. "SEQUENCE 404 AA; 45775 MW; A23FA246014533C0 CRC64;"^^ . "FUNCTION: Pathogen-recognition receptor expressed on the surface of immature dendritic cells (DCs) and involved in initiation of primary immune response. Thought to mediate the endocytosis of pathogens which are subsequently degraded in lysosomal compartments. The receptor returns to the cell membrane surface and the pathogen-derived antigens are presented to resting T-cells via MHC class II proteins to initiate the adaptive immune response. Probably recognizes in a calcium-dependent manner high mannose N-linked oligosaccharides in a variety of pathogen antigens, including HIV-1 gp120, HIV-2 gp120, SIV gp120, ebolavirus glycoproteins, cytomegalovirus gB, HCV E2, dengue virus gE, Leishmania pifanoi LPG, Lewis-x antigen in Helicobacter pylori LPS, mannose in Klebsiella pneumonae LPS, di-mannose and tri- mannose in Mycobacterium tuberculosis ManLAM and Lewis-x antigen in Schistosoma mansoni SEA. FUNCTION: On DCs it is a high affinity receptor for ICAM2 and ICAM3 by binding to mannose-like carbohydrates. May act as a DC rolling receptor that mediates transendothelial migration of DC presursors from blood to tissues by binding endothelial ICAM2. Seems to regulate DC-induced T-cell proliferation by binding to ICAM3 on T-cells in the immunological synapse formed between DC and T-cells. SUBUNIT: Homotetramer. Binds to many viral surface glycoproteins such as HIV-1 gp120, HIV-2 gp120, SIV gp120, ebolavirus envelope glycoproteins, cytomegalovirus gB, HCV E2 and dengue virus major envelope protein E. SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 1: Cell membrane; Single-pass type II membrane protein (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 2: Cell membrane; Single-pass type II membrane protein (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 3: Cell membrane; Single-pass type II membrane protein (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 4: Cell membrane; Single-pass type II membrane protein (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 5: Cell membrane; Single-pass type II membrane protein (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 6: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 7: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 8: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 9: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 10: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 11: Secreted (Probable). SUBCELLULAR LOCATION: Isoform 12: Secreted (Probable). ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS: Event=Alternative splicing; Named isoforms=13; Comment=Additional isoforms seem to exist. Several splicing events may be used independently in a modular way. Deletion of the transmembrane domain encoding exon through alternative splicing produces soluble isoforms; Name=1; Synonyms=mDC-SIGN1A type I; IsoId=Q9NNX6-1; Sequence=Displayed; Name=2; Synonyms=mDC-SIGN1A type II; IsoId=Q9NNX6-2; Sequence=VSP_010049; Name=3; Synonyms=mDC-SIGN1A type III; IsoId=Q9NNX6-3; Sequence=VSP_010044; Name=4; Synonyms=mDC-SIGN1A type IV; IsoId=Q9NNX6-4; Sequence=VSP_010042; Name=5; Synonyms=mDC-SIGN1B type I; IsoId=Q9NNX6-5; Sequence=VSP_010037; Name=6; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1A type I; IsoId=Q9NNX6-6; Sequence=VSP_010041; Name=7; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1A type II; IsoId=Q9NNX6-7; Sequence=VSP_010038; Name=8; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1A type III; IsoId=Q9NNX6-8; Sequence=VSP_010038, VSP_010043; Name=9; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1A type IV; IsoId=Q9NNX6-9; Sequence=VSP_010039, VSP_010040; Name=10; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1B type I; IsoId=Q9NNX6-10; Sequence=VSP_010037, VSP_010041; Name=11; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1B type II; IsoId=Q9NNX6-11; Sequence=VSP_010037, VSP_010041, VSP_010047; Name=12; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1B type III; IsoId=Q9NNX6-12; Sequence=VSP_010037, VSP_010041, VSP_010048, VSP_010050; Name=13; Synonyms=sDC-SIGN1A type IV; IsoId=Q9NNX6-13; Sequence=VSP_010037, VSP_010041, VSP_010045, VSP_010046; TISSUE SPECIFICITY: Predominantly expressed in dendritic cells and in DC-residing tissues. Also found in placental macrophages, endothelial cells of placental vascular channels, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and THP-1 monocytes. DOMAIN: The tandem repeat domain, also called neck domain, mediates oligomerization. POLYMORPHISM: Genetic variations in CD209 determine Mycobacterium tuberculosis susceptibility [MIM:607948]. POLYMORPHISM: Genetic variations in CD209 may influence susceptibility or resistance to dengue virus infection, as well as disease progression and severity [MIM:614371]. A promoter polymorphism in the CD209 gene is associated with protection from dengue fever, but not dengue hemorrhagic fever. MISCELLANEOUS: In vitro, is a receptor for HIV-1 and transmits HIV-1 either in trans without DC infection, or in cis following a DC infection to permissive T-cells to induce a robust infection. Bound HIV-1 remains infectious over a prolonged period of time and it is proposed that bound HIV-1 is not degraded but protected in non-lysosomal acidic organelles within the DCs close to the cell membrane thus contributing to the HIV-1 infectious potential during transport by DCs from the periphery to lymphoid organs. SIMILARITY: Contains 1 C-type lectin domain. WEB RESOURCE: Name=Wikipedia; Note=DC-SIGN entry; URL=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DC-SIGN\"; WEB RESOURCE: Name=Functional Glycomics Gateway - Glycan Binding; Note=DC-SIGN; URL=\"http://www.functionalglycomics.org/glycomics/GBPServlet?&operationType=view&cbpId=cbp_hum_Ctlect_00121\"; GENE SYNONYMS:CD209 CLEC4L. COPYRIGHT: Protein annotation is derived from the UniProt Consortium (http://www.uniprot.org/). Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License."^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "CD209_HUMAN"^^ . "C-type lectin domain family 4 member L"^^ . "CD209"^^ . "DC-SIGN"^^ . "DC-SIGN1"^^ . "Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing non-integrin 1"^^ . . "MSDSKEPRLQQLGLLEEEQLRGLGFRQTRGYKSLAGCLGHGPLVLQLLSFTLLAGLLVQVSKVPSSISQEQSRQDAIYQNLTQLKAAVGELSEKSKLQEIYQELTQLKAAVGELPEKSKLQEIYQELTRLKAAVGELPEKSKLQEIYQELTWLKAAVGELPEKSKMQEIYQELTRLKAAVGELPEKSKQQEIYQELTRLKAAVGELPEKSKQQEIYQELTRLKAAVGELPEKSKQQEIYQELTQLKAAVERLCHPCPWEWTFFQGNCYFMSNSQRNWHDSITACKEVGAQLVVIKSAEEQNFLQLQSSRSNRFTWMGLSDLNQEGTWQWVDGSPLLPSFKQYWNRGEPNNVGEEDCAEFSGNGWNDDKCNLAKFWICKKSAASCSRDEEQFLSPAPATPNPPPA"^^ . "CD209 antigen"^^ . .