine protease B', 'cathepsin G-like 1', 'T-cell serine protease 1-3E'" . "'lymphocyte met-ase 1'" . "'H1.0, H1(0), H1-0'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 8'" . "'plasma hyaluronan binding protein', 'factor VII activating protein'" . "'(S)-2-hydroxy-acid oxidase', 'glycolate oxidase', 'long-chain L-2-hydroxy acid oxidase', 'growth-inhibiting protein 16'" . "'neuroan 1'" . "'Cartilage link protein', 'hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 1'" . "'human accelerated region 1, forward', 'non-protein coding RNA 64'" . "'human accelerated region 1, reverse', 'non-protein coding RNA 65'" . "'histidine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'histidine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 77'" . "'HCLS1 (and PKD2) associated protein'" . "'Diphtheria toxin receptor (heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor)', 'heparin-binding epidermal growth factor'" . "'HBx-interacting protein', 'hepatitis B virus x-interacting protein (9.6kD)'" . "'HCGII-6 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-03 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-04 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-05 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-6 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-07 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-08 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-09 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-10 pseudogene'" . "'HCGIV-11 pseudogene'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 46'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 149'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 150'" . "'cortactin-like'" . "'P5-1 pseudogene'" . "'DNAX-activation protein 10', 'kinase assoc pro of ~10kDa'" . "'amplified in breast cancer 1'" . "'SWI/SNF2-related, matrix-associated, actin-dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily A, member 6', 'proliferation-associated SNF2-like protein'" . "'megane', 'HES-like'" . "'down-regulated in human cancers'" . "'cancer susceptibility gene HEPN1'" . "'homocysteine-inducible, endoplasmic reticulum stress-inducible, ubiquitin-like domain member 2'" . "'bHLH factor Hes7'" . "'Tay Sachs disease', 'GM2 gangliosidosis'" . "'hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif 3'" . "'hepatopoietin A', 'fibroblast-derived tumor cytotoxic factor', 'scatter factor', 'lung fibroblast-derived mitogen'" . "'membrane bound O-acyltransferase domain containing 3'" . "'Peptide-aspartate beta-dioxygenase'" . "'hypoxia inducible gene 1'" . "'histone nuclear factor P'" . "'DiGeorge critical region gene 1'" . "'c-myc intron binding protein 1'" . "'kappabinding protein-1'" . "'oncogene HKR1'" . "'b2 microglobulin'" . "'signal peptide peptidase beta', 'presenilin-like protein 3', 'intramembrane protease'" . "'HMG box domain containing 1'" . "'HMG box domain containing 2'" . "'high mobility group box 1', 'Sulfoglucuronyl carbohydrate binding protein', 'Amphoterin', 'high mobility group protein 1'" . "'non-histone chromosomal protein'" . "'hydroxymethylglutaricaciduria'" . "'hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase', '3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase (NADPH)'" . "'3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) synthase'" . "'high-mobility group nucleosome binding 1', 'nonhistone chromosomal protein HMG-14'" . "'androgen-regulated protein 2'" . "'transformation upregulated nuclear protein'" . "'E1B 55kDa associated protein 5'" . "'homeobox only domain'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 46'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 72'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 76'" . "'visinin-like protein 3', 'calcium-binding protein BDR-1'" . "'glyoxalase domain containing 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 36C, member 1'" . "'transmembrane protease, serine 1'" . "'Lesch-Nyhan syndrome'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 27'" . "'Sanjad-Sakati syndrome'" . "'histidine-proline rich glycoprotein', 'thrombophilia due to elevated HRG'" . "'death protein 5'" . "'translational inhibitor p14.5'" . "'DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 20'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 11E, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 11E, member 2'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 11E, member 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 26C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase 10'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 3'" . "'Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase-1', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 28CE, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 2'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 12C, member 2'" . "'17beta-estradiol dehydrogenase type IV', 'peroxisomal multifunctional protein 2', '17-beta-HSD IV', '17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4', 'D-bifunctional protein, peroxisomal', 'D-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase', '3-alpha,7-alpha,12-alpha-trihydroxy-5-beta-cholest-24-enoyl-CoA hydratase', 'beta-keto-reductase', 'beta-hydroxyacyl dehydrogenase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 8C, member 1'" . "'oxidative 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase', '3(alpha->beta)-hydroxysteroid epimerasel', 'retinol dehydrogenase', 'oxidoreductase', 'NAD+ -dependent 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase', '3-hydroxysteroid epimerase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 6'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 37C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 30C, member 1'" . "'type 10 17b-HSD', 'type 10 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase', 'AB-binding alcohol dehydrogenase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 5C, member 1'" . "'retinal short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 2', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C, member 2'" . "'3-ketoacyl-CoA reductase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 12C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C, member 3'" . "'retinal short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase 3', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 47C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 12C, member 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 13C, member 1'" . "'heat shock factor 2 binding protein'" . "'heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked 1'" . "'heat shock 27kDa protein 1 (HSPB1) pseudogene'" . "'hsp70 interacting protein', 'Hsp70 binding protein 1'" . "'perlecan proteoglycan'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 73'" . "'Tat-interacting protein (30kD)', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 44U, member 1'" . "'pregnancy-related serine protease'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 78'" . "'hus1+-like protein'" . "'voltage sensor domain-only protein'" . "'lysosomal hyaluronidase', 'PH-20 homolog', 'hyaluronidase 2'" . "'hyaluronidase 4'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 20'" . "'glucose-regulated protein 170'" . "'isoleucine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'isoleucine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'bone sialoprotein', 'bone sialoprotein II'" . "'human rhinovirus receptor'" . "'telencephalin'" . "'activation-inducible lymphocyte immunomediatory molecule'" . "'DNA-binding protein inhibitor ID-1'" . "'cell growth-inhibiting gene 8'" . "'insulysin'" . "'H-IDH alpha', 'isocitric dehydrogenase', 'isocitrate dehydrogenase [NAD] subunit alpha, mitochondrial', 'NAD+-specific ICDH', 'NAD(H)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase alpha subunit', 'isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) alpha chain'" . "'IPP isomerase'" . "'Hunter syndrome'" . "'gamma-interferon-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase', 'interferon gamma-inducible protein 30 preproprotein'" . "'helicard'" . "'retinoic acid- and interferon-inducible protein (58kD)'" . "'IFN-alpha 1b', 'interferon alpha 1b'" . "'alpha-2a interferon', 'interferon alpha 2b', 'interferon alpha A'" . "'interferon alpha-B''', 'interferon alpha type 201'" . "'leukocyte interferon protein'" . "'IFN-omega 1, interferon omega-1'" . "'interferon-related protein'" . "'capillary morphogenesis protein 1'" . "'alpha 4'" . "'likely ortholog of mouse neighbor of Punc E11'" . "'IGF II mRNA binding protein 1'" . "'IGF II mRNA binding protein 2'" . "'IGF II mRNA binding protein 3'" . "'cation-independent mannose-6 phosphate receptor'" . "'placental protein 12', 'amniotic fluid binding protein', 'alpha-pregnancy-associated endometrial globulin', 'growth hormone independent-binding protein', 'binding protein-28', 'binding protein-26', 'binding protein-25', 'IGF-binding protein 1'" . "'growth hormone-dependent binding protein', 'acid stable subunit of the 140 K IGF complex', 'binding protein 53', 'binding protein 29', 'IGF-binding protein 3'" . "'IGF-binding protein 4'" . "'immunoglobulin delta', 'constant region of heavy chain of IgD'" . "'cardiac transcription factor 1'" . "'immunoglobulin orphon (transposed element) 1'" . "'Delta NEMO'" . "'preinterleukin 1 alpha', 'hematopoietin-1', 'pro-interleukin-1-alpha'" . "'family of interleukin 1-delta', 'interleukin-1 receptor antagonist homolog 1', 'interleukin-1 HY1', 'IL-1 related protein 3'" . "'interleukin 1, zeta', 'interleukin-1 homolog 4', 'interleukin-1-related protein'" . "'interleukin-1 homolog 1', 'interleukin 1-related protein 2'" . "'FIL1- theta', 'interleukin-1 receptor antagonist FKSG75'" . "'homolog of mouse growth stimulation-expressed'" . "'multilineage-colony-stimulating factor', 'hematopoietic growth factor', 'P-cell stimulating factor', 'mast-cell growth factor'" . "'B_cell stimulatory factor 1', 'lymphocyte stimulatory factor 1', 'B cell growth factor 1'" . "'interleukin-5', 'T-cell replacing factor', 'B cell differentiation factor I', 'eosinophil differentiation factor'" . "'chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 8'" . "'chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 1'" . "'chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 2'" . "'p40 T-cell and mast cell growth factor', 'T-cell growth factor p40', 'p40 cytokine', 'homolog of mouse T cell and mast cell growth factor 40'" . "'adipogenesis inhibitory factor', 'oprelvekin'" . "'natural killer cell stimulatory factor 1, 35 kD subunit', 'cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 1, p35', 'interleukin 12, p35', 'IL-12, subunit p35', 'NF cell stimulatory factor chain 1', 'interleukin-12 alpha chain'" . "'natural killer cell stimulatory factor-2', 'cytotoxic lymphocyte maturation factor 2, p40', 'interleukin 12, p40', 'natural killer cell stimulatory factor, 40 kD subunit', 'interleukin-12 beta chain', 'IL12, subunit p40'" . "'IL13 receptor alpha-1 chain', 'CD213a1 antigen'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 19'" . "'cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 8'" . "'interleukin 27'" . "'MC51L-53L-54L homolog gene product'" . "'melanoma differentiation associated protein-like protein'" . "'IL-10-related T-cell-derived inducible factor'" . "'melanoma differentiation association protein 7', 'suppression of tumorigenicity 16 (melanoma differentiation)'" . "'T-cell cytokine receptor type 1'" . "'interferon lambda receptor 1'" . "'natural killer cell transcript 4'" . "'DVS27-related protein'" . "'LISCH-like'" . "'M-phase phosphoprotein 4'" . "'acetolactate synthase homolog'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 10'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 11'" . "'inverted formin 2'" . "'inhibitor of growth 1', 'tumor suppressor ING1', 'growth inhibitor ING1', 'growth inhibitory protein ING1'" . "'INO80 complex subunit A'" . "'PAP-1 binding protein', 'IES2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'IES6 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'CTCL tumor antigen HD-CL-02', '43 kDa inositol polyphosphate 5-phophatase', 'inositol polyphosphate 5-phophatase, 40kDa', 'InsP3 5-phosphatase', 'type I inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase'" . "'skeletal muscle and kidney enriched inositol phosphatase'" . "'51C protein'" . "'INSIG-1 membrane protein'" . "'relaxin/insulin-like factor 1'" . "'mlt 1'" . "'hypothetical nuclear factor SBBI22'" . "'phosphoinositide binding protein PIP3-E'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 2'" . "'RasGAP-like with IQ motifs'" . "'interferon regulatory factor-1'" . "'thrombospondin and AMOP containing isthmin-like 1'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 33'" . "'myo-inositol 1-phosphate synthase'" . "'T cell immunomodulatory protein'" . "'integrin, alpha 4-like'" . "'integrin cytoplasmic domain-associated protein 1', 'integrin cytoplasmic domain-associated protein 1-beta', 'integrin cytoplasmic domain-associated protein 1-alpha', 'bodenin'" . "'muscle-specific beta 1 integrin binding protein'" . "'platelet glycoprotein IIIa'" . "'centromere protein R'" . "'ten integrin EGF-like repeat domains protein', 'ITGBL1, integrin beta-like 1'" . "'pre-alpha (globulin) inhibitor, H3 polypeptide', 'inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H3'" . "'BRICHOS domain containing 2A'" . "'SH3 domain protein-1A', 'human intersectin-SH3 domain-containing protein SH3P17', 'Src homology 3 domain-containing protein', 'intersectin 1 short form variant, 11', 'intersectin 1 short form variant 3', 'intersectin short variant 12'" . "'SH3 domain protein 1B', 'SH3P18-like WASP associated protein'" . "'tyrosine-protein kinase JAK3', 'leukocyte Janus kinase'" . "'neuroendocrine long coiled-coil 2'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 2A'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 3A'" . "'homolog of mouse skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum protein JP-45'" . "'prostate androgen-regulated gene'" . "'transcription factor jun-D', 'JunD-FL isoform', 'activator protein 1'" . "'anosmin-1'" . "'serine/threonine kinase with Dbl and pleckstrin homology domains'" . "'lysine tRNA ligase'" . "'Tat interacting protein, 60kDa', 'K-acetyltransferase 5'" . "'sarcosynapsin'" . "'T-cell activation kelch repeat protein'" . "'sarcomeric muscle protein'" . "'TWIK related spinal cord K+ channel'" . "'Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome 1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 12'" . "'sodium and chloride activated ATP sensitive potassium channel'" . "'kielin'" . "'predominantly fetal expressed T1 domain'" . "'polymerase delta-interacting protein 1', 'TNFAIP1-like'" . "'3-dehydrosphinganine reductase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 35C, member 1'" . "'keratocan