

MSH: Histamine H1 antagonist with pronounced sedative properties. It is used in allergies and as an antitussive, antiemetic, and hypnotic. Doxylamine has also been administered in veterinary applications and was formerly used in PARKINSONISM.,NCI: A first generation ethanolamine with antiinflammatory, sedative and antihistamine properties. Doxylamine competitively inhibits the histamine 1 (H1) receptor, thereby preventing the action of endogenous histamine as well as the subsequent release of pro-inflammatory mediators from basophils and mast cells. This agent acts as an inverse agonist that combines with, and stabilizes the inactive form of the H1-receptor, shifting the H1 receptor equilibrium toward the inactive state. This results in downregulation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and NF-kappaB dependent antigen presentation, chemotaxis, as well as expression of cell-adhesion molecules and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

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