MSH: Series of ocean waves produced by geologic events or underwater LANDSLIDES. These waves can travel at speeds averaging 450 (and up to 600) miles per hour in the open ocean.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>A tsunami is a series of huge ocean waves created by an underwater disturbance. Causes include <a href=''>earthquakes</a>, landslides, <a href=''>volcanic eruptions</a>, or meteorites--chunks of rock from space that strike the surface of Earth. A tsunami can move hundreds of miles per hour in the open ocean. It can smash into land with waves as high as 100 feet or more and cause devastating <a href=''>floods</a>. <a href=''>Drowning</a> is the most common cause of death related to a tsunami.</p><p>Although there are no guarantees of safety during a tsunami, you can take actions to protect yourself. You should have a <a href='htt