proteoglycan'" . "'GAP-associated tyrosine phosphoprotein p62 (Sam68)'" . "'Sam68-like mammalian protein 1'" . "'FUSE binding protein 2'" . "'penguin homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'strumpellin'" . "ECM29 homolog, proteasome accessory protein (S. cerevisiae)" . "'limkain b1'" . "'glycine, glutamate, thienylcyclohexylpiperidine binding protein'" . "'fragile site-associated'" . "'estrogen induced gene 121'" . "'EIG121-like'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 121'" . "'deleted in breast cancer'" . "'ankyrin repeat-rich membrane-spanning protein'" . "'kinesin family protein 3A'" . "'chromokinesin'" . "'kinesin-like protein KIF17', 'KIF3-related motor protein', 'KIF17 variant protein'" . "'Smg GDS'" . "'mast cell growth factor', 'stem cell factor', 'steel factor'" . "'KLF12 zinc finger transcriptional repressor', 'AP-2rep transcription factor', 'AP-2 repressor'" . "'kidney-enriched Kruppel-like factor'" . "'kelch/ankyrin repeat containing cyclin A1 interacting protein'" . "'scruin like at the midline homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'Kelch-like protein 1', 'Mayven-related protein 2'" . "'kelch-like protein KLHL6'" . "'actinfilin'" . "'ectodermal-neural cortex 2'" . "'kallikrein 31 pseudogene'" . "'NKG2-1/B activating NK receptor'" . "'C-type lectin domain family 15, member A'" . "'C-type lectin domain family 15, member B'" . "'alpha-2-thiol proteinase inhibitor', 'bradykinin'" . "'rough deal homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'importin 1'" . "'epidermal ichthyosis bullosa of Siemens'" . "'keratin, type II cytoskeletal 3', 'cytokeratin 3'" . "'cytokeratin 4', 'keratin, type II cytoskeletal 4'" . "'keratin, type II cytoskeletal 7', 'cytokeratin 7', 'sarcolectin', 'keratin, 55K type II cytoskeletal'" . "'cytokeratin 9', 'type I cytoskeletal 9', 'epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma'" . "'cytokeratin 10', 'epidermolytic hyperkeratosis'" . "'Meesmann corneal dystrophy'" . "'keratin, type I cytoskeletal 13', 'cytokeratin 13'" . "'epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Dowling-Meara, Koebner'" . "'keratin-15, basic', 'keratin-15, beta', 'type I cytoskeletal 15', 'cytokeratin 15'" . "'focal non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma'" . "'keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19', 'keratin, type I, 40-kd', 'cytokeratin 19', '40-kDa keratin intermediate filament'" . "'hard keratin type I 1'" . "'hard keratin type I'" . "'hard keratin type I 3I'" . "'hard keratin type I 3II'" . "'hard keratin type I 4'" . "'hard keratin type I 5'" . "'keratin 6-like'" . "'hard keratin type II 1'" . "'hard keratin type II 2'" . "'hard keratin type II'" . "'hard keratin type II'" . "'hard keratin type II 4'" . "'hard keratin type II 6'" . "'KDELC family like 1'" . "'2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase'" . "'lethal (3) malignant brain tumor l(3)'" . "'ATPase family gene 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'DNA segment on chromosome X (unique) 9879 expressed sequence'" . "'merosin', 'congenital muscular dystrophy'" . "'laminin S'" . "'testis-specific adriamycin sensitivity protein', 'G protein-coupled receptor 69B'" . "'P-TEFb-interaction protein for 7SK stability'" . "'leucine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'leucine tRNA ligase 2, mitocondrial'" . "'linker for activation of B cells', 'non-T cell activation linker'" . "'LAT-like membrane associated protein', 'linker for activation of x cells'" . "'transcriptional corepressor CORL1', 'functional smad suppressing element 15'" . "'lebercilin'" . "'protein phosphatase methyltransferase 1'" . "'tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 4'" . "'Von Ebner gland protein', 'tear lipocalin', 'lipocalin 1-like 2'" . "'oncogene 24p3', 'neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin', 'siderocalin'" . "'76 kDa tyrosine phosphoprotein', 'SH2 domain-containing leukocyte protein of 76kD'" . "'klotho gamma', 'KL lactase phlorizin hydrolase'" . "'carboxy terminal LIM domain protein 2'" . "'cypher', 'oracle'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 32'" . "'familial hypercholesterolemia'" . "'transforming growth factor, beta-4 (endometrial bleeding-associated factor; LEFTY A)'" . "'prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1', 'growth suppressor 1'" . "'prolyl 3-hydroxylase 2'" . "'prolyl 3-hydroxylase 3'" . "'leptin receptor gene related protein'" . "'cervical cancer 1 protooncogene'" . "'galectin 1'" . "'galectin 2'" . "'galectin 3'" . "'L3 antigen', 'Mac-2-binding protein', 'serum protein 90K'" . "'galectin 4'" . "'galectin 7'" . "'galectin 7B'" . "'galectin 8'" . "'galectin 9'" . "'galectin 12'" . "'galectin 13'" . "'lutropin, beta chain', 'interstitial cell stimulating hormone, beta chain', 'luteinizing hormone beta subunit'" . "'polydeoxyribonucleotide synthase [ATP] 4', 'polynucleotide ligase', 'sealase', 'DNA repair enzyme', 'DNA joinase'" . "'epithelial protein lost in neoplasm beta'" . "'pinch 2'" . "'mammalian LIN-7 1'" . "'LIN-7 protein 3'" . "'TUDOR gene similar', 'rb related pathway actor'" . "'CXC domain containing 1'" . "'Wolman disease'" . "'membrane-associated phospholipase A1 beta'" . "'human LAPS18-like protein'" . "'endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment protein 53'" . "'dyxin'" . "'T-cell translocation gene 2', 'rhombotin-like 1'" . "'F-box only protein 20'" . "'lysophosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase 2'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 2'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 1'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 6'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 8'" . "'leucine rich alpha 2 glycoprotein'" . "'ortholog of mouse integral membrane glycoprotein LIG-1', 'leucine-rich repeat protein LRIG1'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 9'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 4'" . "'megalin'" . "'T cell activation leucine repeat rich protein'" . "'hypothetical protein AD158'" . "'c114 SLIT-like testicular protein'" . "'KIAA0563-related'" . "'synleurin'" . "'GC-binding factor 2'" . "'leucine rich repeat containing 64'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 3'" . "'leucine rich and ankyrin repeats 1', 'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domain 7'" . "'fibronectin type III, immunoglobulin and leucine rich repeat domains 5'" . "'IgLON family member 3'" . "'lipolysis-stimulated remnant', 'immunoglobulin-like domain containing receptor 3'" . "'TGF-beta1-BP-1'" . "'CGI-74 protein'" . "'lumican proteoglycan'" . "'myotrophin 3'UTR transcript'" . "'retinoic acid induced gene E'" . "'cargo selection protein (mannose 6 phosphate receptor binding protein)', 'placental protein 17', 'MPR-BINDING PROTEIN, 47-KD'" . "'actin cross-linking factor', '620 kDa actin binding protein', 'macrophin 1', 'trabeculin-alpha', 'actin cross-linking family protein 7'" . "'mitotic arrest deficient homolog-like 2'" . "'mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1'" . "'transcription factor MafG', 'basic leucine zipper transcription factor MafG'" . "'v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein K', 'basic-leucine zipper transcription factor MafK', 'erythroid transcription factor NF-E2 p18 subunit', 'nuclear factor erythroid-2, ubiquitous (p18)'" . "'melanoma-associated antigen 1', 'melanoma-associated antigen MZ2-E', 'melanoma antigen MAGE-1', 'melanoma antigen family A 1', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 2'" . "'melanoma-associated antigen 3', 'antigen MZ2-D', 'MAGE-3 antigen', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 3'" . "'melanoma-associated antigen 4', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 4'" . "'MAGE-5a antigen', 'MAGE-5b antigen', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 5'" . "'MAGE-6 antigen', 'melanoma-associated antigen 6', 'melanoma antigen family A 6', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 6'" . "'MAGE-8 antigen', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 8'" . "'MAGE-9 antigen', 'melanoma-associated antigen 9', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 9'" . "'MAGE-10 antigen', 'melanoma-associated antigen 10', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 10'" . "'MAGE-11 antigen', 'melanoma-associated antigen 11', 'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 11'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 1, member 12'" . "'DSS/AHC critical interval MAGE superfamily 10', 'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 1'" . "'DSS/AHC critical interval MAGE superfamily 6', 'melanoma-associated antigen B2', 'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 5'" . "'melanoma-associated antigen B4', 'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 6'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 3'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 3, member 4'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 7, member 1'" . "'hepatocellular carcinoma associated protein', 'breast cancer associated gene 1', 'melanoma-associated antigen D2', 'hepatocellular carcinoma-associated protein HCA10'" . "'MAL proteolipid protein 2'" . "'metastasis associated in lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1', 'non-protein coding RNA 47', 'hepcarcin'" . "'paracaspase'" . "'apical early endosomal glycoprotein precursor'" . "'mastermind homolog'" . "'mastermind (drosophila)-like 3'" . "'endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase 1', 'alpha 1,2-mannosidase', 'endoplasmic reticulum mannosyl-oligosaccharide 1,2-alpha-mannosidase 1', 'ER alpha 1,2-mannosidase', 'Man9GlcNAc2-specific processing alpha-mannosidase'" . "'golgi integral membrane protein 7'" . "'core-specific lysosomal alpha-1,6-Mannosidase'" . "'MAPK/ERK kinase 3', 'MAP kinase kinase 3', 'dual specificity mitogen activated protein kinase kinase 3'" . "'protein kinase, mitogen-activated, kinase 6 (MAP kinase kinase 6)'" . "'MAP/ERK kinase kinase 2'" . "'MAP/ERK kinase kinase 3', 'MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 3'" . "'TAK1-binding protein 1', 'mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 interacting protein 1'" . "'TAK1 binding protein 3'" . "'MKN28 kinase', 'mixed lineage kinase 2', 'MKN28 derived nonreceptor_type serine/threonine kinase'" . "'dual leucine zipper kinase DLK'" . "'leucine zipper-bearing kinase'" . "'serine/threonine protein-kinase'" . "'hematopoietic progenitor kinase 1'" . "'HPK/GCK-like kinase', 'hepatocyte progenitor kinase-like/germinal center kinase-like kinase'" . "'germinal center kinase-related'" . "'aster-associated protein'" . "'BMK1 kinase', 'extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 5'" . "'JUN N-terminal kinase'" . "'islet-brain 2', 'JNK-interacting protein 2'" . "'homolog of Drosophila Sunday driver 2'" . "'Jun kinase'" . "'p38 MAP kinase'" . "'extracellular signal regulated kinase 8'" . "'stress-activated protein kinase-interacting 1'" . "'MEK partner 1'" . "'adenomatous polyposis coli-binding protein EB1'" . "'APC-binding protein EB1'" . "'G protein beta1/gamma2 subunit-interacting factor 1', 'microtubule-associated protein tau, isoform 4'" . "'scavenger receptor class A, member 2'" . "'ELKL motif kinase 1', 'serine/threonine kinase', 'protein-serine/threonine kinase', 'Ser/Thr protein kinase PAR-1B'" . "'methionine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'methionine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'tricellulin'" . "'S-adenosylmethionine synthetase'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 23E, member 1'" . "'Csk-homologous kinase', 'tyrosine-protein kinase CTK', 'protein kinase HYL', 'hematopoietic consensus tyrosine-lacking kinase', 'tyrosylprotein kinase', 'hydroxyaryl-protein kinase', 'Csk-type protein tyrosine kinase', 'HYL tyrosine kinase', 'tyrosine kinase MATK', 'leukocyte carboxyl-terminal src kinase related'" . "'lysophosphatidylethanolamine acyltransferase 1'" . "'ghrelin O-acyltransferase'" . "'lysophosphatidylinositol acyltransferase'" . "'Gicerin'" . "'glyoxalase domain containing 2'" . "'Oncogene MCF2 (oncogene DBL)'" . "'mitotin'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 31'" . "'MIS5 homolog (S.pombe)'" . "'REC homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'BRCT-repeat inhibitor of TERT expression 1'" . "'INO80 complex subunit Q'" . "'inhibitor of MyoD family a'" . "'nuclear receptor binding factor 1', 'mitochondrial 2-enoyl thioester reductase'" . "'NUT2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'pyrin'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 23'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 24'" . "'HBV pre s2 binding protein 1'" . "'menin'" . "'growth arrest-specific homeobox'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 40'" . "'DORA reverse strand protein 1'" . "'bcl-2 ARE RNA binding protein'" . "'microfibril-associated glycoprotein 4'" . "'leucine rich repeat containing 65'" . "'membrane-type frizzled-related protein', 'complement C1q tumor necrosis factor-related protein 5 precursor variant 1'" . "'tetracycline transporter like protein'" . "'nuclear cytoplasmic O-GlcNAcase and acetyltransferase'" . "'microsomal glutathione S-transferase III', 'microsomal GST-3', 'microsomal GST-III'" . "'C219 reactive peptide'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 66'" . "'molecule interacting with Rab13'" . "'junctional Rab13-binding protein'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 67'" . "'misshapen/NIK-related kinase'" . "'kidney-specific protein 32'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 48'" . "'B-cell receptor inducible', 'BIC transcript', 'non-protein coding RNA 172', 'MIR155 host gene'" . "'homolog of mouse microphthalmia'" . "'nucleolar protein interacting with the FHA domain of pKi-67'" . "'megakaryocytic acute leukemia', 'myocardin-related transcription factor A', 'basic, SAP and coiled-coil domain'" . "'Putative map kinase interacting kinase'" . "'zinc finger protein 127'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 9'" . "'myeloid leukemia factor 1 variant 1', 'myeloid leukemia factor 1 variant 2', 'myeloid leukemia factor 1 variant 3'" . "'centromere protein U'" . "'Myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia, translocated to, 6', 'trithorax homolog'" . "'ALL1 fused gene from chromosome 1q'" . "'carbohydrate response element binding protein'" . "'ATP:cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase'" . "'neutral endopeptidase', 'enkephalinase', 'neprilysin'" . "'collagenase 3'" . "'enamelysin'" . "'matrix metalloproteinase 22', 'femalysin', 'matrix metalloproteinase in the female reproductive tract'" . "'membrane-type 5 matrix metalloproteinase'" . "'matrilysin 2'" . "'matrix metalloprotease 27'" . "'glycoprotein Ia*'" . "'MET18 