Streptococcal Infections


MSH: Infections with bacteria of the genus STREPTOCOCCUS.,CSP: infections with bacteria of the genus Streptococcus.,MEDLINEPLUS: <p>Streptococcal infections (strep for short) cause a variety of health problems. There are two types: group A and group B. Antibiotics are used to treat both.</p><p>Group A strep causes</p> <ul> <li>Strep throat - a sore, red throat, sometimes with white spots on the tonsils</li> <li>Scarlet fever - red rash on the body</li> <li><a href=''>Impetigo</a> - a skin infection</li> <li>Toxic shock syndrome</li> <li><a href=''>Cellulitis</a> and necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease)</li> </ul><p>Group B strep can cause blood infections, pneumonia and meningitis in newborns. A screening test during pregnancy can tell if you have it. If you do, I.V. antibiotics during labor can save your baby's life. Adults can also get group B strep infections, especially if they are elderly or already

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