pubmed-article:15021901 | pubmed:abstractText | Germline mutations of the LKB1 gene are responsible for Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), an autosomal dominant inherited disorder bestowing an increased risk of cancer. We have recently demonstrated that LKB1 inactivating mutations are not confined to PJS, but also appear in lung adenocarcinomas of sporadic origin, including primary tumors and lung cancer cell lines. To accurately determine the frequency of inactivating LKB1 gene mutations in lung tumors we have sequenced the complete coding region of LKB1 in 21 additional lung cancer cell lines. Here we describe the mutational status of LKB1 gene in 30 lung cancer cell lines from different histopathological types, including 11 lung adenocarcinomas (LADs) and 11 small cell lung cancers (SCLCs). LKB1 gene alterations were present in six (54%) of the LAD cell lines tested but in none of the other histological types. Similar to our previous observations in primary tumors, all point mutations were of the nonsense or frameshift type, leading to an abnormal, truncated protein. Moreover, 2 cell lines (A427 and H2126) harbored large gene deletions that spanned several exons. Hence, we have identified additional lung cancer cell lines carrying inactivating mutations of the LKB1 tumor suppressor gene, further attesting to the significance of this gene in the development of LADs and providing new natural LKB1 knockouts for studies of the biological function of the LKB1 protein. | lld:pubmed |