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'probable tumor suppressor protein MN1'" . "'myc antagonist', 'Max-interacting protein'" . "'Mob4A protein'" . "'MOB LAK'" . "'monopolar spindle 1 binding, MOB1, domain containing'" . "'MOB3C protein'" . "'phocein'" . "'ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 4', 'UBA4, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 33'" . "'MORF-related gene on chromosome 15'" . "'MORF-related gene X'" . "'44050 protein'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 113'" . "'vocal cord and pharyngeal weakness with distal myopathy'" . "'macrophage expressed gene 1'" . "'alkyladenine DNA glycosylase'" . "'MAGUK p55 subfamily member 2', 'discs large, homolog 2'" . "'MAGUK p55 subfamily member 3', 'discs, large (Drosophila) homolog 3', 'membrane protein palmitoylated 3'" . "'stardust'" . "'Rho interacting protein 3'" . "'human liver rhodanese'" . "'glomerulosclerosis'" . "'AT-like disease'" . "'B29 protein', 'beside the Ma29 deletion'" . "'39S ribosomal protein L10, mitochondrial'" . "'39S ribosomal protein L19'" . "'putative BRCA1-interacting protein', '39S ribosomal protein L36, mitochondrial'" . "'39S ribosomal protein L44, mitochondrial'" . "'nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastasis-related 1'" . "'neighbor of FAU', 'next to FAU'" . "'mitochondrial 39S ribosomal protein L50'" . "'mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S5'" . "'28S ribosomal protein S9, mitochondrial'" . "'cervical cancer proto-oncogene 2'" . "'28S ribosomal protein S17, mitochondrial'" . "'mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S25'" . "'inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate-associated cGMP kinase substrate', 'IP3R-associated cGMP kinase substrate'" . "'IgE responsiveness (atopic)'" . "'activated B-cell factor-1'" . "'paraxial mesogenin'" . "'Divergent upstream protein', 'Mismatch repair protein 1'" . "'male-specific lethal-2 homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'hepatocyte growth factor-like protein homolog'" . "'humanin'" . "'metallothionein 1K'" . "'mature T-cell proliferation 1, isoform p8'" . "'polycomb-like 2'" . "'likely ortholog of chicken chondrocyte protein with a poly proline region'" . "'CXC domain containing 2'" . "'cisplatin resistance associated'" . "'egg-derived tyrosine phosphatase homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'granule cell differentiation protein'" . "'mitochontrial peptide chain release factor 1'" . "'actin-bundling protein with BAIAP2 homology'" . "'epiglycanin'" . "'small breast epithelial mucin'" . "'Mu-2 related death-inducing gene'" . "'ring finger protein 218', 'mitochondria-anchored protein ligase', 'growth inhibition and death E3 ligase', 'mitochondrial ubiquitin ligase activator of NFKB 1'" . "'muscle-restricted coiled-coil protein'" . "'LH receptor mRNA-binding protein', 'mevalonic aciduria'" . "'interferon-regulated resistance GTP-binding protein MXB', 'second interferon-induced protein p78'" . "'adlican'" . "'adlican pseudogene'" . "'limitrin'" . "'p53-activated protein-2'" . "'fast-type muscle myosin-binding-protein C'" . "'associate of myc-1'" . "'l-myc protein', 'myc-related gene from lung cancer', 'oncogene lmyc'" . "'DNA binding transcriptional activator'" . "'myosin heavy chain IIx/d'" . "'myosin, skeletal, heavy chain, embryonic 1', 'muscle embryonic myosin heavy chain 3'" . "'cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic 1'" . "'nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-A'" . "'extraocular muscle myosin heavy chain', 'extraocular myosin heavy chain'" . "'sarcomeric myosin'" . "'cardiac ventricular myosin light chain 2'" . "'myosin, atrial/fetal muscle, light chain'" . "'myosin light chain 1 slow a'" . "'myosin regulatory light chain 2, smooth muscle isoform', 'myosin regulatory light chain 1'" . "'myosin regulatory light chain 3'" . "'myosin regulatory light chain 2'" . "'smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase'" . "'skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase'" . "'MLC kinase'" . "'caMLCK like'" . "'myosin, light chain 11, regulatory', 'myosin regulatory light chain 2'" . "'myosin-IC'" . "'minor histocompatibility antigen HA-2'" . "'myosin, heavy polypeptide kinase', 'myosin heavy chain 12', 'myoxin', 'myosin V'" . "'myosin 5C'" . "'myoblast determination protein 1'" . "'skelemin'" . "'calsarcin-2'" . "'calsarcin 3', 'FATZ related protein 3'" . "'Bornholm eye disease'" . "'pathologic myopia'" . "'sarcomeric protein myopalladin, 145 kDa'" . "'p42 Myb-related transcription factor, partner of profilin'" . "'synaptotagmin-like protein homologue lacking C2 domains-c', 'rab effector MYRIP', 'Slp homologue lacking C2 domains'" . "'Monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein'" . "'MOZ-related factor'" . "'neural zinc finger transcription factor 1'" . "'BCL-3 binding protein'" . "'hypothetical gene CG018'" . "'phosphonoformate immuno-associated protein 5'" . "'EGR1 binding protein 1'" . "'alpha-NAC protein'" . "'nucleus accumbens associated 1', 'BEN domain containing 8'" . "'BEN domain containing 9'" . "'NEDD8-activating enzyme E1 subunit'" . "'Sanfilippo disease IIIB'" . "'nuclear apoptosis-inducing factor 1'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and BIR domain containing 1', 'NLR family, BIR domain containing 1'" . "'visfatin'" . "'sialic acid synthase'" . "'alpha SNAP'" . "'chromosome 7 open reading frame 18, N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D'" . "'gamma SNAP'" . "'breast cancer cell 1'" . "'asparagine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'asparagine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'N-acetyltransferase 3 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'K562 cells-derived leucine zipper-like protein 1'" . "'neuron navigator-1', 'pore membrane and/or filament interacting like protein 3'" . "'pore membrane and/or filament interacting like protein 2', 'retinoic acid inducible gene in neuroblastoma 1', 'helicase, APC down-regulated 1'" . "'pore membrane and/or filament interacting like protein 1', 'steerin 3'" . "'neuroblastoma candidate region, suppression of tumorigenicity 1', 'neuroblastoma suppressor of tumorigenicity 1', 'differential screening-selected gene aberrant in neuroblastoma'" . "'neurocan proteoglycan'" . "'chromosome condensation related SMC associated protein 1'" . "'chromosome condensation protein G'" . "'kleisin beta', 'CAP-H2 subunit of the condensin II complex'" . "'NADPH oxidase organizer 2', 'chronic granulomatous disease, autosomal 1'" . "'NADPH oxidase activator 2', 'chronic granulomatous disease, autosomal 2'" . "'neutrophil NADPH oxidase factor 4'" . "'dia interacting protein', 'diaphanous protein interacting protein', 'SH3 protein interacting with Nck, 90 kDa'" . "'receptor-associated coactivator 3', 'thyroid hormone receptor activator molecule 1'" . "'RET-activating gene ELE1'" . "'coactivator independent of AF-2'" . "'nuclear receptor coactivator RAP250', 'activating signal cointegrator-2', 'peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor interacting protein'" . "'thyroid hormone- and retinoic acid receptor-associated corepressor 1'" . "'trophoblast derived non-protein coding RNA'" . "'non coding transcript UM9(5)'" . "'narcolepsy candidate region 1 gene C'" . "'narcolepsy candidate-region 1 gene A', 'narcolepsy candidate region gene 1A'" . "'NADPH dependent FMN and FAD containing oxidoreductase'" . "'NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex 1)', 'type I dehydrogenase', 'NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 1 (7.5kD, MWFE)'" . "'Complex I-13KD-B', 'ubiquinone reductase', 'type I dehydrogenase'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 22E, member 1'" . "'mimitin', 'Myc-induced mitochondrial protein'" . "'NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase AGGG subunit'" . "'NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase beta subunit, 6', 'NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase B17 subunit', 'complex I, mitochondrial respiratory chain, B17 subunit'" . "'NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase B18 subunit'" . "'EF-hand calcium binding protein 3'" . "'receptor-potentiating factor 1'" . "'Cas scaffolding protein family member 2', 'Cas-like'" . "'neurofilament, heavy polypeptide 200kDa (NEFH) pseudogene'" . "'a kindred of IgLON', 'neurotractin', 'IgLON family member 4'" . "'HsPK 21'" . "'serine/threonine-protein kinase NEK3', 'phosphorylase B kinase kinase', 'glycogen synthase A kinase', 'hydroxyalkyl-protein kinase'" . "'serine/threonine protein kinase-2'" . "'putative serine-threonine protein kinase'" . "'neudesin'" . "'immunoglobulin superfamily, DCC subclass, member 2'" . "'N-acetyl-alpha-neuraminidase 2'" . "'beta-cell E-box transactivator 2', 'neurogenic helix-loop-helix protein NEUROD'" . "'neurogenic differentiation 3'" . "'neurofibromatosis', 'von Recklinghausen disease', 'Watson disease'" . "'Albright osteodystrophy'" . "'moesin-ezrin-radixin like', 'schwannomin'" . "'NF-E2-related factor 2'" . "'nuclear factor related to kappa B binding protein', 'DNA-binding protein R kappa B', 'INO80 complex subunit G'" . "'ovarian zinc finger protein'" . "'ephexin'" . "'low affinity nerve growth factor receptor'" . "'brain expressed, X-linked 3'" . "'epilepsy, progressive myoclonus type 2B'" . "'small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 15.5kDa (U4/U6.U5)'" . "'nerve injury-induced protein-1'" . "'60S ribosome subunit biogenesis protein'" . "'imidazoline receptor candidate', 'I-1 receptor candidate protein', 'imidazoline receptor antisera selected'" . "'NF kappaB activating protein'" . "'naked cuticle-2', 'Dvl-binding protein NKD2'" . "'natural killer triggering receptor', 'NK-tumor recognition protein', 'natural-killer cells cyclophilin-related protein', 'NK-TR protein'" . "'tinman paralog (Drosophila)'" . "'tinman paralog (Drosophila)'" . "'Notchless gene homolog, (Drosophila)'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and CARD domain containing 3', 'NOD-like receptor C3'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and CARD domain containing 4', 'NOD-like receptor C4'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and CARD domain containing 5', 'NOD-like receptor C5'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 1'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 2'" . "'Cryopyrin', 'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 3'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 4'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 5'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 6'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 7'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 8'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 9'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 10'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 11'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 12'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 13'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and pyrin domain containing 14'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat containing X1', 'NOD-like receptor X1', 'NLR family, X1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 48A, member 1'" . "'alternative, short form NMT-S', 'myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase', 'long form, NMT-L'" . "'nin one binding protein'" . "'newborn ovary homeobox-encoding gene'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and CARD domain containing 1', 'NLR family, CARD domain containing 1'" . "'nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine rich repeat and CARD domain containing 2', 'NOD-like receptor C2', 'NLR family, CARD domain containing 2'" . "'Nuclear RNA-binding protein, 54-kD', 'non-Pou domain-containing octamer (ATGCAAAT) binding protein'" . "'NOL1/NOP2/Sun domain family, member 1'" . "'homolog of yeast Nop10p'" . "'NOP14 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'hypothetical protein HSPC111', 'HBV pre-S2 trans-regulated protein 3'" . "'C-terminal PDZ domain ligand of neuronal nitric oxide synthase'" . "'endothelial nitric oxide synthase'" . "'neuro-oncological ventral antigen 3'" . "'mitogenic oxidase (pyridine nucleotide-dependent superoxide-generating)', 'NADPH oxidase homolog-1', 'NADPH oxidase 1 variant NOH-1L'" . "'purine nucleoside phosphorylase'" . "'neuronal PAS1', 'member of PAS superfamily 5'" . "'puromycin-sensitive aminopeptidase', 'metalloproteinase MP100'" . "'neuropeptide FF 1'" . "'neuropeptide FF 2'" . "'nephrocystin-1'" . "'nephroretinin'" . "'nucleolar phosphoprotein B23', 'numatrin', 'nucleophosmin/nucleoplasmin family, member 1'" . "'apexin'" . "'RFamide-related peptide precursor'" . "'liver X receptor-beta'" . "'liver X receptor-alpha'" . "'TR4 orphan receptor associated protein TRA16'" . "'liver receptor homolog-1'" . "'NgCAM-related cell adhesion molecule'" . "'alpha palindromic-binding protein'" . "'neural- and thymus-derived activator for ErbB kinases', 'divergent of neuregulin-1'" . "'receptor interacting protein 140', 'nuclear factor RIP140'" . "'neurexin II'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 31E, member 1'" . "'N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor-like protein'" . "'SHP1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)', 'UBX domain protein 2C'" . "'tRNA methyltransferase 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae)', 'Myc-induced SUN-domain-containing protein'" . "'Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 20B'" . "'Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 20C'" . "'cytosolic 5' nucleotidase, type 1A', 'AMP-specific 5'-NT', 'cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase IA'" . "'purine 5' nucleotidase'" . "'neurotrophic factor 4'" . "'neurotrimin', 'IgLON family member 2'" . "'Netrin-1'" . "'Netrin-3'" . "'beta-netrin', 'Netrin-4'" . "'Netrin-5'" . "'netrin G1f', 'Netrin-G1'" . "'Netrin-G2'" . "'high affinity nerve growth factor receptor'" . "'neuromedin N'" . "'AMP-activated protein kinase family member 5'" . "'SNF1/AMP activated protein kinase'" . "'NEDD8 ultimate buster-1'" . "'mutT human homolog 1', 'nudix motif 1', '8-oxo-7,8-dihydrodeoxyguanosine triphosphatase', '8-oxo-dGTPase', '7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine triphosphatase', '8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine triphosphatase', 'nucleoside diphosphate-linked moiety X-type motif 1'" . "'Ap4A hydrolase 1', 'Ap4Aase', 'bis(5'-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase (asymmetrical)', 'diadenosine tetraphosphatase', 'diadenosine 5',5''-P1,P4-tetraphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase'" . "'diphosphoinositol polyphosphate phosphohydrolase type 2'" . "'nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X-type motif 12'" . "'nuclear pore glycoprotein