

MSH: A feeling of restlessness associated with increased motor activity. This may occur as a manifestation of nervous system drug toxicity or other conditions.,NCI: A state of restlessness associated with unpleasant feelings of irritability and tension. Causes include pain, stress, fever, alcohol and nicotine withdrawal, cocaine and hallucinogenic drugs use, depression, bipolar disorders, and schizophrenia.,NCI: An inability to rest, relax, or be still.,NCI: A disorder characterized by an inability to rest, relax or be still.,NCI: A disorder characterized by a state of restlessness associated with unpleasant feelings of irritability and tension.,NCI: A condition in which a person is unable to relax and be still. The person may be very tense and irritable, and become easily annoyed by small things. He or she may be eager to have an argument, and be unwilling to work with caregivers to make the situation better.

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