Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome


MSH: A syndrome of multiple defects characterized primarily by umbilical hernia (HERNIA, UMBILICAL); MACROGLOSSIA; and GIGANTISM; and secondarily by visceromegaly; HYPOGLYCEMIA; and ear abnormalities.,JABL: Enlarged tongue, omphalocele and other umbilical abnormalities, cytomegaly of the adrenal cortex, hyperplasia of gonadal interstitial cells, renal hyperplasia with medullary dysplasia, pancreatic hyperplasia, visceromegaly, and hypoglycemia with various neoplastic diseases and other disorders.,NCI: A rare, overgrowth disorder in which babies are large at birth and may develop low blood sugar. Other common symptoms are a large tongue, large internal organs, and defects of the abdominal wall near the navel. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome increases the risk of developing certain cancers, especially Wilms tumor.,NCI: A genetic syndrome caused by abnormalities in chromosome 11. It is characterized by large birth weight, macroglossia, umbilical hernia, ear abnormalities, and hypoglycemia. Patients with this syndrom

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