p62'" . "'nuclear pore complex protein Nup214', 'CAN protein, putative oncogene'" . "'nucleoporin-like protein 1'" . "'Nuclear valosin-containing protein-like', 'nuclear VCP-like protein'" . "'tip associating protein'" . "'Ornithine aminotransferase', 'ornithine aminotransferase precursor'" . "'antizyme 1'" . "'melanocyte-specific transporter protein'" . "'tight junction protein occludin TM4 minus'" . "'oncomodulin 1'" . "'TPA1, termination and polyadenylation 1, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'8-hydroxyguanine DNA glycosylase', 'OGG1 type 1e', 'OGG1 type 1d', 'OGG1 type 1g', 'OGG1 type 1h'" . "'mimecan proteoglycan'" . "'noelin 2'" . "'optimedin'" . "'oligodendrocyte-specific bHLH transcription factor 1', 'oligodendrocyte lineage transcription factor 1', 'basic domain, helix-loop-helix protein, class B, 6'" . "'oligodendrocyte-specific bHLH transcription factor 2', 'protein kinase C binding protein 2', 'human protein kinase C-binding protein RACK17', 'basic domain, helix-loop-helix protein, class B, 1'" . "'overlapping activity with M-AAA protease'" . "'osteoadherin proteoglycan'" . "'KH homology domain containing 2'" . "'mitochondrial dynamin-like GTPase'" . "'recessive optic atrophy 1'" . "'IgLON family member 1'" . "'color blindness, tritan', 'blue-sensitive opsin'" . "'encephalopsin', 'panopsin'" . "'melanopsin'" . "'neuropsin'" . "'LC132 receptor-like', 'orphanin FQ receptor', 'kappa3-related opioid receptor'" . "'oculoglycan'" . "'calcium release-activated calcium modulator 1'" . "'CAP-binding protein complex interacting protein 2'" . "'oral cancer overexpressed protein 1-A'" . "'origin recognition complex, subunit 1, S. cerevisiae, homolog-like', 'origin recognition complex 1', 'replication control protein 1'" . "'alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, type 2'" . "'OSBP-related protein 6'" . "'bone marrow stromal cell-derived growth inhibitor', 'pregnancy induced growth inhibitor'" . "'DC2 protein'" . "'DC2 protein-like'" . "'oviductin'" . "'5-oxo-ETE acid G-protein-coupled receptor 1'" . "'beta-ketoacyl synthase'" . "'neurophysin I'" . "'collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha(I)'" . "'4-PH alpha 2', 'collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha(II)'" . "'collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase alpha(III)'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase-associated 1', 'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 1', 'collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylase beta'" . "'Prolyl hydroxlase domain-containing 4', 'hypoxia inducible factor prolyl 4 hydroxylase'" . "'syndapin I'" . "'syndapin II'" . "'syndapin III'" . "'peptidylarginine deiminase type I', 'protein-arginine deiminase type-1', 'hPAD-colony 10'" . "'glycodelin-A', 'glycodelin-S', 'glycodelin-F', 'progesterone-associated endometrial protein', 'glycodelin', 'PP14 protein (placental protein 14)', 'pregnancy-associated endometrial alpha-2-globulin', 'alpha uterine protein'" . "'Csk-binding protein'" . "'STE20 homolog, yeast'" . "'S6/H4 kinase'" . "'Fanconi anemia, complementation group N'" . "'peptidyl-alpha-hydroxyglycine alpha-amidating lyase', 'peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase'" . "'PAN2 homolog, PABP1 dependent poly A specific ribonuclease subunit (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome'" . "'innexin'" . "'insulin-like growth factor-dependent IGF binding protein-4 protease', 'aspecific BCL2 ARE-binding protein 2', 'differentially placenta 1 expressed protein'" . "'DIPLA1-antisense expressed', 'non-protein coding RNA 156'" . "'membrane progestin receptor gamma'" . "'membrane progestin receptor alpha'" . "'E3 ubiquitin ligase'" . "'rhomboid 7 homolog 1 (Drosophila)'" . "'poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase-3', 'NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase 3', 'poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 3'" . "'von Willebrand factor A domain containing 5C'" . "'proline tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'affixin'" . "'expressed in prostate and testis'" . "'B-cell lineage specific activator'" . "'aniridia, keratitis'" . "'T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 19'" . "'Pterin-4a-carbinolamine dehydratase (dimerization cofactor of hepatic nuclear factor 1-alpha)', 'pterin-4-alpha carbinolamine dehydratase', 'dimerizing cofactor for HNF1'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E1'" . "'heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein E2'" . "'RNA binding protein MCG10', 'LYST-interacting protein', 'alphaCP-4 protein'" . "'protocadherin LKC'" . "'KIAA0345-like 13'" . "'KIAA0345-like 12'" . "'KIAA0345-like 11'" . "'ortholog of mouse CNR1, KIAA0345-like 10'" . "'ortholog of mouse CNR6', 'KIAA0345-like 9'" . "'KIAA0345-like 8'" . "'KIAA0345-like 7', 'ortholog to mouse CNR4'" . "'KIAA0345-like 6'" . "'KIAA0345-like 5'" . "'KIAA0345-like 4', 'ortholog to mouse CNR8'" . "'KIAA0345-like 3', 'ortholog of mouse CNR7'" . "'KIAA0345-like 2'" . "'KIAA0345-like 1', 'ortholog of mouse CNR5'" . "'PCDH-ALPHA-C1'" . "'protocadherin-3h'" . "'cadherin ME2'" . "'cadherin ME1', 'protocadherin-3x', 'PCDHbeta 16'" . "'cadherin ME3'" . "'fibroblast cadherin FIB3'" . "'protocadherin gamma subfamily B, 1, isoform 2'" . "'fibroblast cadherin FIB2', 'cadherin 20'" . "'cadherin ME6'" . "'cadherin-like 2', 'protocadherin 2', 'protocadherin 43'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 71'" . "'aczonin'" . "'kendrin', 'Seckel syndrome 4'" . "'procollagen, type 1, COOH-terminal proteinase enhancer', 'procollagen C-proteinase enhancer 1'" . "'prohormone convertase 3', 'prohormone convertase 1', 'neuroendocrine convertase 1', 'proprotein convertase 1'" . "'neuroendocrine convertase 2', 'KEX2-like endoprotease 2'" . "'subtilisin-like protease', 'subtilisin-like proprotein convertase 4', 'subtilisin/kexin-like protease PACE4'" . "'serine/threonine-protein kinase'" . "'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 2'" . "'phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, alpha isoform'" . "'PDGF associated protein'" . "'nuclear antigen H731'" . "'TFAR19 novel apoptosis-related', 'TF1 cell apoptosis-related gene 19'" . "'apoptosis-linked gene-2'" . "'ALG-2 interacting protein X'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 59K'" . "'myomegalin'" . "'congenital stationary night blindness 3, autosomal dominant'" . "'2'-phosphodiesterase'" . "'PDGF A-chain', 'platelet-derived growth factor alpha chain'" . "'oncogene SIS', 'becaplermin'" . "'spinal cord derived growth factor B'" . "'glucose regulated protein, 58kDa pseudogene'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase-related protein'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 7', 'protein disulfide isomerase-like protein of the testis'" . "'carboxyl terminal LIM domain protein 1', 'elfin'" . "'PkB kinase'" . "'lung type I cell membrane associated glycoprotein'" . "'coenzyme Q1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'somatostatin transcription factor 1'" . "'preproenkephalin B', 'rimorphin', 'beta-neoendorphin', 'dynorphin', 'leu-enkephalin', 'leumorphin'" . "'likely ortholog of mouse semaF cytoplasmic domain associated protein 3'" . "'similar to semaF cytoplasmic domain associated protein 3'" . "'Phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes, 15kD', 'homolog of mouse MAT-1 oncogene'" . "'Raf kinase inhibitory protein'" . "'CD31 antigen'" . "'acyl-Coenzyme A binding domain containing 2', ' Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 88'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 29C, member 1'" . "'peflin'" . "'antisense PEG3 transcript', 'non-protein coding RNA 155'" . "'preproenkephalin'" . "'prolidase'" . "'post-GPI attachment to proteins 3'" . "'Refsum disease'" . "'Refsum disease'" . "'housekeeping gene, 33kD'" . "'chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 4'" . "'FGAR amidotransferase'" . "'Phosphofructokinase, platelet type'" . "'Phosphoglycerate mutase A, nonmuscle form'" . "'GPI inositol-deacylase'" . "'placenta growth factor'" . "'peptidoglycan recognition protein L precursor', 'peptidoglycan recognition protein-like'" . "'peptidoglycan recognition protein I alpha precursor'" . "'peptidoglycan recognition protein I beta precursor'" . "'phosphopentomutase'" . "'glucose-1,6-bisphosphate synthase'" . "'acetylglucosamine phosphomutase'" . "'phosphoglucomutase-related protein'" . "'early development regulator 3', 'polyhomeotic like 3'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 1E'" . "'jumonji C domain-containing histone demethylase 1F'" . "'polycomb-like 3'" . "'proline-histidine rich protein'" . "'pleckstrin homology-like domain, family A, member 2'" . "'phosphohistidine phosphatase 14kDa', ' sex-regulated protein janus-a'" . "'CTD binding SR like protein rA9'" . "'skin-derived antileukoproteinase'" . "'microseminoprotein, beta-binding protein'" . "'zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 3'" . "'zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 4'" . "'zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 5'" . "'zinc finger, MIZ-type containing 6'" . "'progesterone-induced blocking factor 1'" . "'paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria'" . "'N-acetylglucosaminylphosphatidylinositol deacetylase'" . "'phosphatidylinositol-n-acetylglucosaminyltranferase subunit'" . "'phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, catalytic, delta polypeptide', 'phosphoinositide-3-kinase C'" . "'prolactin-inducible protein'" . "'L-pipecolic acid oxidase'" . "'PYK2 N-terminal domain-interacting receptor 2', 'retinal degeneration B alpha 1'" . "'PreP peptidasome'" . "'Hiwi-like'" . "'polycystin 1'" . "'polycystin-1L1'" . "'membrane-associated tyrosine- and threonine-specific cdc2-inhibitory kinase'" . "'cardiolipin-activated protein kinase Pak2'" . "'adipose-specific PLA2'" . "'DOA1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 36'" . "'C2H2-type zinc finger protein'" . "'PLB homolog 1 (Dictyostelium)'" . "'PLB homolog 2 (Dictyostelium)', 'mannose-6-phosphate protein associated protein p76'" . "'nephrosis type 3'" . "'choline phosphatase 1'" . "'choline phosphatase 2'" . "'tandem PH domain containing protein-1'" . "'tandem PH Domain containing protein-2'" . "'four-phosphate-adaptor protein 1'" . "'putative glycolipid transfer protein'" . "'puratrophin-1'" . "'guanine nucleotide releasing protein x'" . "'differentiation associated protein'" . "'serum-inducible kinase'" . "'Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease'" . "'A4 differentiation-dependent protein'" . "'fenestrated-endothelial linked structure protein; PV-1 protein'" . "'tumor endothelial marker 7 precursor'" . "'tumor endothelial marker 7-related precursor'" . "'plexin 2', 'plexin-A2', 'semaphorin receptor OCT', 'transmembrane protein OCT'" . "'solid tumor-associated 1'" . "'brain glucose-1,6-bisphosphatase'" . "'PMS2 pseudogene'" . "'paraneoplastic cancer-testis-brain antigen'" . "'paraneoplastic antigen family 5'" . "'RNA binding protein'" . "'nocistatin'" . "'polynucleotide phosphorylase', '3'-5' RNA exonuclease'" . "'podocan proteoglycan'" . "'endoglycan'" . "'zinc finger protein 280E', 'suppressor of hairy wing homolog 5', 'putative protein product of Nbla00003'" . "'CDC2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'DNA polymerase delta smallest subunit p12'" . "'histone fold protein CHRAC17', 'DNA polymerase epsilon p17 subunit', 'chromatin accessibility complex 17', 'arsenic transactivated protein'" . "'polymerase (DNA-directed) kappa', 'DINB protein', 'DNA polymerase kappa'" . "'Pol iota'" . "'RNA polymerase I associated factor 53'" . "'RNA polymerase II subunit 3'" . "'RNA polymerase II subunit hsRBP4'" . "'DNA directed RNA polymerase II 23 kda polypeptide'" . "'DNA directed RNA polymerase II 14.4 kda polypeptide'" . "'RNA polymerase III C39 subunit'" . "'topoisomerase-related function protein 4-1', 'polymerase (DNA-directed) sigma', 'DNA polymerase kappa'" . "'POM121-like 2'" . "'adrenocorticotropin', 'beta-lipotropin', 'alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone', 'beta-melanocyte stimulating hormone', 'beta-endorphin', 'adrenocorticotropic hormone'" . "'protein O-mannose beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase'" . "'proteassemblin'" . "'POM-ZP3 fusion protein', 'POM121/ZP3 fusion protein'" . "'esterase A'" . "'paraoxonase nirs'" . "'processing of precursors 1'" . "'ribonuclease P protein subunit p20'" . "'growth hormone factor 1'" . "'brain-4'" . "'Retina-derived POU-domain factor-1'" . "'cytosolic inorganic pyrophosphatase', 'inorganic pyrophosphatase 1', 'pyrophosphate phospho-hydrolase'" . "'platelet basic protein', 'beta-thromboglobulin', 'connective tissue-activating peptide III', 'neutrophil-activating peptide-2'" . "'Liprin-alpha1'" . "'Liprin-alpha2'" . "'protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, f polypeptide, alpha 3', 'liprin-alpha 3', 'liprin'" . "'Liprin-alpha4'" . "'cyclophillin related pseudogene'" . "'cyclophilin 40'" . "'peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase E', 'cyclophilin 33', 'cyclophilin E', 'PPIase E', 'rotamase E', 'peptidylprolyl isomerase E, isoform 1'" . "'cyclophilin D'" . "'USA-CyP SnuCyp-20', 'cyclophilin H', 'U-snRNP-associated cyclophilin SunCyp-20', 'small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle-specific cyclophilin H', 'rotamase H', 'peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase H', 'PPIase h'" . "'Cyclophilin J'" . "'PP2C, gamma'" . "'protein phosphatase 2C zeta'" . "'protein phosphatase 2C eta'" . "'dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein'" . "'Phosphatase 1, regulatory inhibitor subunit 5'" . "'RNase E', 'nuclear subunit of PP-1', 'nuclear inhibitor of protein phosphatase-1', 'activator of RNA decay', 'protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 8'" . "'spinophilin', 'Neurabin-2'" . "'myosin phosphatase regulatory subunit', 'myosin phosphatase, target subunit 2'" . "'17-kDa PKC-potentiated inhibitory protein of PP1', 'PKC-potentiated inhibitory protein of PP1', '17-KDa protein'" . "'kinase C-enhanced PP1 inhibitor'" . "'gut and brain phosphatase inhibitor 1', 'PKC-dependent PP1 inhibitory protein'" . "'growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible 34'" . "'TGF-beta-inhibited membrane-associated protein', 'ankyrin repeat domain protein 4'" . "'PP2A-A-beta'" . "'phosphotyrosyl phosphatase activator', 'PP2A phosphatase activator'" . "'PP2A, B subunit, B' beta isoform', 'PP2A, B subunit, B56 beta isoform', 'PP2A, B subunit, PR61 beta isoform', 'PP2A, B subunit, R5 beta isoform', 'serine/threonine protein phosphatase 2A, 56 kDa regulatory subunit, beta isoform'" . "'calcineurin A alpha'" . "'calcineurin A beta'" . "'calcineurin A gamma'" . "'calcineurin B, type I (19kDa)'" . "'protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B (calcineurin B)-like', 'calcineurin B, type II (19kDa)'" . "'ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 1, infantile'" . "'T cell activation protein phosphatase 2C'" . "'pancreatic polypeptide Y'" . "'prostate, rectum and colon'" . "'anaphase spindle elongation 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'retinoblastoma protein-binding zinc finger protein', 'retinoblastoma protein-interacting zinc finger protein', 'MTE-binding protein', 'zinc-finger DNA-binding protein', 'GATA-3 binding protein G3B'" . "'PR-domain containing protein 9'" . "'PRDM zinc finger transcription factor', 'PR-domain family member 7', 'tristanin'" . "'PR-domain containing protein 11'" . "'PR-domain containing protein 12', 'PR-domain zinc finger protein 12'" . "'MDS1/EVI1-like', 'PR-domain zinc finger protein 16', 'transcription factor MEL1'" . "'thioredoxin-dependent peroxide reductase 1', 'thiol-specific antioxidant 1', 'natural killer-enhancing factor B', 'thioredoxin peroxidase 1', 'torin'" . "'antioxidant enzyme B166', 'thioredoxin peroxidase PMP20', 'peroxisomal antioxidant enzyme', 'TPx type VI', 'liver tissue 2D-page spot 71B', 'Alu co-repressor 1'" . "'protein of relevant evolutionary and lymphoid interest'" . "'prolargin proteoglycan'" . "'Perforin', 'perforin 1 (preforming protein)'" . "'lubricin', 'megakaryocyte stimulating factor', 'articular superficial zone protein', 'Jacobs camptodactyly-arthropathy-pericarditis syndrome', 'camptodactyly, arthropathy, coxa vara, pericarditis syndrome', 'bG174L6.2 (MSF: megakaryocyte stimulating factor )'" . "'parotid proline-rich protein', 'acidic salivary proline-rich protein, HaeIII type, 2'" . "'membrane anchor of acetylcholinesterase'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 74'" . "'AMPK, alpha, 1'" . "'AMPK beta 1'" . "'AMPK beta 2'" . "'AMPK gamma2'" . "'sdr-related gene product that binds to c-kinase'" . "'PKC-gamma'" . "'protein activator of the interferon-induced protein kinase'" . "'likely ortholog of mouse C114 dsRNA-binding protein'" . "'prion-like protein doppel'" . "'Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease', 'Gerstmann-Strausler-Scheinker syndrome', 'fatal familial insomnia', 'p27-30'" . "'M8 protein'" . "'black mamba toxin-related protein', 'mambakine'" . "'protein Bv8 homolog'" . "'PRP4/STK/WD splicing factor', 'U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Prp4'" . "'nuclear matrix protein NMP200 related to splicing factor PRP19'" . "'Huntingtin interacting protein C'" . "'PRS I'" . "'PRS II'" . "'protein observed with Rictor-1'" . "'mesotrypsin'" . "'proenterokinase, enteropeptidase, serine protease'" . "'prostasin'" . "'brain-specific serine protease 4'" . "'immunoglobulin superfamily, DCC subclass, member 5'" . "'myeloblastin', 'serine proteinase, neutrophil', 'Wegener granulomatosis autoantigen'" . "'variant Gaucher disease and variant metachromatic leukodystrophy'" . "'pregnancy-specific beta-1 glycoprotein', 'pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 7', 'carcinoembryonic antigen SG8'" . "'pregnancy-specific beta-1-glycoprotein 4'" . "'pregnancy-specific beta-1 glycoprotein', 'pregnancy-specific beta 1 glycoprotein'" . "'pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 12', 'pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 120'" . "'pregnancy specific beta-1-glycoprotein 13'" . "'proteasome subunit XAPC7', 'proteasome subunit RC6-1'" . "'proteasome 26S subunit, ATPase, 2', 'mammalian suppressor of sgv-1 of yeast', 'protease 26S subunit 7', 'putative protein product of Nbla10058'" . "'TBP-1 interacting protein'" . "'protease 26S subunit 6', 'Tat-binding protein 7', 'MB67 interacting protein'" . "'Mov34 homolog'" . "'gankyrin'" . "'proteasome inhibitor hP131 subunit'" . "'hepatocellular carcinoma susceptibility protein', 'CD40 ligand-activated specific transcript 3'" . "'L-3-phosphoserine-phosphatase homolog'" . "'differential display and activated by p53'" . "'CD2 cytoplasmic tail-binding protein', 'CD2 antigen-binding protein 1', 'PEST phosphatase-interacting protein 1'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein I'" . "'mutated in multiple advanced cancers 1'" . "'microsomal glutathione S-transferase 1-like 1', 'tumor protein p53 inducible protein 12', 'p53-induced gene 12', 'microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1', 'glutathione S-transferase 1-like 1', 'MGST1-like 1'" . "'cytochrome P450, family 8, subfamily A, polypeptide 1'" . "'zinc binding alcohol dehydrogenase domain containing 3'" . "'parathyrin', 'parathormone', 'parathyroid hormone 1'" . "'tuberoinfundibular 39 residues'" . "'osteostatin'" . "'gene sequence 28'" . "'gene sequence 150'" . "'heparin binding growth factor 8'" . "'protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP9Q22'" . "'cementum attachment protein'" . "'IAR PTPRP'" . "'pi R-PTP-Psi'" . "'Bcl-2 inhibitor of transcription'" . "'ESP1-associated protein 1', 'tumor-transforming protein 1'" . "'siah binding protein 1', 'FBP interacting repressor', 'pyrimidine tract binding splicing factor', 'Ro ribonucleoprotein binding protein 1'" . "'nectin-like 5'" . "'nectin'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 79'" . "'Zellweger syndrome'" . "'24 kDa peroxisomal intrinsic membrane protein'" . "'Hers disease', 'glycogen storage disease type VI'" . "'McArdle syndrome', 'glycogen storage disease type V'" . "'glutamine tRNA ligase'" . "'6,7-dihydropteridine reductase', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 33C, member 1'" . "'glutaminyl cyclase'" . "'glutaminyl cyclase-like'" . "'nicotinate-nucleotide pyrophosphorylase (carboxylating)'" . "'tRNA-guanine transglycosylase'" . "'Rab GTPase YPT1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'RAS-associated protein RAB3A'" . "'Rab3D upregulated with myeloid differentiation', 'glioblastoma overexpressed'" . "'ras-related GTP-binding protein 4b', 'small GTP binding protein RAB4B'" . "'RAS-associated protein RAB5A'" . "'RAB, member of RAS oncogene family-like', 'RAB5C, member of RAS oncogene family'" . "'ras-related GTP-binding protein'" . "'F protein-binding protein 1', 'bA165P4.3 (member RAS oncogene family)', 'small GTP binding protein RAB14'" . "'rab-related GTP-binding protein'" . "'Ras like GTPase'" . "'PRA1 domain family 1', 'prenylated Rab acceptor 1'" . "'rab6 GTPase activating protein (GAP and centrosome-associated)', 'TBC1 domain family, member 11'" . "'protein prenyltransferase alpha subunit repeat containing 3'" . "'exonuclease homolog RAD1', 'checkpoint control protein HRAD1', 'cell cycle checkpoint protein Hrad1', 'Rad1-like DNA damage checkpoint', 'DNA repair exonuclease REC1'" . "'RAD23, yeast homolog, A'" . "'XP-C repair complementing protein', 'XP-C repair complementing complex 58 kDa'" . "'BRCA1/BRCA2-containing complex, subunit 5'" . "'recombination repair protein', 'DNA repair protein RAD51 homolog 4'" . "'fibrinogen silencer binding protein'" . "'recombination activating protein 1', 'RING finger protein 74', 'V(D)J recombination-activating protein 1'" . "'stromal cell protein'" . "'novel retinal pigment epithelial'" . "'RAS-like protein A', 'Ras-related protein Ral-A', 'Ras family small GTP binding protein RALA'" . "'MOG1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'Ras-related protein RAP-2B', 'small GTP binding protein', 'Ras family small GTP binding protein RAP2B'" . "'Rap GEP'" . "'exchange protein directly activated by cAMP 1'" . "'cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor II', ' exchange protein directly activated by cAMP 2'" . "'M-Ras-regulated GEF'" . "'Link guanine nucleotide exchange factor II'" . "'amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 (juvenile) chromosome region, candidate 18'" . "'chemerin'" . "'arginine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'arginine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation'" . "'Ras GTPase activating protein-like', 'Ras protein activator like 1'" . "'ras-related protein', 'dexamethasone-induced ras-related protein 1', 'activator of G protein signaling'" . "'tumor endothelial marker 2', 'Ras homolog enriched in striatum'" . "'Ras family member Ris'" . "'peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase COOH-terminal interactor-like'" . "'200 kDa FAK family kinase-interacting protein'" . "'SWD1, Set1c WD40 repeat protein, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'proliferation potential-related protein'" . "'G1/S transition control protein-binding protein RbAp46', 'retinoblastoma-binding protein 7', 'retinoblastoma-binding protein RbAp46', 'histone acetyltransferase type B subunit 2', 'retinoblastoma-binding protein p46'" . "'CTBP-interacting protein'" . "'coactivator activator', 'SYT interacting protein'" . "'one twenty-two'" . "'splicing factor 45kDa'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 47'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 94'" . "'acidic rich RS domain containing 2'" . "'acidic rich RS domain containing 1'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 59'" . "'developmentally regulated RNA binding protein 1'" . "'suppressor of cdc 2 (cdc13) with RNA binding motif 2', 'c-myc gene single strand binding protein 2'" . "'RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 3', 'RNA-binding protein'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G T'" . "'suppressor of hairless homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'regulator of cullins 1'" . "'KIAA2025 protein'" . "'farnesylated protein-converting enzyme 2', 'prenyl protein-specific endoprotease 2', 'RCE1 homolog, prenyl protein protease'" . "'androgen-receptor N-terminal-interacting protein'" . "'proliferation-inducing gene 20'" . "'Reticulocalbin 2, EF-hand calcium binding domain (endoplasmic reticulum calcium-binding protein, 55kD)'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 5'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 28C, member 2'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 16C, member 4'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 7C, member 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 7C, member 2'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 7C, member 3'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 7C, member 4'" . "'microsomal NAD+ dependent retinol dehydrogenase 4', 'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 9C, member 8'" . "'RecQ protein 5'" . "'receptor expression enhancing protein 1'" . "'deleted in polyposis 1', 'polyposis locus protein 1', 'polyposis coli region hypothetical protein DP1'" . "'polyposis locus protein 1-like 1', 'deleted in polyposis 1-like 1'" . "'pancreatic stone protein', 'pancreatic thread protein'" . "'lithostathine 1 beta', 'secretory pancreatic stone protein 2'" . "'regenerating gene type IV', ' gastrointestinal secretory protein'" . "'GTPase GES'" . "'N-acylglucosamine 2-epimerase', 'GlcNAc 2-epimerase', 'N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 2-epimerase'" . "'replication initiation region protein (60kD)', ' zinc finger proten AP4', 'zinc finger protein 464 (RIP60)'" . "'polymerase, DNA, zeta'" . "'elongin A binding protein 1'" . "'activator 1'" . "'RFC, 38 kD subunit', 'A1 38 kDa subunit'" . "'A1 37 kDa subunit', 'activator 1 37 kDa subunit', 'RFC 37 kDa subunit'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 6'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 5'" . "'raft-linking protein'" . "'trans-acting regulatory factor 1', 'enhancer factor C', 'MHC class II regulatory factor RFX'" . "'trans-acting regulatory factor 2', 'DNA binding protein RFX2', 'HLA class II regulatory factor RFX2'" . "'ankyrin repeat-containing regulatory factor X-associated protein', 'regulatory factor X subunit B', 'RFX-Bdelta4', 'DNA-binding protein RFXANK'" . "'RalGDS related oncogene'" . "'senescence marker protein-30'" . "'RGR-opsin'" . "'regulator of G protein signalling 9', 'regulator of G protein signalling 9L', 'regulator of G-protein signaling 9L'" . "'opsin 2, rod pigment'" . "'oncogene RHO H6'" . "'Rho-related protein HP1', 'Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoD'" . "'Ryu GTPase', 'Wnt-1 responsive Cdc42 homolog', '2310026M05Rik', 'GTP-binding protein like 1', 'CDC42-like GTPase', 'GTP-binding protein SB128', 'ras-like gene family member U'" . "'Rab3-interacting molecule'" . "'Ric-like, expressed in many tissues', 'GTP-binding protein Roc1'" . "'ring zinc finger protein NY-REN-43antigen', 'LIM domain interacting ring finger protein'" . "'relaxin H2', 'prorelaxin H2', 'relaxin, ovarian, of pregnancy'" . "'RGD, leucine-rich repeat, tropomodulin and proline-rich containing protein', 'leucine rich repeat containing 16C'" . "'BLM-Associated Polypeptide, 75 kDa'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 54'" . "'RNase k6'" . "'RNase H1'" . "'17881363'" . "'drosha, ribonuclease type III', 'drosha, double-stranded RNA-specific endoribonuclease'" . "'ras homolog gene family, member S'" . "'RING-H2 protein RNF-6'" . "'sensitive to apoptosis, zinc RING finger protein SAG, regulator of cullins 2'" . "'spermatogenesis associated 23'" . "'BRE1 E3 ubiquitin ligase homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'ring finger protein with leucine zipper'" . "'BRE1 E3 ubiquitin ligase homolog B (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'riplet'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ38628'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ20225'" . "'OTTHUMG00000001089'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 65K'" . "'RNA, U6atac small nuclear 1'" . "'RNA, small nuclear U7.1'" . "'mitogen activated protein binding protein interacting protein', 'MAPKSP1 adaptor protein', 'endosomal adaptor protein'" . "'magic roundabout'" . "'mitochondrial targeting GXXXG protein'" . "'Pim-1 kinase associated protein'" . "'ribose 5-phosphate epimerase'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L4'" . "'surfeit 3', 'PLA-X polypeptide', 'surfeit locus protein 3', '60S ribosomal protein L7a', ';', 'thyroid hormone receptor uncoupling protein'" . "'CAG-ISL 7', '60S ribosomal protein L14'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L14'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L18'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L18a', 'ribosomal protein L18a-like protein'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L19', 'ribosomal protein L19, cytosolic, N-terminus truncated'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L21'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L27'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L28'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L29', 'heparin/heparan sulfate-interacting protein', 'HP/HS-interacting protein', 'heparin/heparan sulfate-binding protein', 'cell surface heparin-binding protein HIP'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L35'" . "'60S