. "\"Any process that modulates the frequency, rate, or extent of B-1 B cell differentiation. B-1 B cells are a distinct subset of B cells characterized as being CD5 positive, found predominantly in the peritoneum, pleural cavities, and spleen, and enriched for self-reactivity.\" [GOC:add, ISBN:0781735149]" . . "regulation of B-1 B cell differentiation" . "regulation of B-1 B lymphocyte differentiation" . "regulation of B-1 B-cell differentiation" . "regulation of B-1 B-lymphocyte differentiation" . "Note that immunologists typically use the word 'development' to refer to cells of B or T cell lineages undergoing the process that GO describes as 'cell differentiation'." . . "regulation of B-1 B cell development" . . .