

NCI: An anticancer drug that is used to decrease estrogen production and suppress the growth of tumors that need estrogen to grow. It is a type of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor.,PDQ: A nonsteroidal inhibitor of estrogen synthesis that resembles paclitaxel in chemical structure. As a third-generation aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole selectively binds to and reversibly inhibits aromatase, a cytochrome P-450 enzyme complex found in many tissues including those of the premenopausal ovary, liver, and breast; aromatase catalyzes the aromatization of androstenedione and testosterone into estrone and estradiol, the final step in estrogen biosynthesis. In estrogen-dependent breast cancers, anastrozole may inhibit tumor growth. Check for "" active clinical trials or "" closed clinical trials using this agent. ("

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