ribosomal protein L37a'" . "'acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P0'" . "'60S acidic ribosomal protein P2', 'acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P2'" . "'RNase P protein subunit p25'" . "'cyclin-dependent kinase 2B-inhibitor-related protein', 'Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B-related protein (p15INK4B-related protein)'" . "'candidate mediator of the p53 dependent G2 arrest', 'REPRIMO'" . "'IMR-90 ribosomal protein S3', '40S ribosomal protein S3'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S4, X isoform', 'ribosomal protein S4X isoform', 'single-copy abundant mRNA', 'cell cycle gene 2'" . "'ribosomal protein S4Y', '40S ribosomal protein S4, Y'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S5'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S6', 'phosphoprotein NP33'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S9'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S11'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S13'" . "'emetine resistance', '40S ribosomal protein S14'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S15', 'homolog of rat insulinoma', 'insulinoma protein'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S16'" . "'Diamond-Blackfan anemia'" . "'8.2 kDa differentiation factor'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S26'" . "'metallopanstimulin 1'" . "'ubiquitin carboxyl extension protein 80'" . "'40S ribosomal protein S28'" . "'laminin receptor 1 pseudogene 7'" . "'Oncogene RRAS'" . "'hindsight homolog (drosophila)'" . "'peropsin'" . "'DNA segment on chromosome 21 (unique) 2056 expressed sequence', 'Nnp1 homolog, nucleolar protein (Drosophila)'" . "RRP8 methyltransferase homolog (S. cerevisiae)" . "'meichroacidin'" . "'NSP-like protein 1', 'Neuroendocrine-specific protein-like 1'" . "'neuroendocrine-specific protein-like 2', 'NSP-like protein II', 'isoforme III', 'ASY interacting protein', 'homolog of ASY protein'" . "'nogo-66 receptor homolog 2'" . "'receptor transporting protein 1'" . "'receptor transporting protein 2'" . "'single axon-related 1'" . "'aml1 oncogene'" . "'pontin', 'INO80 complex subunit H'" . "'reptin', 'INO80 complex subunit J'" . "'YY1 and E4TF1 associated factor 1', 'ring1 interactor RYBP', 'apoptin-associating protein 1', 'death effector domain-associated factor'" . "'sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3'" . "'fibroblast-specific protein-1'" . "'calbindin-D9K'" . "'S100P binding protein 1'" . "'activator Of sumo 1'" . "'Hsp27 ERE-TATA binding protein'" . "'arrestin 1'" . "'smaug homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'smaug homolog B (Drosophila)'" . "'HD domain containing 1', 'monocyte protein 5'" . "'nuclear localization signals, SAM and SH3 domain containing 1', 'SAM and SH3 domain containing 2'" . "'sporulation-induced transcript 4-associated protein', 'protein phosphatase 6 regulatory subunit 3'" . "'serine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'serine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 110kDa (U4/U6.U5)'" . "'myotubularin related 5'" . "'myotubularin related 13'" . "'Propin 1'" . "'SREBP cleavage activating protein'" . "'anaphase promoting complex subunit 7', 'macrophage scavenger receptor-like 1'" . "'scavenger receptor expressed by endothelial cells', 'acetyl LDL receptor'" . "'spinocerebellar ataxia, autosomal recessive 4'" . "'acyl-CoA desaturase', 'fatty acid desaturase', 'delta-9-desaturase'" . "'secretoneurin'" . "'prohormone convertase chaperone'" . "'Uteroglobin (Clara-cell specific 10-kD protein)'" . "'prostatein-like lipophilin A', 'lipophilin A (uteroglobin family member)'" . "'prostatein-like lipophilin B', 'lipophilin B (uteroglobin family member), prostatein-like'" . "'lipophilin C', 'mammaglobin B'" . "'mammaglobin A'" . "'cytokine high in normal-1', 'pneumo secretory protein 2'" . "'uteroglobin-related protein 1', 'pneumo secretory protein 1', 'uteroglobin related protein 1'" . "'calbindin-like'" . "'schwannomin interacting protein 1 variant 2', 'schwannomin interacting protein 1 variant 1'" . "'putative selenocysteine lyase'" . "'long QT syndrome 3'" . "'Liddle syndrome'" . "'retinoid inducible serine carboxypeptidase'" . "'EMAP II', 'ARS-interacting multifunctional protein 1'" . "'teratoma-associated tyrosine kinase', 'telomerase transcriptional elements-interacting factor', 'telomerase regulation-associated protein'" . "'ezrin-binding partner PACE-1'" . "'syndecan proteoglycan 1'" . "'syndecan proteoglycan 2'" . "'syndecan proteoglycan 3'" . "'syndecan proteoglycan 4'" . "'dihydropyrimidinase-like 2', 'PWP1-interacting protein 8'" . "'calcium binding protein'" . "'similar to succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein subunit'" . "'supernatant protein factor'" . "'regucalcin gene promotor region related protein'" . "'K12 protein', 'type 1a transmembrane protein'" . "'sec13 like protein', 'nucleoporin Seh1'" . "'sema III'" . "'M-sema H'" . "'sema IV'" . "'M-Sema F'" . "'M-sema G'" . "'m-Sema M'" . "'sema VIa'" . "'Sema VIb', 'semaphorin Z', 'semaphorin VIB'" . "'m-Sema Y2'" . "'John Milton Hagen blood group' 'H-Sema K1'" . "'semen coagulating protein'" . "'Semenogelin 2'" . "'NEDD8-specific protease 1', 'sentrin/SUMO-specific protease SENP8', 'deneddylase 1'" . "'soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas antigen'" . "'bradeoin', 'septin-M'" . "'Ov/Br septin'" . "'sept1-like'" . "'SMA modifier 1', 'spinal muscular atrophy-related gene H4F5'" . "'kraken-like'" . "'ribosome associated membrane protein 4'" . "'protease inhibitor 1 (anti-elastase), alpha-1-antitrypsin'" . "'protease inhibitor 1 (alpha-1-antitrypsin)-like'" . "'corticosteroid binding globulin', 'transcortin'" . "'thyroxin-binding globulin', 'thyroxine-binding globulin', 'alpha-1 antiproteinase, antitrypsin'" . "'squamous cell carcinoma antigen 2'" . "'protease inhibitor 5 (maspin)'" . "'cytoplasmic antiproteinase 2'" . "'protease inhibitor 10 (ovalbumin type, bomapin)'" . "'antithrombin III', 'signal peptide antithrombin part 1', 'coding sequence signal peptide antithrombin part 1', 'antithrombin (aa 375-432)'" . "'heparin cofactor II'" . "'plasminogen activator inhibitor, type I'" . "'glial-derived nexin 1'" . "'pigment epithelium-derived factor', 'proliferation-inducing protein 35'" . "'alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor', 'alpha-2-antiplasmin'" . "'plasma protease C1 inhibitor', 'angioedema, hereditary'" . "'CDK4-binding protein p34SEI', 'transcriptional regulator interacting with the PHD-bromodomain 1'" . "'transcriptional regulator interacting with the PHS-bromodomain 2'" . "'RPA-binding trans-activator'" . "'protein phosphatase type 2A inhibitor', 'Template-Activating Factor-I, chromatin remodelling factor'" . "'type I transmembrane receptor (seizure related protein)'" . "'14-3-3 sigma'" . "'secreted apoptosis related protein 3'" . "'splicing factor 2', 'pre-mRNA-splicing factor SF2, P33 subunit', 'alternate splicing factor'" . "'pre-mRNA splicing factor SRP55'" . "'serine-arginine-rich splicing regulatory protein 508'" . "'Clk4 associating SR-related protein'" . "'surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein A1A'" . "'surfactant, pulmonary-associated protein A2A'" . "'50kD DAG', 'Sarcoglycan, alpha (50kD dystrophin-associated glycoprotein; adhalin)', 'adhalin (limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2D)'" . "'Maghrebian myopathy (autosomal recessive)', '35kD dystrophin-associated glycoprotein', 'limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2C (Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy, autosomal recessive)', 'gamma sarcoglycan'" . "'sulfamidase'" . "'RUN and SH3 containing 3'" . "'SH2-B homolog'" . "'adaptor protein with pleckstrin homology and src'" . "'lymphocyte adaptor protein'" . "'Duncan's disease'" . "'T lymphocyte specific adaptor protein', 'T cell specific adapter protein TSAd', 'T cell specific adpater protein TSAd'" . "'21-glutamic acid-rich protein'" . "'SH3 binding protein'" . "'EEN binding protein'" . "'extra 11-19 leukemia fusion', 'fusion partner of MLL', 'SH3-containing Grb-2-like 1 protein', 'SH3-containing protein EEN', 'SH3 domain GRB2-like 1'" . "'five SH3 domains'" . "'plenty of SH3 domains'" . "'somatostatin receptor-interacting protein'" . "'proline rich synapse associated protein 2', 'shank postsynaptic density protein'" . "'androgen binding protein'" . "'neuronal Shc adaptor homolog'" . "'rai-like protein'" . "'deleted in split-hand/foot 1'" . "'deleted in split hand/split foot 1 pseudogene'" . "'cytoplasmic serine hydroxymethyltransferase', '14 kDa protein'" . "'Oligosaccharide alpha-1,6-glucosidase'" . "'sialic acid-specific acetylesterase II'" . "'single immunoglobulin domain IL1R1 related'" . "'sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin 10 Ig-like lectin 7', 'siglec-like gene 2'" . "'myocardial SNF1-like kinase'" . "'transcription factor SIM2'" . "'SHP2 interacting transmembrane adaptor'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 118'" . "'histone binding protein'" . "'glutamate transporter variant EAAT1ex9skip'" . "'alanine/serine/cysteine/threonine transporter'" . "'GLUT4 enhancer factor', 'Huntington's disease gene regulatory region-binding protein 1'" . "'intestinal facilitative glucose transporter 7'" . "'urate voltage-driven efflux transporter 1'" . "'H(+)-myo-inositol symporter'" . "'antigen identified by monoclonal antibodies 4F2, TRA1.10, TROP4, and T43', 'antigen defined by monoclonal antibody 4F2', 'heavy chain', '4F2 heavy chain', 'CD98 heavy chain', 'monoclonal antibody 44D7', '4F2 cell-surface antigen heavy chain', 'lymphocyte activation antigen 4F2 large subunit'" . "'Froese blood group', 'Swann blood group', 'Wright blood group'" . "'lung cancer oncogene 3'" . "'anion exchanger 2 type a', 'anion exchanger 2 type b1', 'anion exchanger 2 type b2'" . "'Anion exchanger 3, neuronal'" . "'sodium/glucose cotransporter 1'" . "'dopamine transporter'" . "'brain-specific L-proline transporter', 'sodium-dependent proline transporter'" . "'homolog of rat orphan transporter v7-3', 'sodium/chloride dependent neurotransmitter transporter Homo sapiens orphan neurotransmitter transporter NTT7'" . "'NTT5 protein'" . "'Hartnup disease'" . "'ecotropic retroviral receptor', 'amino acid transporter, cationic 1'" . "'Na+/Ca++ exchanger'" . "'natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1'" . "'bumetanide-sensitive sodium-(potassium)-chloride cotransporter 1', 'basolateral Na-K-Cl symporter'" . "'solute carrier family 12 (sodium/potassium/chloride transporters), member 8', 'cation-chloride cotransporter 9'" . "'cation-chloride cotransporter-interacting protein'" . "'sulphate transporter 1'" . "'peptide transporter HPEPT1', 'bA551M18.1.1 (solute carrier family 15 (oligopeptide transporter) member 1)', 'solute carrier family 15 oligopeptide transporter member 1'" . "'monocarboxylate transporter 3'" . "'vesicular glutamate transporter 2', 'differentiation-associated Na-dependent inorganic phosphate cotransporter'" . "'vesicular glutamate transporter 1'" . "'vesicular glutamate transporter 3'" . "'thiamine transporter 2'" . "'gibbon ape leukemia virus receptor 1'" . "'neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin receptor'" . "'mitochondrial aspartate glutamate carrier 2'" . "'ornithine transporter 1'" . "'peroxisomal membrane protein (34kD)'" . "'carnitine-acylcarnitine carrier', 'carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase'" . "'mitoferrin'" . "'pendrin'" . "'deafness, neurosensory, autosomal recessive, 61'" . "'pendrin-like protein 1', 'pendrin L1', 'sulfate anion transporter', 'anion transporter 1'" . "'anion transporter/exchanger-9'" . "'fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase, very long-chain 3'" . "'fatty-acid-Coenzyme A ligase, very long-chain 2'" . "'GRIP1-dependent nuclear receptor coactivator'" . "'zinc transporter 8'" . "copper transport 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)" . "'copper transporter 2'" . "'sodium/phosphate co-transporter', 'solute carrier family 17 (sodium phosphate), member 2', 'Na+-phosphate cotransporter type II'" . "'3' phosphoadenosine 5' phosphosulfate transporter 2'" . "'ferroportin 1'" . "'likely ortholog of mouse embryonic epithelial gene 1'" . "'heme carrier protein 1', 'proton-coupled folate transporter'" . "'multidrug and toxin extrusion 1'" . "'multidrug and toxin extrusion 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 48'" . "'Sarcolemmal-associated protein'" . "'erythroid differentiation and denucleation factor 1'" . "'antileukoproteinase'" . "'lymphocyte antigen 6-like secreted', 'ARS component B'" . "'SNF2-like 4', 'global transcription activator homologous sequence', 'sucrose nonfermenting-like 4', 'mitotic growth and transcription activator', 'BRM/SWI2-related gene 1', 'homeotic gene regulator', 'nuclear protein GRB1', 'brahma protein-like 1', 'ATP-dependent helicase SMARCA4'" . "'sucrose nonfermenting, yeast, homolog-like 1', 'integrase interactor 1', 'malignant rhabdoid tumor suppressor'" . "'mammalian chromatin remodeling complex BRG1-associated factor 60B', 'Swp73-like protein', 'chromatin remodeling complex BAF60B subunit', 'SWI/SNF complex 60 kDa subunit B'" . "'mammalian chromatin remodeling complex BRG1-associated factor 60C', 'Swp73-like protein', 'SWI/SNF complex 60 kDa subunit C', '60kDa BRG-1/Brm associated factor subunit c'" . "'bamacan proteoglycan'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 34'" . "'phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase'" . "'EST1 telomerase component homolog B (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'EST1 telomerase component homolog A (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'EST1 telomerase component homolog C (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'acid sphingomyelinase'" . "'acid sphingomyelinase-like phosphodiesterase 3a'" . "'calponin homology-associated smooth muscle protein'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 57'" . "'resistance to inhibitors of cholinesterase 4 homolog'" . "'soluble 29 kDa NSF attachment protein'" . "'snapin', 'SNAP-25-binding protein'" . "'small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA 2'" . "'small ILF3/NF90-associated RNA 3'" . "'synphilin'" . "'synoretin'" . "'p100 EBNA2 co-activator'" . "'U22 snoRNA host gene', 'non-protein coding RNA 57'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 14'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 59'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 44'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 58'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 61'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 60'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 62'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 63'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 