Pericardial sac structure


MSH: A conical fibro-serous sac surrounding the HEART and the roots of the great vessels (AORTA; VENAE CAVAE; PULMONARY ARTERY). Pericardium consists of two sacs, the outer fibrous pericardium and the inner serous pericardium. The latter consists of an outer parietal layer facing the fibrous pericardium, and an inner visceral layer (epicardium) resting next to the heart, and a pericardial cavity between these two layers.,UWDA: Serous sac that surrounds the heart. Examples: There is only one pericardial sac.,CSP: membranous sac that envelops the heart and the roots of the great vessels.,FMA: Serous sac, which has as parts the serous pericardium and the pericardial cavity . Examples: There is only one pericardial sac.,FMA: Organ cluster which has as its parts the fibrous pericardium and the pericardial sac.,NCI: A conical membranous sac filled with serous fluid in which the heart as well as the roots of the aorta and other large blood vessels are contained. (NCI),CHV: membrane sac surrounding the heart muscle,C

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