Renal tubular acidosis


MSH: A group of genetic disorders of the KIDNEY TUBULES characterized by the accumulation of metabolically produced acids with elevated plasma chloride, hyperchloremic metabolic ACIDOSIS. Defective renal acidification of URINE (proximal tubules) or low renal acid excretion (distal tubules) can lead to complications such as HYPOKALEMIA, hypercalcinuria with NEPHROLITHIASIS and NEPHROCALCINOSIS, and RICKETS.,CSP: rare sometimes familial disorder of the renal tubule characterized by the inability to excrete urine of normal acidity; this leads to a hyperchloremic acidosis which is often associated with one or more secondary complications such as hypercalcinuria with nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis, rickets, or osteomalacia and severe potassium depletion.,NCI: A rare disorder in which structures in the kidney that filter the blood are impaired, producing urine that is more acid than normal.,NCI: Failure of the renal tubules of the kidney to excrete urine of normal acidity resulting in metabolic acidosis. It m

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