101'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 100'" . "'small nucleolar RNA, H/ACA box 11A'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 25K'" . "'nucleic acid binding protein RY 1'" . "'U1 snRNP binding protein homolog'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 48K'" . "'U5 snRNP specific protein, 200 KD'" . "'snRNP core protein D2'" . "'tissue-specific splicing protein', 'SM protein N', 'small nuclear ribonucleoprotein N'" . "'pro-TGF-alpha cytoplasmic domain-interacting protein 1'" . "'tax interaction protein 43'" . "'S100A-like protein'" . "'selectin ligand interactor cytoplasmic 1'" . "'acyl-Coenzyme A: cholesterol acyltransferase'" . "''Nck, Ash and phospholipase C binding protein''" . "'NRE-binding protein', 'negative regulatory element-binding protein', 'Bax antagonist selected in Saccharomyces 1'" . "'Arg/Abl interacting protein'" . "'sclerostin'" . "'ectodin'" . "'SRY-related HMG-box gene 1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 43'" . "'dominant megacolon, mouse, human homolog of'" . "'SRY-related HMG-box gene 11'" . "'islet cell antibody 12', 'SRY-related HMG-box gene 13', 'type 1 diabetes autoantigen', 'SRY-box 13'" . "'HMG box transcription factor SOX-14', 'SRY-box 14'" . "'SRY-box 21'" . "'epiprofin'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 22'" . "'Sperm Lysozyme-Like Protein 2'" . "'acrosomal protein ACR55'" . "'testis and spermatogenesis related gene 4'" . "'mitotic spindle coiled-coil related protein', 'astrin', 'mitotic spindle associated protein p126'" . "'axoneme central apparatus protein'" . "'sperm surface protein', 'JNK/SAPK-associated protein', 'JNK interacting protein', 'sperm specific protein', 'c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-associated leucine zipper protein', 'Max-binding protein', 'JNK-associated leucine-zipper protein', 'HLC-4 protein', 'lung cancer oncogene 4', 'proliferation-inducing gene 6', 'cancer/testis antigen 89'" . "'cysteine-rich protein', 'osteonectin'" . "'ATPase family gene 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'IQ motif containing H'" . "'spergen 1'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ21347'" . "'Speedy E'" . "'testis specific leucine zipper protein nurit', 'chibby homolog 2 (Drosophila)'" . "'paraplegin'" . "'spatacsin'" . "'spartin'" . "'maspardin'" . "'SPI-1 proto-oncogene', 'hematopoietic transcription factor PU.1', '31 kDa transforming protein'" . "'lymphoepithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor'" . "'protease inhibitor H'" . "'esophagus cancer related gene 2'" . "'placental bikunin'" . "'leukosialin'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 35'" . "'Mindin', 'M-spondin'" . "'HIB homolog 2', 'roadkill homolog 2'" . "'early T-lymphocyte activation 1'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 38C, member 1'" . "'hypothetical protein BC004409'" . "'antagonist of FGF signaling'" . "'spherocytosis, clinical type I'" . "'beta V spectrin'" . "'Swi2/Snf2-related ATPase homolog (S. cerevisiae)', domino homolog 1 (Drosophila)" . "'scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein SRCRB-S4D'" . "'BUD22 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'serglycin proteoglycan'" . "'hepatocellular carcinoma complicating hemochromatosis'" . "'Ser/Arg-related nuclear matrix protein', 'plenty of prolines 101-like'" . "'arsenite resistance protein'" . "'testis-determining factor'" . "'SYT homolog 2'" . "'La ribonucleoprotein domain family, member 3'" . "'translocon-associated protein alpha'" . "'facilitates chromatin remodeling 80 kDa subunit'" . "'somatostatin-14', 'somatostatin-28'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 5, member 1'" . "'sarcoma, synovial, X-chromosome-related 2', 'synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2B', 'synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2, isoform b', 'cancer/testis antigen family 5, member 2a'" . "'cancer/testis antigen family 5, member 2b'" . "'ST3Gal I'" . "'ST3Gal III'" . "'ST3Gal IV'" . "'DENN/MADD domain containing 2B'" . "'ST6Gal I'" . "'ST6GALNAC III'" . "'ST7 overlapping transcript antisense 1'" . "'ST7 overlapping transcript antisense 2'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 26'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 42'" . "'ST8Sia I'" . "'ST8Sia III'" . "'ST8Sia IV'" . "'ST8Sia V'" . "'ST8Sia VI'" . "'Pancreatic endocrine tumor suppressor'" . "'progesterone receptor-associated p48 protein'" . "'epithin', 'matriptase'" . "'MS-1 antigen', 'fasciclin egf-like, laminin-type egf-like, and link domain-containing scavenger receptor-1', 'common lymphatic endothelial and vascular endothelial receptor-1'" . "'hyaluronic acid receptor for endocytosis'" . "'associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM (AMSH) like protein', 'associated molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM (AMSH) - Family Protein'" . "'BCR downstream signaling 1'" . "'StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 1'" . "'transcription factor ISGF-3 components p91/p84'" . "'genethonin 1'" . "'microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) intronic transcript'" . "'Hsp70/Hsp90-organizing protein'" . "'mammalian sterile 20-like 1', 'yeast Ste20-like', 'kinase responsive to stress 2'" . "'polarization-related protein LKB1'" . "'LKB1 interacting protein'" . "'death-associated protein kinase-related 1'" . "'death-associated protein kinase-related 2'" . "'STE20-like kinase 3', 'sterile 20-like kinase 3'" . "'CLP-36 interacting kinase'" . "'nuclear Dbf2-related 2'" . "'stomatin-like 1', 'stomatin (EBP72)-like 1'" . "'stoned B homolog 1 (Drosophila)'" . "'stoned B homolog 2 (Drosophila)'" . "'STE20-like pseudokinase'" . "'cell cycle S/G2 nuclear autoantigen'" . "'arylsulfatase C'" . "'source of immunodominant MHC associated peptides'" . "'syntaxin-binding protein 1'" . "'sin3A-associated protein, 45kDa'" . "'facilitates chromatin remodeling 140 kDa subunit'" . "'surfeit locus protein 1'" . "'surfeit locus protein 2'" . "'surfeit locus protein 4', 'surface 4 integral membrane protein'" . "'surfeit locus protein 6'" . "'archvillin'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 76'" . "'central element synaptonemal complex 1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 8'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 29'" . "'heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein Q'" . "'cellugyrin'" . "'activin receptor interacting protein 5'" . "'synemin alpha', 'synemin beta'" . "'mitsugumin-29'" . "'synaptotagmin 5'" . "'synaptotagmin XIV-related', ' chr14 synaptotagmin'" . "'B/K protein'" . "'chromosome 11 synaptotagmin', 'breast cancer-associated antigen SGA-72M'" . "'granuphilin-a', 'exophilin-2'" . "'exophilin 9'" . "'substance K', 'substance P', 'neurokinin 1', 'neurokinin 2', 'neuromedin L', 'neurokinin alpha', 'neuropeptide K', 'neuropeptide gamma'" . "'TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor 4B'" . "'PCAF associated factor 65 beta'" . "'TAF6 RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, 80 kD', 'transcription initiation factor TFIID 70 kD subunit'" . "'coilin interacting protein', 'adenylate kinase 6'" . "'SM22-alpha', 'transgelin variant 2'" . "'SM22-alpha homolog'" . "'rolling pebbles homolog B (Drosophila)'" . "'rolling pebbles homolog B (Drosophila)'" . "'threonine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'threonine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'Tax interaction protein 1'" . "'Barth syndrome'" . "'BUB2-like protein 1'" . "'EBP50-PDZ interactor of 64 kD'" . "'Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 13'" . "'nuclear interactor of ARF and MDM2'" . "'FAST kinase domains 4', 'cell cycle progression 2 protein'" . "'TBS 19'" . "'cytochrome P450, family 5, subfamily A, polypeptide 1'" . "'C2 calcium-dependent domain containing 1'" . "'19 kDa sarcomeric protein'" . "'transcription elongation factor (SIII) elongin A2' 'elongin A2'" . "'elongin A3'" . "'transcription factor CA150', 'co-activator of 150 kDa', 'TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor, RNA polymerase II, S, 150kD', 'TATA box-binding protein-associated factor 2S'" . "'transcription factor E2-alpha', 'immunoglobulin transcription factor 1', 'kappa-E2-binding factor', 'E2A immunoglobulin enhancer-binding factor E12/E47'" . "'helix-loop-helix transcription factor 4'" . "'stromelysin-1 platelet-derived growth factor-responsive element binding protein'" . "'HPV-16 E2 binding protein 1'" . "'haptocorin', 'haptocorrin'" . "'Tctex1 domain containing 3'" . "'novel Tctex-1 family domain-containing protein'" . "'G/T mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 14E, member 1 (pseudogene)'" . "'thiol-specific antioxidant 2'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 41.1'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 41.2'" . "'putative membrane protein HE9'" . "'tensin 2'" . "'TROVE domain family, member 1'" . "'small Cajal body-specific RNA 19'" . "'testis-specific kinase-1', 'testis specific kinase-1'" . "'leukemia-associated protein with a CXXC domain', 'ten-eleven translocation-1'" . "'transmembrane protein 96'" . "'estrogen receptor factor 1'" . "'E2F-like protein'" . "'extrinsic pathway inhibitor'" . "'amida, partner of the E2A', 'INO80 complex subunit F'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 2E, member 1'" . "'Camurati-Engelmann disease'" . "'activin A receptor type II-like kinase, 53kDa'" . "'betaglycan proteoglycan'" . "'transglutaminase Z'" . "'trans-Golgi network protein (46, 48, 51kD isoforms)'" . "'tyrosine 3-monooxygenase'" . "'thrombospondin-1p180'" . "'C-terminal modulator protein'" . "'interphase cytoplasmic foci protein 45'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 79'" . "'functional spliceosome-associated protein 35'" . "'Ngg1 interacting factor 3 like 1 binding protein 1', 'functional spliceosome-associated protein 24'" . "'megakaryocyte stimulating factor', 'myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene ligand', 'megakaryocyte growth and development factor', 'MPL ligand', 'megakaryocyte colony-stimulating factor', 'c-mpl ligand', 'thrombopoietin nirs variant 1'" . "'avian erythroblastic leukemia viral (v-erb-a) oncogene homolog 2', 'oncogene ERBA2', 'generalized resistance to thyroid hormone', 'thyroid hormone receptor beta 1'" . "'T-cell-restricted intracellular antigen-1', 'nucleolysin TIA-1 isoform p40'" . "'TRAF2 binding protein', 'TRAF6 binding protein'" . "'deafness dystonia pseudogene'" . "'mitochondrial import inner membrane translocase subunit Tim8 B'" . "'MyD88 adapter-like'" . "'zona occludens 1', 'tight junction protein ZO-1'" . "'Friedreich ataxia region gene X104 (tight junction protein ZO-2)'" . "'Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome'" . "'similar to transketolase'" . "'enhancer of split groucho 1'" . "'enhancer of split groucho 2'" . "'Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-like protein 3'" . "'Homeo box-11 (T-cell leukemia-3 associated breakpoint, homologous to Drosophila Notch)', 'homeo box 11 (T-cell lymphoma 3-associated breakpoint)'" . "'Dendritic cells (DC)-specific transmembrane protein', 'IL-Four INDuced'" . "'BAX inhibitor 1'" . "'tomoregulin-1'" . "'transmembrane protein TENB2', 'tomoregulin'" . "'small membrane protein 1'" . "'placental protein 6'" . "'pro oncosis receptor inducing membrane injury gene'" . "'Ras induced senescence 1'" . "'TPA regulated locus'" . "'HBeAg-binding protein 1'" . "'PMP22 claudin domain containing'" . "'butyrobetaine (gamma), 2-oxoglutarate dioxygenase (gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase) 2'" . "'actin-capping protein'" . "'LEM domain containing 4'" . "'transmembrane serine protease 3', 'membrane-type serine protease 2', 'type II membrane serine protease'" . "'spinesin'" . "'airway trypsin like protease'" . "'thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein', 'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 11'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 12'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 13'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 14'" . "'hexabrachion (tenascin)'" . "'toxicity and JNK inducer'" . "'receptor 4-1BB ligand', 'homolog of mouse 4-1BB-L'" . "'vascular endothelial cell growth inhibitor', 'TNF superfamily ligand TL1A', 'TNF ligand-related molecule 1', 'vascular endothelial growth inhibitor-192A'" . "'virion-associated nuclear-shuttling protein', 'Nef-associated factor 1 SNP'" . "'activated Cdc42-associated kinase 1'" . "'troponin I, fast-twitch skeletal muscle isoform', 'troponin I fast twitch 2'" . "'slow skeletal muscle troponin T', 'troponin T1, skeletal, slow'" . "'troponin-T3, skeletal, fast'" . "'importin 2'" . "'importin 3', 'karyopherin beta 2b'" . "'importin 12'" . "'expanded repeat domain, CAG/CTG 4', 'CAG repeat domain', 'CUG-BP and ETR-3 like factor 3'" . "'tumor endothelial marker 6'" . "'C terminal tensin like'" . "'over-expressed breast tumor protein'" . "'translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20 homolog type II'" . "'translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 20 homolog type I'" . "'outer mitochondrial membrane translocase (34kD)'" . "'lamina associated polypeptide 1B'" . "'granulosa cell HMG box 1'" . "'Li-Fraumeni syndrome'" . "'TP53 target gene 1', 'non-protein coding RNA 96'" . "'p53 target gene 3'" . "'tryptophan 5-monooxygenase'" . "'placental protein 20', 'thiamine pyrophosphokinase 1', 'thiamine kinase', 'thiamine diphosphokinase'" . "'TPP I'" . "'brain specific protein p25 alpha'" . "'tryptase alpha II', 'tryptase beta I', 'tryptase-I', 'tryptase-II', 'tryptase-III'" . "'tryptase beta II', 'tryptase beta III'" . "'mMCP-7-like II', 'mMCP-7-like I', 'MMCP-7-LIKE-2'" . "'tryptase gamma II', 'tryptase gamma I'" . "'PTEN-related tyrosine phosphatase', 'cancer/testis antigen 44'" . "'microtubule interacting protein that associates with TRAF3'" . "'TRAF3 interacting Jun N terminal kinase (JNK) activating modulator'" . "'ring finger protein 206'" . "'OGT(O Glc NAc transferase) interacting protein 106 KDa'" . "'TRAPP 120 kDa subunit', 'tularik gene 1'" . "'trafficking protein particle complex subunit 130', 'TRAPP 130 kDa subunit'" . "'T cell receptor alpha/delta variable 38-2/DV8'" . "'T-cell antigen receptor, beta polypeptide, T-cell receptor, beta cluster'" . "'T-cell receptor beta chain V region CTL-L17 -like'" . "'T-cell receptor beta chain V region C5 -like'" . "'T-cell receptor beta chain V region'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta variable region 2, orphon'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta variable region 10, orphon'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta variable region 15, orphan, T-cell receptor, beta variable region 15, orphon'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta variable region 