Anesthesia machine


SPN: (a) A gas machine for anesthesia is a device used to administer to a patient, continuously or intermittently, a general inhalation anesthetic and to maintain a patient's ventilation. The device may include a gas flowmeter, vaporizer, ventilator, breathing circuit with bag, and emergency air supply. (b) A gas machine for analgesia is a device used to administer to a patient an analgesic agent, such as a nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture (maximum concentration of 70 percent nitrous oxide).,UMD: Devices that continuously or intermittently administer a mixture of gases (oxygen, nitrous oxide, and the vapor of a volatile liquid such as halogenated hydrocarbon), varying the proportion of gases in order to control the patient's level of consciousness. These devices are also designed to facilitate spontaneous, controlled, or assisted ventilation with these gas mixtures. An anesthesia system is typically comprised of four basic subsystems: a gas supply and control circuit, a breathing and ventilation circuit, a scaven

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