11, orphon'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta cluster, variable region 4, orphon', 'T-cell receptor, beta variable region 4, orphon'" . "'T-cell receptor, beta variable region, orphon cluster'" . "'alpha,alpha-trehalase', 'alpha,alpha-trehalose glucohydrolase'" . "'TREM-like transcript 1'" . "'TREM-like transcript 2'" . "'TREM like transcript 5'" . "'TREM like transcript 3'" . "'TREM like transcript 4'" . "'T-cell antigen receptor, gamma polypeptide', 'T-cell receptor, gamma cluster', 'T-cell rearranging gene, gamma'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, constant region C1'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, constant region C2'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, joining segment J1'" . "'T-cell receptor gamma joining segment J2'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, joining segment JP'" . "'T-cell receptor gamma joining segment JP1', 'T-cell receptor gamma joining P1'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, joining segment JP2'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V2'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V3'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V4'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V5'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V5P (pseudogene)'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V5P (pseudogene)'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V7 (pseudogene)'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V8'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V9'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V10'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region V11'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region VA (pseudogene)'" . "'T-cell receptor, gamma, variable region VB (pseudogene)'" . "'pyroglutamyl-peptidase II'" . "'p53-inducible cell-survival factor'" . "'pilar cyst'" . "'ring finger protein 22', 'brain expressed ring finger', 'tripartite motif protein TRIM3'" . "'tripartite motif protein TRIM4', 'tripartite motif protein 4'" . "'tripartite motif protein TRIM5', 'tripartite motif protein TRIM'" . "'glycogenin-interacting protein', 'tripartite motif protein TRIM7'" . "'glioblastoma expressed ring finger protein'" . "'estrogen-responsive B box protein'" . "'ring finger protein 16', 'RING finger protein terf', 'testis RING finger protein'" . "'tripartite motif protein TRIM29', 'ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein'" . "'transcriptional intermediary factor 1 gamma', 'ret-fused gene 7'" . "'zinc-binding protein Rbcc728', 'tripartite motif protein 36', 'RING finger protein 98'" . "'RING-B-box-coiled-coil protein'" . "'RING-finger protein that interacts with C kinase'" . "'SPRY domain containing 6'" . "'Cdc42-interacting protein'" . "'thyroid receptor interacting protein 13'" . "'HpaII tiny fragments locus 9C'" . "'tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 2'" . "'transfer RNA selenocysteine/phosphoserine (opal suppressor) 2'" . "'melastatin 2'" . "'tRNA splicing 2' phosphotransferase 1'" . "'osmosensitive transient receptor potential channel 4'" . "'glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper'" . "'teashirt 3'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 13'" . "'tsukushi'" . "'recombination hotspot associated factor'" . "'oculospanin'" . "'peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor/recognition site'" . "'WGG motif containing 1'" . "'tumor-supressing STF cDNA 2', 'asparagine-linked glycosylation 1 homolog (yeast, beta-1,4-mannosyltransferase) (ALG1) pseudogene'" . "'chromosome 14 open reading frame 20'" . "'cancer/testis antigen 72'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 4E, member 1'" . "'osmosis responsive factor'" . "'HSP70 binding protein 21'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 33'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 109'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 121'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 122'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 123'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 124'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 125'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 126'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 127'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 128'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 129'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 130'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 131'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 132'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 133'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 134'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 135'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 136'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 137'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 138'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 139'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 140'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 141'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 142'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 143'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 144'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 145'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 146'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 147'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 148'" . "'tubulin, alpha, brain-specific'" . "'tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous'" . "'alpha-tubulin isotype H2-alpha'" . "'tubulin beta MGC4083'" . "'spindle pole body protein'" . "'gamma-tubulin complex component GCP5'" . "'gamma-tubulin complex component 6'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 80'" . "'located at seventeen p thirteen point three 1'" . "'Saethre-Chotzen syndrome'" . "'sperm-specific thioredoxin 1'" . "'sperm-specific thioredoxin 2'" . "'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 15'" . "'sperm-specific thioredoxin 3'" . "'EF-hand binding protein 1'" . "'endoplasmic reticulum thioredoxin superfamily member, 18 kDa', 'anterior gradient homolog 1 (Xenopus laevis)', 'protein disulfide isomerase family A, member 16'" . "'thioredoxin (Trx)-related protein, 14 kDa'" . "'upregulated by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3', 'thioredoxin binding protein 2'" . "'thioredoxin-like, 32kD'" . "'similar to S. pombe dim1+'" . "'thioredoxin reductase beta', 'selenoprotein Z'" . "'thioredoxin glutathione reductase'" . "'gliostatin'" . "'killer activating receptor associated protein', 'DNAX-activation protein 12'" . "'tRNA-yW synthesizing protein 1 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'radical S-adenosyl methionine and flavodoxin domains 1', 'non-protein coding RNA 69'" . "'U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor (65kD)', 'splicing factor U2AF 65 kD subunit', 'U2 snRNP auxiliary factor large subunit'" . "'UBA1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'UBA2, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'UBA3, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'UBA5, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog (yeast)'" . "'UBA6, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1'" . "'UBA1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 homolog B (yeast)', 'UBA7, ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1'" . "'ribosomal protein L40', 'ubiquitin-52 amino acid fusion protein', 'ubiquitin carboxyl extension protein 52', '60S ribosomal protein L40', 'ubiquitin-CEP52'" . "'SH3 domain-containing 70 kDa protein, suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling 1, nm23-phosphorylated unknown substrate'" . "'polyubiquitin B'" . "'polyubiquitin-C'" . "'UBCH10 binding protein with a hect-like domain'" . "'NEDD8 conjugating enzyme'" . "'ubiquitin carrier protein', 'ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-24 kD', 'ubiquitin-protein ligase'" . "'UBA6-specific enzyme E2'" . "'Angelman syndrome'" . "'ubiquitin-binding protein homolog'" . "'transitional epithelia response protein'" . "'bone marrow stromal cell-derived ubiquitin-like', ' ubiquitin-like protein SB132'" . "'CTD phosphatase-like with ubiquitin domain 1'" . "'NEDD4 binding protein 4'" . "'dendritic cell derived ubiquitin like protein'" . "'erasin'" . "'socius'" . "'INO80 complex subunit R'" . "'UCH37 interacting protein 1', '26S proteasome-associated UCH interacting protein 1'" . "'glucosylceramide synthase'" . "'UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 2'" . "'Np95-like ring finger protein'" . "'receptor associated protein 80'" . "'ATG1 autophagy related 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein', 'uromucoid'" . "'olfactorin'" . "'orotate phosphoribosyl transferase and orotidine-5'-decarboxylase'" . "'ZU5 and death domain containing'" . "'smooth muscle cell associated protein-1'" . "'Sad1 unc-84 domain protein 1'" . "'uracil-DNA glycosylase 1, uracil-DNA glycosylase 2'" . "'UP Frameshift 1'" . "'uroplakin II', 'uroplakin-2'" . "'uroplakin IIIb'" . "'Basic FGF-repressed Zic-binding protein', 'CBP3 homolog (yeast)'" . "'nucleolar preribosomal-associated protein 1'" . "'congenital erythropoietic porphyria'" . "'Q-SNARE', 'SNARE-like tail-anchored protein 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'usherin'" . "'vesicle docking protein', 'transcytosis associated protein'" . "'fat facets-like homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'snRNP assembly defective 1 homolog (S.cerevisiae)', 'small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 65kDa (U4/U6.U5)'" . "'disrupter of silencing 10'" . "'hepatocellular carcinoma associated antigen 66'" . "'down regulated in metastasis'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 6E, member 12'" . "'vang, van gogh-like 2', 'loop-tail-associated protein', 'strabismus'" . "'valine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'valine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial (putative)'" . "'prefoldin 3'" . "'versican proteoglycan'" . "'metavinculin'" . "'neuro-endocrine specific protein VGF'" . "'pantetheinase'" . "'hepatocellular carcinoma related protein 1'" . "'hippocalcin-like protein 3'" . "'serum spreading factor', 'somatomedin B', 'complement S-protein'" . "'brorin', 'brain-specific chordin-like'" . "'friend of EBNA2'" . "'tryptophan tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'tryptophan tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'postacrosomal sheath WW domain-binding protein'" . "'formin binding protein 21', 'WW', 'domain-containing binding protein 4'" . "'pp21 homolog'" . "'splicing factor, PQBP1 and PP1 interacting'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 35'" . "'SWD3, Set1c WD40 repeat protein, homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'WD40-repeat protein upregulated in HCC'" . "'similar to spermatid WD-repeat protein'" . "'adipose homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'Wilms tumor associated protein'" . "'secreted growth factor'" . "'XWNT2, Xenopus, homolog of', 'wingless-type MMTV integration site family, member 13'" . "'WNT-3 proto-oncogene protein'" . "'WNT-5A protein'" . "'proto-oncogene Wnt7a protein'" . "'telomerase cajal body protein 1'" . "'WT1-interacting protein'" . "'short chain dehydrogenase/reductase family 41C, member 1'" . "'SYF1 homolog, RNA splicing factor (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'Xg pseudogene, Y-linked 1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 1'" . "'Kx antigen'" . "'xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein'" . "'RAD51-like'" . "'RAD51-like'" . "'X-ray repair, complementing defective, repair in Chinese hamster', 'DNA repair protein XRCC4'" . "'Ku autoantigen, 80kDa'" . "'Ku autoantigen, 70kDa'" . "'Ku70 binding protein 3'" . "'tyrosine tRNA ligase 1, cytoplasmic'" . "'tyrosine tRNA ligase 2, mitochondrial'" . "'R-SNARE'" . "'ischemia/reperfusion inducible protein'" . "'14-3-3 alpha'" . "'14-3-3 beta'" . "'14-3-3 delta'" . "'14-3-3 epsilon'" . "'14-3-3 gamma'" . "'14-3-3 eta'" . "'protein tau'" . "'14-3-3 zeta'" . "'INO80 complex subunit S', 'Yin and Yang 1 protein'" . "'transcription factor yin yang 2'" . "'zinc finger and BTB domain containing 7A, HIV-1 inducer of short transcripts binding protein', 'lymphoma related factor'" . "'zinc finger and BTB domain containing 15'" . "'archease'" . "'POZ (BTB) and AT hook containing zinc finger 2'" . "'repressor of GATA'" . "'MCP induced protein 1'" . "'MCP induced protein 2'" . "'MCP induced protein 3'" . "'MCP induced protein 4'" . "'likely ortholog of mouse immediate early response, erythropoietin 4'" . "'zinc finger antiviral protein', ' CCCH-type zinc finger antiviral protein'" . "'nuclear interaction partner of ALK'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 31K'" . "'protein associated with PRK1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 70'" . "'zinc-finger protein in MEN1 region'" . "'endofin'" . "'spastizin'" . "'jacalin-like lectin domain containing 2'" . "'Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 2'" . "'U11/U12 snRNP 20K'" . "'zinc finger and ZAK associated protein with KRAB domain'" . "'zinc finger protein 739'" . "'zinc finger protein 95'" . "'zinc finger protein 590'" . "'rotund homolog (Drosophila)'" . "'Talanin'" . "'OLF-1/EBF associated zinc finger gene', ' Smad- and Olf-interacting zinc finger protein', 'early B-cell factor associated zinc finger protein'" . "'similar to Zinc finger protein 85 (Zinc finger protein HPF4) (HTF1)'" . "'early hematopoietic zinc finger'" . "'zinc finger protein AF020591'" . "'Zinc finger expressed in Embryonal cells and Certain adult organs'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ23506'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ22301'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ20344'" . "'TRAF6 inhibitory zinc finger'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC48625'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC42493'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC42415'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ90430'" . "'hypothetical protein FLJ31526'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC33414'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC27466'" . "hangover homolog (Drosophila)" . "'ZFP 36 for a zinc finger protein'" . "'hypothetical protein MGC20398', 'sel-13 suppressor of lin-12 homolog (C. elegans)'" . "'putative cyclin G1 interacting protein'" . "'box C/D snoRNA essential 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)'" . "'U2(RNU2) small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor pseudogene 1'" . "'oncogene HKR2'" . "'SWIM domain containing Srs2 interacting protein 1'" . "'non-protein coding RNA 18'" .